How to tell the consistency of your steak with your hands 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Get a fucking burger. Dumbass.
How to tell the consistency of your steak with your hands 8 comments
· 10 years ago
If you get a well done steak while you're sitting with me you're either moving to a whole different table or I'm punching you in the face
Got a badass over here 2 comments
Yes, it's true. 18 comments
Jif 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Before I really knew what one was this girl kept saying she sent these guys a gif and I thought she was saying gift and I was like why do you keep calling it a gift when you basically just sent them porn and then someone else said "JIF fool" and I was just like why didn't you say that in the first place hahaha
This guy should be some crazy villain 12 comments
Just putting this out there 2 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm a donor and so is one of my best friends. We always joke about when we die though that all our organs are just gonna be complete shit and totally worthless from all of the horrible shit we put in our bodies on a regular basis
Dayuuum 10 comments
It's okay guys! 23 comments
It's okay guys! 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Yall have never kissed/fucked someone within the first couple hours of meeting them?
For those with a morbid sense of humor 7 comments
For those with a morbid sense of humor 7 comments
You could say that 16 comments
So cats WILL lay anywhere 5 comments