Tumblr: fireflyawayfromhere.tumblr.com
Love for your job 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm terrified of ending up like Squidward
Soul mates 129 comments
· 10 years ago
(4 sorry this is so long) Curious to see who my rescuer was, I turned my head at a slight angle and shifted my gaze upwards. The first responder, a dark-haired man in a firefighter uniform, smiled. A sense of safety washed over me. I was going to live. I didn't have my clock, but I was going to live. Maybe things weren't so hopeless.
I felt overwhelming gratitude for the firefighter. Just him being there, whispering soothing words as the others worked on getting the car upright, was the most comforting thing anyone could ever do for me. We locked eyes and I mouthed my thanks.
Just then his clock hit zero.
I felt overwhelming gratitude for the firefighter. Just him being there, whispering soothing words as the others worked on getting the car upright, was the most comforting thing anyone could ever do for me. We locked eyes and I mouthed my thanks.
Just then his clock hit zero.
Soul mates 129 comments
· 10 years ago
(3) Tears pearled in the sockets of my eyes and soaked my eyelashes. I hadn't even so much as glanced at the clock in years. Watching the black digits counting down to my fate caused me too much stress, so I'd always just cloaked my wrist with an assortment of bracelets and hairbands. Now I'd never know for sure who The One would be.
I had been so hopeful. My life was successful before this. I studied hard and became a science teacher at a university. I had a nice house, good pay, good potential, I made sure everything was perfect so my future soulmate would be impressed. But now it was all hopeless.
I was shuddering and sobbing quietly to myself as the first responder stooped next to my window. A gentle hand rested on my free arm. "Stay calm, sweetie. We're gonna get you out of there, alright?"
"Uh huh," I mumbled hoarsely. I sniffled.
I had been so hopeful. My life was successful before this. I studied hard and became a science teacher at a university. I had a nice house, good pay, good potential, I made sure everything was perfect so my future soulmate would be impressed. But now it was all hopeless.
I was shuddering and sobbing quietly to myself as the first responder stooped next to my window. A gentle hand rested on my free arm. "Stay calm, sweetie. We're gonna get you out of there, alright?"
"Uh huh," I mumbled hoarsely. I sniffled.
Soul mates 129 comments
· 10 years ago
(2) Now, suspended by my seatbelt and with all the blood rushing to my head, I began to panic. What do I do? Don't turn my head. Was I going to make it? A little click and a beep froze my thoughts. My clock. I slowly lifted my wrist to my face. My jaw dropped in horror. No, no, no ... the tiny glass frame had snapped completely in two, leaving one half dangling from one delicate wire. Numbers flickered across the screen for a few moments before it beeped again and my clock went dark.
The pain came then. It rocketed through my body, coarsed through every vein. I could feel a shattered rib prodding up at the tender skin of my chest. Bile crawled up my throat. I didn't care. My clock was broken, my hopes and dreams had snapped to pieces.
Edited 10 years ago
The pain came then. It rocketed through my body, coarsed through every vein. I could feel a shattered rib prodding up at the tender skin of my chest. Bile crawled up my throat. I didn't care. My clock was broken, my hopes and dreams had snapped to pieces.
Soul mates 129 comments
· 10 years ago
Here goes nothing!
The faint wailing of approaching ambulances snapped me out of my stupor. I blinked hard. What happened? I was in my car, yet something seemed ... off. Apart from the shattered glass in front of me and the slowly deflating airbag beneath my chin, gravity didn't seem to be pulling me in the right direction. I was so disoriented, until I shuddered with realization: I was upside down.
I had been late for work that morning. My alarm clock failed to wake me and I'd overslept. Bolting out of bed, I grabbed whatever clothes I could get my hands on first, then left without even having time to brush my teeth. Speeding down the freeway, I begun to text one of my coworkers: hey, sorry to bother you. Im going to be a bit la
I wasn't paying attention. I veered off he road.
The faint wailing of approaching ambulances snapped me out of my stupor. I blinked hard. What happened? I was in my car, yet something seemed ... off. Apart from the shattered glass in front of me and the slowly deflating airbag beneath my chin, gravity didn't seem to be pulling me in the right direction. I was so disoriented, until I shuddered with realization: I was upside down.
I had been late for work that morning. My alarm clock failed to wake me and I'd overslept. Bolting out of bed, I grabbed whatever clothes I could get my hands on first, then left without even having time to brush my teeth. Speeding down the freeway, I begun to text one of my coworkers: hey, sorry to bother you. Im going to be a bit la
I wasn't paying attention. I veered off he road.
im just gonna leave this here 62 comments
· 10 years ago
My geography teacher's middle name is Bacon. She also flips out if she doesn't get her 'special steak' on Fridays.
How to be playfully mean 33 comments
A little about crushes 137 comments
A little about crushes 137 comments
· 10 years ago
I can't join, my brother won't let me play :( And you think I'm adorable? :'D
A little about crushes 137 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm telling the truth! I just feel kinda shy about admitting stuff like that *blushes furiously*
A little about crushes 137 comments
Been doing it for a month. I've lost 7lbs so far! 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I can play that on the piano :D Hans Zimmer really is amazing
Edited 10 years ago
A little about crushes 137 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually tbh I do have a couple crushes on here. BUT I'LL NEVER TELL. >:I
MindBlown 4 comments
· 10 years ago
This makes me think of that question about Pinnochio: what happens if Pinnochio says "my nose will grow now"?