

"That's" -She

— asuremissfire Report User
Apple you sneaky bastards 19 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
The masses, they are awakening...
The more I watch new youtube music videos the more I believe in this 36 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
I think what folk_the_lore is trying to say, and what most of us feel is that most mainstream music currently is not composed by raw talent. It doesn't rise up from obscurity to become well known. Music is now manufactured. It's created by a label, passes through many hands, is edited/perfected in a studio (music engineers are trained to create addictive songs that as humans we are attracted to), and a pretty/handsome face is found to sing it all while using sex appeal/"swaggness" factor to sell this "music". Essentially, the heart and soul has been cut out of it.
The more I watch new youtube music videos the more I believe in this 36 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
I can relate. I just stick to my 70's classic rock bands (Queen, Led Zepplin, ACDC, Aerosmith, etc) and drown everything else out. I am pretty much have my dad's taste in music also.
What! A SON! How?! 12 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
Can't the Scarlett Witch do that too? I've been told (not sure if this is true), that she pretty much created a timeline where she kills everyone on earth?
We need to build this 44 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
;P Well, if you chose to be part of the problem, I can't help you.
I see that you are an investor. Hmmm, seems like you enjoy big business and profits. Maybe it's more like you're scared of Noam Chomsky, since his views threaten your way of life. Interesting. Tsk Tsk.
So are you the man in the limousine telling me the other man in the limousine is wrong? Hmmm...
· Edited 8 years ago
We need to build this 44 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
Lol, watch this documtary (just linking trailer), then feel free to "for Pete's Sake" me :P
We need to build this 44 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
Um, care to explain why this was down voted? Lol.
We need to build this 44 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
Hydro-electric dams are far from the answer..
We need to build this 44 comments
asuremissfire · 8 years ago
One phrase:
Big oil companies.
Who do you think destroyed the railroads, and has blocked electric car development?
When you finally get a date 6 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
This is so horribly accurate, especially during winter....
Sleep? Pffft, who needs that? Not me, ahahahahahahahaha, I'm fine!!!!!! 11 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
These will get your brain to shut up so you can fall asleep in no time.
My friends disagree :( (Am I right?) 38 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
So, out of curiosity, what is your view on gay/lesbian couples? If they are men should they both work? If women should they both stay home?
My friends disagree :( (Am I right?) 38 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
The companies that send bills don't care if you're male or female. As long as they get paid, it doesn't matter.
End of discussion.
Today this came into my mind 35 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
Honestly, I would be excited to watch because in all honesty, I don't remember all of it because: A. I was too young, B. I was too busy in my own thoughts to actually take a second to look and enjoy where I was in life.
when people use bible scriptures to justify their agenda 5 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
Haha! I got a genuine belly laugh out if this!! xD
Gettin real sick of your shit deGrasse 9 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
I like this one, as much as I love Neil deGrasse Tyson, he could chill out a little bit. He def got served.
Actual facts you say? 101 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
LOL! Welp, That's all I needed to see. It can def die now.
Actual facts you say? 101 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
Well, lets see if he'll respond, but I doubt he will, he may be smart enough to know when he's losing. I'd love to see how he justifies himself.
Actual facts you say? 101 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
This one is my favorite ;), Doesn't the bible say not to be sexually promiscuous??
c31107 · 1 week ago
*Remembers when I asked a girl I was "dating" via LDR if her hymen was intact. I cringe every time I think about it
Also, isn't divorcing wrong in the bible?
c31107 · 1 day ago
Divorce her. You're free to remarry being the innocent party; she isn't. Screw the loan.
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Actual facts you say? 101 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
I like you, you know how to hit a hypocritical narcissist "christian" (if we can even call him that, cause he really isn't deserving of that title) where he can't pretend he's above judgement.
Suddenly can't come out and play? I see you had no rebuttals against my two comments. The bible truths hurting too much for you? Or are you too "blind" to acknowledge I'm right?
3 · Edited 9 years ago
Actual facts you say? 101 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." Matt 7:2
Read your bible more, because according to your religion, the way your treating us is the way god will treat you at judgement day.
Your self righteous, holier than thou attitude is not making believers. Whether you chose to recognize it or not, your god did not intend to make people feel guilty or scared to follow him. Rather he claims to be "love".
This pretty much means that you are the reason many people do not like religion in the first place, because you assume you know how god and the bible intended to reach people. Has it occurred to you the reason people react so badly to your FS Christian crusade is because you're doing wrong?
You have a lot to work on yourself before you go about telling others how to live their life. Again, maybe you should clean up the pride on the inside of your "cup" so the outside doesn't look so self serving.
Actual facts you say? 101 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
Not to throw a wrench on your argument, but the bible was originally written in Greek, and then translated into Hebrew, a lot was lost in translation. When the king James version was written, a lot was omitted and altered. The English bible we have now actually isn't truly even near the original text. So, to say that "woman" came from the bible is wrong (because that's English) because Greek language was around longer than the bible was, and the word origins that the man in the post are referring to LONG predate the bible.
And if you wonna play that game"
"How terrible it will be for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but on the inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup, so that its outside may also be clean" Matt 23
I know a judgmental bible basher when I see one. Do your religion and us a favor, and keep it to yourself.
Deadpool 2 14 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
WITH CABLE! *squeals with excitement*
A microbiological culture of an 8-Year old's handprint after playing outside 14 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
There are more natural flora (aka symbiotic bacteria) on/in the human body than there are human cells.
Flora of the hand lives on/in the dead Keratin cells of the skin.
More than likely, many of the microbe growths shown on this agar gel are the child's natural flora.
Because natural flora is highly competitive for real-estate, the majority of pathogens that children/adults picked up are actually destroyed by normal flora. The very few that do are usually phagocytized by macrophages/neutrophils.
And the ones that get past that make us sick, BUT the immune system creates antibodies to fight and protect against future infection from the same organism.
So, in short, this picture isn't really that scary. Let your kids get sick, I makes their immune systems stronger
Armed Forces & Free Shit 36 comments
asuremissfire · 9 years ago
Um...what world are you living in?