

— ZippyTheRoach Report User
Standard Time is coming 1 comments
zippytheroach · 34 weeks ago
Posted with Internet Explorer
I don't know who needs to see this today but .. 4 comments
zippytheroach · 46 weeks ago
That one meatball in the spaghetti has a face
A beautiful ending 1 comments
zippytheroach · 47 weeks ago
Just 5 more minutes please 2 comments
zippytheroach · 48 weeks ago
I'm pretty sure that's just Rico hacking up an explosive
He awaits in the glass of milk for the cookies to draw close 2 comments
zippytheroach · 48 weeks ago
So he ambushes cookies that are on the counter? Yeah, that checks out
Basically 1 comments
zippytheroach · 50 weeks ago
Unfortunately, you have to decide if that's just us being normal
Poor telescope 2 comments
zippytheroach · 50 weeks ago
How fucking old is this meme?
2 · Edited 50 weeks ago
.s 3 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
We could call those shoeless people "insoles"
Learn new, marketable skills 2 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
@happy_frog if you don't know, now you know
Man, the eighties were wild man. 4 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
This age will be remembered as grey
Insert Starwars joke here 2 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
Yes, but they really wanted to make that millennial falcon joke
Shark Attack '23 #1 - It's Sharkin' Time! 2 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
A union holiday
That sure is a good mouse 2 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
But that's a cool gaming hamster
Diogenes rebukes Plato at The Academy, circa 387 BCE 1 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
MickeyDee with that Diogenes energy
Who dares summon me?! 1 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
Just casually ignoring the assassin sign
@SilverTalon 1 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
I thought this said good fight
Which one are y'all picking? 6 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
Who looks after the immortal cat after I'm dead?
1 · Edited 1 year ago
Women as birth machines 4 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
What concert?
For shame! 3 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
Holistic practices 3 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
Or, you know, have redundant IT systems
Which are you doing? 3 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
8 is as close as this gets to Skyrim yarl, so let's go with that
Gen Z strikes again !! 8 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
Sssh! They've found a new scape goat!
Do y’all actually be out here eating warm cereal?! Milk first?! 1 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
Cereal is gazpacho, not soup
For your next argument 4 comments
zippytheroach · 1 year ago
And wankclown, don't forget wankclown