User abrnrd Banned

Ever found something so adorable you just needed to hug it? 11 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
I wanna hug him so bad! I'm hugging my phone right now I wanna hug him so badly
This is accurately sad. 4 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
On the first week of 2nd quarter my teachers gave to me *insert rest of song above here*
How to: Halloween Decor 8 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Store bought flames are the crappiest kind of flames you can get! They just don't make store bought flames like they used too
This is what happens to your brain if you have Alzheimer's or a Drinking Problem... 13 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
That's so scary to think that my dad's brain probably looks like the alcoholic one. I don't know it's just so scary to think about all the alcohol can do and destroy lives at the same time
Why I like Leo 12 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Oh did I help him maybe... Did I sign up for this? ;);)
teacher's penmanship skills 19 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Ya my school stopped teaching cursive a couple years after I was in 2nd grade. I'm a sophomore in high school now. I think it's sad that they don't teach it anymore
Here.. Have a slice of disappointment 19 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
*eats a slice of disappointment*
Brenda 17 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
I didn't mean that. Sorry I didn't realize what you were saying
Strong, Independent Woman 6 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
I don't need a man, I need a Big Mac!
I wonder how many Americans know this... 56 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Actually in the pledge of allegiance it states that we are a republic. I remember my 6th grade teacher saying I will prove to you that Usa is not a democracy and then made us say the pledge of allegiance and pointed out the line where it says "I pledge of allegiance to the flag and the Republic which it stands" so that proves we are a republic.
Girl Who Suffers From Narcolepsy Shows You What It's Like To Live With It 28 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Wow that was really shocking! Before I had watched this video I had no idea that narcolepsy even existed but now I know and I know how horrible it ca be. Stay strong fighter! I know you can do it Soldier!
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Brenda 17 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Sorry but I researched this and that women in the contract is not Brenda but Ruth Frey so I believe Hexy is right about this one!
Brenda 17 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
This man is is so fucking messed up! That's horrible and sickening! She is not your fucking Slave!
Even if you don't remember how you got it 5 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Brenda 17 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Run Brenda! Get the fuck out of there Brenda before you end up dead!
Poor clueless kid 17 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
That is suitable because he looks like he is completely done with life
Then I nap on the couch until I stumble to bed at 2am 10 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Apply some ice to where guest just got burned
Kitten bookmarks are a big hit 5 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Where'd you buy yours? I really want a kitten bookmark but can't find them anywhere
Is anyone up for a game of Hide And Seek? 6 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
AWWW you silly kitties
Teddy Bear Bodyguard :) 18 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Thanks all valiant soldiers of the night! Thank you teddies! *hugs teddy bear extra tight*
Most girls fall for this trick 12 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
call the fire department on that burn
Have a good day 46 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
Oh the feels. Lies down, tries not cry, cries a lot
Some tumblr so you don't have to 13 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
It took me 5 minutes of staring to get the sims one *facepalm*
It's called "The Benjamin Franklin effect." 5 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
When I know someone doesn't like me and they do this to me it's like being walked on! I hate it!
But you didn't 29 comments
abrnrd · 9 years ago
This never fails to make me cry