"Those who matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter." Everyone needs to be reminded of this and live life with those who care!
— yeppers17 Report User
Some people treat it like it's a g*dd*mn holiday. 39 comments
· 10 years ago
Okay! That makes much more sense. Once again I know many people can get offended and wasn't trying to, but it was humorous if it had a reason to it or a joke behind it. :)
Some people treat it like it's a g*dd*mn holiday. 39 comments
· 10 years ago
About the "Seagulls" I wasn't trying to be rude which is why I was asking first because it was the Seattle Seahawks that played... Once again I wasn't trying to be rude, but was curious.
And in response to the whole post in general I see how some may feel overwhelmed by it and several fans do go a bit overboard, but I am personally a major football fan. Majority of my family and friends are or did play football and has always been a part of my life. I honestly love so much about the sport in general and genuinely enjoy it! I see how some of you may not like it or have a connection to it, but I feel some fans may go overboard because like myself they have personal connections to it even if that isn't an excuse for the excessive stunts they sometimes pull.
And in response to the whole post in general I see how some may feel overwhelmed by it and several fans do go a bit overboard, but I am personally a major football fan. Majority of my family and friends are or did play football and has always been a part of my life. I honestly love so much about the sport in general and genuinely enjoy it! I see how some of you may not like it or have a connection to it, but I feel some fans may go overboard because like myself they have personal connections to it even if that isn't an excuse for the excessive stunts they sometimes pull.
Smart kid 6 comments
· 10 years ago
He needed to leave the notes in for the first half then if he got caught he could shut it and they would look in the from and leave some blank in the back. Those are the 2 spots they look
This is not ok and it needs to stop 39 comments
A quote from 600 AD, and still some parents don't realize 7 comments
· 10 years ago
What I took from it was that you can take experience from how you were raised, but you should take into consideration it is a different time and help raise them to succeed in this society. I don't feel like it is saying don't take out the ethics that you want to teach, but let them grow and succeed in a society they are growing in.
This is not ok and it needs to stop 39 comments
· 10 years ago
I read a book about Oogy and it is probably one of the most emotional books I have read yet has so many lessons anyone should learn no matter what. This book is truly amazing and has some things happening we all should hear about to know more of what is happening right in front of our eyes that we don't even notice.
So I visited my grandparents yesterday 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Now they just need a 3rd bell for Girl Scout Cookies and Boy Scout Popcorn sellers XD
Edited 10 years ago
Every meal I eat 18 comments
· 10 years ago
My response always is well if it is my favorite food it is good no matter the temperature.
My problem 18 comments
The campaign manager wasn't sharp enough to see that one coming 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Maybe they are smart enough to realize majority of the population looses a pencil before reaching that small size. XD