

Xvarnah --

— Xvarnah Report User
It takes a long time to do anything with J.R.R Tolkien 7 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I'd feel the exact opposite for them
It takes a long time to do anything with J.R.R Tolkien 7 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
But he never did anything unless it was worth taking a long time to do
Another ending on Twitter. Loved this plot. Maybe in ten years when GRRM decides to 8 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
-Bran, whose grand contribution is looking vaguely high the entire final two seasons and opting out of nearly every conversation, is now great leadership material because we say he is. And before anyone tries to say "he has the entire history of the world," let's not forget that he has to view each part of that history piece by piece. And he already screwed it up one of the only times he tried to use it that mattered (he had Jon written off as a bastard from Dorne and was prepared to shatter his brother's entire existence based on a false assumption he'd made. It took Samwell to reveal to him that he'd missed a HUGE portion of the story).
-Jamie is now incompetent and more interested in fighting others than protecting Cersei because we need a way to write Euron out of the script
Another ending on Twitter. Loved this plot. Maybe in ten years when GRRM decides to 8 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Which part are you talking about? Because my comment encompassed the entirety of seasons 7 and 8.
If you don't like that one, however, we can go with:
-Tyrion is now stupid and disloyal because we say he is
-Jon is now stupid and has no spine until the very end because we say he is
-Sansa is now somehow smart (despite every decision she's made in her entire life being the wrong one) and good leadership material because we say she is
-Cersei now, for the first time in her entire existence, has no back up plan because we say she doesn't
J sayin’ 76 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@jasonmon really? I thought it was a fairly garden variety troll myself. I mean, it has the raise and potential controversy, but it lacks the legibility and basic reading comprehension to truly get a rise
I'd rank it a 4.5/10
I'm something of a doctor myself 43 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@porch_light you already have a relationship with @moth
Another ending on Twitter. Loved this plot. Maybe in ten years when GRRM decides to 8 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
This would have actually been much more satisfactory, and way better than "Daenerys is now evil because we say she's evil, peasant viewer scum"
I will just keep it here.. A valid point according to me 16 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Vote? No. Complain? Absolutely.
J sayin’ 76 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
My understanding is the main issue with incest (aside from a power dynamic that can often result in non-consensual situations regardless of whether either party admits to rape) has to do with reproduction. Because it has such high stats regarding birth defects and deformities, as well as a certain degree of psychological repercussions on both the participating parties, their children, and the surrounding family unit as a whole. There's scientific reasoning behind it, it's not always just one of those "because it's icky" laws. This is why in some places opposite-sex incest is considered illegal while Same-sex relationships may not be, and the closer the familial connection (siblings, first cousins, second cousins, etc) the more likely people will object to it
There's also a religious angle but I'm not getting into that
Fantasy Names 6 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Poor old Throcky
Well, yes 3 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
How is Esmeralda not on here?
Perfect match 7 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Actually, yes. A lot of women do contouring makeup on their asses to make them appear fuller/rounder for photos
J sayin’ 76 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Hell, if a man wants a woman to carry his baby all he has to do is poke holes in the condoms. Not all women can use IEDs and pills etc in the first place.
It's all so insanely screwed up and I'm not entirely against the concept of taking all the people responsible for this out into the street and sterilizing them. See how much they like having someone else deciding what rights they have with their bodies
J sayin’ 76 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@celticrose oh no I wasn't saying that's what Grinch was getting at, I was just throwing it out there as another horrific thing that has happened, and will become an even widerspread issue if these states are allowed to get away with these horrible violations of human rights.
Some women who have attempted to get aid have been compelled by the government to sue their rapist for child support instead, essentially forcing them to be dependant on the rapist for the next 18 years, hoping the rapist won't make an attempt to contact or gain custody.
So basically a guy can rape a woman, assuming the woman successfully gets him prosecuted, the government can still then say "you MUST carry your rapists baby, and you MUST provide care, and if you need help you MUST rely on the man who raped you." All because abortion makes them feel icky, and actually looking out for women and children is apparently an abstract concept in their eyes.
Women are victims 21 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Don't worry, he didn't. He came at her with statistical inaccuracies and a lack of context, thereby misrepresenting many of the issues at hand. He has a point that men suffer as well, but his representation of said issue is not correct
When you open on Monday and see all the posts are of GOT 2 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Oddly I've seen more sexism/feminism/etc posts than GoT posts today
Bye guys -shikharizard 57 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
So just to be clear: he harassed you by calling you a psycho, which is fine because you ARE a psycho... but you're still mad about being called a psycho?
If you don't care that he's gone why on earth are you here on the post saying he's leaving? Commenting multiple times about how little you care about something indicates the exact opposite of an incapability to "care less."
Also I love the fact that you have declared him a bad person for calling you out on your own behaviour, but show up here like you have the moral high ground when you do the same. Except you're doing it when he's not even around to defend himself.
All that said, let's sum this up:
-you both agreed you're a psycho
-you're fine with this and also insanely riled up about it
-neither of you care the other is no longer around. At least one of you cares a whole lot less than the other, I guarantee, but nevertheless.
Glad we could get that sorted and put on the shelf
J sayin’ 76 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Tbh if the government and all these wannabe do-gooders really gave even a QUARTER of a damn about children, they would focus on fixing the goddamn foster care system. Or helping the kids that have been victimized/traumatized. Helping the ones in abusive homes. Adopting the ones without parents.
The fact that these people are more concerned about forcing feetuses into the world in horrific conditions than aiding the growing children already suffering is proof that these people do NOT actually give a single flying fuck about saving lives. This is entirely about control, and the fact that any of it was allowed to pass is one of the sickest failures of justice in the world to date
J sayin’ 76 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
@the_grinch the government has compelled victims to seek child support from their rapists before
@puma1 I don't think the_grinch was advocating for suicide at all. He was just saying he understands why women would be inclined to turn to it. And I can't guarantee that wouldn't be on my mind in that situation either
As for the gun thing I have no bloody idea what that's supposed to mean. Who has the gun here? Is the vagina the gun? The penis? The feetus?
Women are victims 21 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I addressed this in a different thread but those stats aren't even super accurate/relevant in the manner they're presented
Helpless hoc Wasp 38 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Mocking birds are very territorial birds. My understanding is a lot of bird watchers have trouble with them harassing and hogging feeders when they put them out
@funkmasterrex where I'm at the Robins don't get to be territorial. They might be able to take on all the sparrows and things, but they're entirely too tiny to deal with the magpies, crows, and falcons. The crows and falcons battle it out every year, though they usually end up sharing. Especially once the falcon chicks grow up. The crows are fine when there's a murder and they can gangbang a single falcon, but we once had a family of 5 falcons and the crows didn't stand much of a chance when they worked together
Artwork I Found 8 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
It really is. She has a lot of stuff in a similar style, but the colours on this one really flow so nicely :)
First I thought it was Viserys 4 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
title 29 comments
xvarnah · 5 years ago
That IS his intended purpose after all