

— Rando1 Report User
Evolution 5 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
How cute would tiny giraffes be tho!
Giant teddy bears 8 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
I want one!
Who's ghandi? 8 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
Hit her twice -.-
Don't judge me! 3 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
And be part of the Oozma Kappas
Oh, england. You guys and your tea 11 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
Team tea
everyone wasn't the h I MEAN THEY'RE sO COSY 13 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
Its a thing
Feeling fatty & sleepy 6 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
This makes me grin ear to ear, sooooo cute!
everyone wasn't the h I MEAN THEY'RE sO COSY 13 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
I too can confirm this to be true.
I found a £5 note in my room from last year under my bed 4 comments
bazinga · 9 years ago
Found a fiver? Win!
Chopping onions 4 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Wearing swimming goggles does the trick too ^,^
Too busy to notice 14 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Ghost: bow chicka wow wow
Hypnotized By Cookies! 8 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
its like they are dropping to an epic beat *kadoosh*
Take a second to relax 11 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Pretty & peaceful
This is something I would do. Unfortunately. 11 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Derp derp
The Lego walk 24 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Easy there Satan
Spongebob aquarium 7 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
*singy song voice* spongebob Square pants!
Nooooooo... It's not time to wake up 6 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
aww :')
PIZZA INFINITY!!!!! 9 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Religions are like hats 7 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Amen. I mean I agree with this post ^,^
Some dude tried to push in front of me at Maccas 12 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
On a scale of 1-10 how annoyed was you? NEIN!
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! 9 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Are you naked? Uhmmm noo.. *nervously looks side to side thinking oh em gee they know!*
Fascinating!!!! 5 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
"Look I'm ET!' ..easily entertained as a child
Chocolate cake with chocolate syrup and kisses chocolates 10 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
pure fear 21 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
Dog 1: oh god what is happening
Dog 2: ssshhhhh let it happen
16 · Edited 10 years ago
I hear you like perfect loops 13 comments
bazinga · 10 years ago
I cant stop staring at it