

Zombiestitcher Report User
I'm 23 and took an hour drive with my parents 13 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
As long as you didn't offer some helpful hints and tips, it's all good.
The correct way to play Jenga 24 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Yeah, he must have the total girth of an HB pencil. Also they kind of inflate and swing up like a Nazi salute, not out flat horizontal like an unfurling party horn as shown here.
Simpler times 4 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Beer used to play quite a large part in the diets of people through the ages especially if you were doing manual work and you need the carbohydrates. Of course the alcohol content used to be slightly lower than some commercially brewed beers available now because the alcohol was a preservative for the drink rather than something to get you drunk. Nothing stopping you from having a beer at breakfast in your own home as long as (a) you don't have to be driving anywhere, (b) you can burn off those extra calories and (c) you don't mind that your liver will be shot in a few decades if you drink everyday without giving it a break.
The weirdest thing we'll see in the new Star Wars movie 9 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
They should have the sound of a light saber starting up when the little star thingy makes it's arc over the Disney castle.
Color your car's dashboard 8 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Use Post-It notes to color your dashboard and miss that red warning light that would have actually caught your eye when it first came up but was lost in the Christmas lights that pass as your dashboard. And now your car is f*cked. There's a very good reason why your dashboard is boring and color coded by the manufacturers. They employ psychologists to test and check their designs. They want you to get the car seen to a.s.a.p.
Wall sockets from around the world 35 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
When I see a porn clip and there's no dialogue I look for a wall socket in the shot so I can figure out which country it's from. I could have put this in a confessions bear meme.
Mother of friendzone 23 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
He's been frandddd zoned.
Dining etiquette 17 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
I like this new knife and fork semaphore system. I mean who's got time to say a word or two when it's chow down time?
This tattoo is epic 16 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
It's a tattoo of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. If you liked the movie than it's epic. If you couldn't get more than half way through before shouting at the TV and switching it off in disgust then you might find it less than epic.
Stats 27 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Plot twist: After the stats you get the option "Replay" or "Continue to Next Level".
The Unhated Countries 54 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Isn't there a bit actually in Canada that speaks French and doesn't some to like Canada?
It's a Tron Lamborghini. No, I'm serious 4 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
If it was in blue it'd be Automan's car. Probably not many people remember Automan though. Man, that show sucked.
Efficient design 15 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
I think the shade is probably just a bit of a bonus and wasn't really a big feature of the design.
That is a huge tree 5 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
My father-in-law cut down a tree recently and the cavity inside contained a rats nest. They jumped out of the stump when the chainsaw got switched off because they thought the coast was clear. It was like a rat fountain. I didn't know my father-in-law screamed like Ned Flanders until that day.
23 · Edited 10 years ago
Release the butterflies 25 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Too bad I'm already married because I'd like to take this idea and make it a prank to remember. It'd say "Butterflies" on the pack but instead inside there'd be wasps. Did I say "too bad" t the start? Probably should have said "good job".
Disney's best kept secret 22 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
The ship in Frozen disappears after a large wave goes over it. The ship in Tarzan catches fire and explodes. The ship wreck at the bottom of the sea in The Little Mermaid is sunk but intact and is one of many ship wrecks in the same area indicating a major shipping hazard area. It's a nice theory but it seems unlikely all three ships could be the same.
awkward! 19 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Because he played Robin John Blake (he preferred not to use the name Robin and just went by the name John Blake) in The Dark Knight Rises and when Bruce Wayne fakes his death he passes on the knowledge of his Batcave thus inferring that "Robin" takes over the crime fighting.
At least with the games that I play 33 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
I like PC games because of the Modding community who make awesome games more awesome.
Happy ass 5 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Kind of sure those aren't actually asses but miniature donkeys. Google Images all variations of "ass", "miniature ass", "horses ass", "donkey ass" to check. Gives up and has to take a shower.
Catching bad guys back in the prohibition days 3 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
".... and we're also going to charge you with some really, really bad parking."
History repeating itself 27 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Hitler actually gained power in the 1930s rather than the 1920s. He was in jail for a bit in the 1920s, it's where he wrote Mein Kampf. Don't know if we should keep an eye out for sh*t books in 2020s just in case.
Incredible 9 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
So ... he's a bookseller.
How the movie industry works nowadays 39 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
Your point about quality may be valid but (1) The Iron Giant was an original box office flop because Warner Bros' marketing. It was really epically mismanaged and this was back in 1999 before social media would have pushed the publicity up via word of mouth. With the public and critics it's still ranked pretty high. (2) The Last Airbender was a domestic flop but recouped money on foreign sales. A lot of people I know who went to see it only did so because they liked the animated series. Critically it's seen as a big pile of stinking doggy do-dos. (3) How To Train Your Dragon 2 has already made back it's money and that's before DVD & Blu-ray sales. It also has high critic and public ranking - so I'm not sure what your problem is with this film.
What's more awkard than your dad walking into this 13 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
What's more awkward? Your mom walking in wearing the same outfit and wanting to join in. No, scrub that. Your brother walking in wearing the same outfit and wanting to join in. No. Scrub that. No, your entire family including grandpa and grandma wearing the same outfit and wanting to join in while squirting lube all over the carpet and your Star Trek poster and you're like "What the f*ck? I can't get lube out of a poster." and the entire mood is killed and people are just standing around now. That would be awkward.
What in the holy hell man 3 comments
zombiestitcher · 10 years ago
This is why she hearts mommy and not you.