Zachary Proctor


— Zachary Proctor Report User
This is what my dad always said to me, too 5 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
Who did you want to get away from more? Billy or Mandy?
Barry: Whats your superpower again? Bruce: Im rich 20 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
See, now I think he's an ok Batman. He works as an older more jaded version, but their timeline doesn't fit... Older Batman, but all the other heroes are just starting? Batman looks close to retiring, but the Justice League is just forming? This is what doesn't work for me. The way I see it, Affleck is doing his best but DC has terrible directors doing their best to screw up the live action movies.
A link between two worlds 7 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
Why is his sword bent so much?
Now I'm the one crying 5 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
It's scripted and they practice to not really hurt eachother, but they are in shape and do a lot of impressive stuff. So, its about 2/3 fake?
An old man that never left the emo phase 185 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
Doggo facts 8 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
I hope you live on a lot of land.
The guy should have gotten life 14 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
According to the YouTube channel AfterPrisonShow literally the worst thing to be called is a ChoMo because someone WILL likely kill you.
What is love? 6 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
This things projectiles were bigger than a Volkswagon, it was intended to take down siege walls.
The infinity stones explained 5 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
@ladydeadpool What about the 7th infinity gem? The Continuity Gem!
Women have natural pockets 5 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
Which show/ movie is this from. I'm way behind.
Or you're part of Peaky Blinders 12 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
My uncle calls it a cow-poop hat
Crazy stuff 4 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
The only answer I've ever been given is "All their songs sound the same."
Gonna need a senzu 5 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
"a Krillin" ha!
What if a game like this exists 12 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
The game Dead Realms is similar to this, it has a variety of monsters and gamemodes. It's currently kind of dead, but if enough people were to start playing it could be revived.
Vanos was one of the people working on it.
Something I can agree with 8 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
Student A- works on math assignment, draws square root symbol
Student B- "You know, that looks kind of like a gun."
Multiple Students- start talking about it
Student B- makes comment that when *taken out of context* sounds like threat
Police- investigate home of Student B, find no evidence of intention to harm
anyone, say "The student used extremely poor judgment in making the comment"
School Board- yet to take action but will determine disciplinary action against Student B
Hmm 12 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
I've had blueberry-cobbler flavored candycorn
Quite interesting 3 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
Because it's a trick question that even fewer people would know the answer than if it was a normal trick question
Finally a pidgey! 12 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
I used mine on Entei.
Kitty! 3 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
This comic makes me happy 5 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
Looks more like a Red Panda to me
Try again b*tch 5 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
find out yet?
Tic Tacs are just sugar but are sugar free 10 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
Apparently the sugar companies are the reason why everyone thinks fat in foods is so bad for you and everyone is fat (remove fat-> food tastes bad-> add sugar-> makes people fat)
Exposed 7 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
He wants to have fun with his channel and reach. Also you try and keep yourself busy on long daily bus/plane rides while on tour.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Another one gone 9 comments
zproctor · 7 years ago
What is the bushy-stached guy from?