

— ZippyTheRoach Report User
Her majesty 3 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
It's said that she also intentionally dragged the scene out as bit, so the part where Bond looks nervous is just Daniel Craig wondering how to deal with the queen of England forgetting her line. No idea how one would verify that, but I think it's fun head canon.
Just really inconvenient when we’re this busy 3 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
You're not in the IT department and had admin rights?
Marvelous faltering Lark 2 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
For a second I thought the cat was the smallest feeblest boggart.
Wow... My heart 3 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Every episode is Brain trying to take over the world, and this is Pinky's letter to Santa
Never buying chips: a tragedy in two acts 6 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
I do the same with cookies. Occasionally someone takes pitty on me and buys me cookies. Angry, resentful snacking occurs.
Comments are fixed 8 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
It's weird. I can't comment from the main feed, but if I click on a meme title to view just that meme the comment section suddenly works.
This is on mobile btw
3 · Edited 3 years ago
Snowman on a Soviet scale, circles 1962 2 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Circles 1962? I think those are shperes 1962
soul 3 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Fool tried to steal the ginger's soul
Small pitching disabling Trout 4 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Modern problems require outstanding moves
We played ourselves 2 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Insane in da memebrain 2 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
You get what you fucking deserve
How to infect the world, a guide 5 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Tyo settle down, or I'm telling the Russians
Sad 7 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
And when they play the music on those shity store announcement speakers, it's like they're trying to ruin it for anyone who's not heard it before.
Palm trees in Cocora Valley, Colombia. Horse for scale 4 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Fuck giraffes
Give me stupid appliances 2 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Same. Now that I think about it, I bet commercial appliances built for restaurants don't have that crap. Probably last longer too.
Folks be like; my Internet slow must be virus 1 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
This is what I imagine when someone shrugs of preventative maintenance by saying "if it aint broke, don't fix it".
GOOOOOd question 3 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
I dunno, I image any male water benders would do this anytime they where drunk
The backstory we've all.Been waiting for but don't deserve 2 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Don't taunt me like that, I'm not strong enough
Local Bog Friend Does Not Appreciate Being Befriended 9 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Put that back before Wednesday my dude.
The US gotta calm the f down 6 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Don't bother folks, it's a conspiracy site
Boris is a British name 1 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Oh shit, you're right. British crappy science meme!
This is the way? 2 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Wait, no, he's got a point
Babe I got a good deal 5 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Looks a bit like a British centurion to me
Mission failed successfully 2 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Task failed successfully
Circa 1935 women’s march 6 comments
zippytheroach · 3 years ago
Yeah, but it's silly. We know the year the photo is from so why put some vague number on it? Prohibition ended in '33 anyway.