Just a girl obsessed with things... just like the rest of the Funsubstance family
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What Colours Mean 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I have the good sides of blue and the bad sides of green. My favorite color is turquoise, which is a mix of the two. Yet turquoise doesn't describe me as well?
Roadtrips 4 comments
· 10 years ago
As a person who had to drive 6 hours to a new house with both, this is incredibly accurate.
Someone drew Thor on a suede chair 22 comments
When I walk in on my dog getting into the trash 13 comments
· 10 years ago
The other day my cat was ripping a hole through his food bag and didn't see me come up behind him so he jumped really high and scratched my knee when he came down. So now it has a small bruise with a scab in the middle. And I was wearing pants!
The campaign manager wasn't sharp enough to see that one coming 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Maybe they're saying that you'll think drugs are good the more you lose or that drugs make you dumber and not 'sharper'
Get this guy a medal 9 comments
· 10 years ago
That's not true at all... As a kid with divorced parents, I can tell you I am more mature and independent than most kids my age. And I know others are the same way, one of my best friends is the most independent person I've ever met and she has divorced parents. Also, another girl I know who has divorced parents has a boyfriend and they are happy. And why would that make you afriad of commitment? Just because your parents marriage didn't work out doesn't mean yours won't. Please consider things before you comment them...
Imagining dragons 21 comments
That...that does make me feel better 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Mt. Olympus wasn't climbable and it's not like they had the supplies to either.
Two different viewpoints...what would you do? 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah, but some kids that are mature will ask for things they actually NEED. Like mature poor kids would know the value of things beside candy and toys and ask for a house or food.
A cute Love Story 29 comments
· 10 years ago
I think I saw another version of this story and it said that 'things will always get better' and then had a picture of this girl taking a calculator to prom one year, and then winning prom queen the next.
im just gonna leave this here 62 comments
· 10 years ago
My 5th grade teacher lit a desk on fire. Not very safe around 10-11 year olds, but...
Galileo's original telescope 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Well it's similar, not exact. It just reminded me of them at first glance.
a metafour 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Agustus: And why are you dating my Hazel Grace Lancaster?
Four: Well, why are you dating your sister, Prior? Tris is mine, and she's not Hazel.
Four: Well, why are you dating your sister, Prior? Tris is mine, and she's not Hazel.
You would know, you murderous barber :D 16 comments
· 10 years ago
And is in fact frowned upon in most societies.
Edited 10 years ago
Modesty In a Picture 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Me too, atheist, but I like to learn about religions even if I don't believe in them. I find them interesting.
Modesty In a Picture 17 comments
· 10 years ago
No, because the old pope was the first one to ever resign. The other popes before him died and you can't really take all that stuff to the afterlife. They were following the tradition, so the new pope got all the stuff passed down but decided not to use it. (Pope enthusiasts, correct me if I'm wrong)
5 seconds without Oxygen 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Doubling the amount of oxygen seemed like paradise until the GIANT INSECTS! Nevermind gas mileage, happiness, paper airplanes, and performance.
Just get real, these things aren't as beautiful as you think 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I think it means war and the unfair treatment of blacks, gays, even some women, etc.