Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions— bethorien Report User
Yeah right 6 comments
· 5 years ago
ive had depression for most of my life and i was the only one that knew i was depressed until i was 17 when i told my best friend at the time.
A missed opportunity 7 comments
· 5 years ago
one of my fav appearances of him was the one where he's telling a story to two aliens on a random rock in space
HODL all day 3 comments
· 5 years ago
basic idea of bitcoin
bitcoin is basically just a list of transactions. The computer's being used to "mine" bitcoin are basically just sitting and finding the right number to put at the top of the newest list of transactions and as a prize for putting in the work to make the list the person that made the list is allowed to put an extra transaction at the bottom that gives them bitcoins that didnt come from any other person.
before you ask, if two lists are made and sent out at the same time the longest list is trusted over the shorter one
bitcoin is basically just a list of transactions. The computer's being used to "mine" bitcoin are basically just sitting and finding the right number to put at the top of the newest list of transactions and as a prize for putting in the work to make the list the person that made the list is allowed to put an extra transaction at the bottom that gives them bitcoins that didnt come from any other person.
before you ask, if two lists are made and sent out at the same time the longest list is trusted over the shorter one
What would you do??? 43 comments
· 5 years ago
random factoid, most of the dudes in this chat that claim that they would masturbate would very likely not be able to achieve an orgasm with their newly magic'd vagina
A woman can teach, conditionally, circa 1923 11 comments
Saw this all over FB. Let the discussion begin 98 comments
· 5 years ago
man, if a platypus couldnt kick someone's ass it would be a sad day for duck billed beaver kind
Cop bad, criminal good 4 comments
· 5 years ago
the specific numbers for the sorta "grace period" that cops sometimes use (not always and not eveywhere) tends to be because of the fact that cars speedometers arent perfect and can tend to drift slightly away from the actual speed. The most common one is 5 mph over.
Old but true, not everything has to be a statement. We like just existing. 28 comments
· 5 years ago
if you dont use functional punctuation you are going to have the fact you didn't pointed out just about every time simply because its unsightly and annoying as fuck to read.
edit: also comparing a public forum of image sharing and serious conversation to texting is basically the same thing as comparing a blog post to texting, both of which is incorrect.
Edited 5 years ago
edit: also comparing a public forum of image sharing and serious conversation to texting is basically the same thing as comparing a blog post to texting, both of which is incorrect.
Wisdom or inflation? 28 comments
· 5 years ago
a murder pan is a special thing. In the hands of anyone else its simply a frying pan. In my hands however it becomes a deadly weapon with the power of god and anime on my side!!!! *weird fake martial arts moves*
Saw this all over FB. Let the discussion begin 98 comments
· 5 years ago
oh yea and on the subject of "under different accounts"
having read the responses i basically just see a bunch of strawmen and resorting to personal attacks from lack of an actual point. It doesnt matter who you are, you are not exempt from the basic rules of a debate. You dont get to resort to logical fallacy just because you think famousone is an asshole. Your lack of argument, simply spending 4ish comments fallacy-ing it up followed by using the fact that famousone doesnt tolerate and never has tolerated use of logical fallacy in debate as somehow being a detracting point to him (which in of itself is a fallacy, further attacks instead of an actual point), is not only laughable but a good indicator to the idea that actually reading anything you say in a moderately serious conversation is a waste of time.
another thing you might notice is that, without a horse in the race, none of what i said is a fallacy as personal attacks without a debate to fight for is just personal attacks.
Edited 5 years ago
having read the responses i basically just see a bunch of strawmen and resorting to personal attacks from lack of an actual point. It doesnt matter who you are, you are not exempt from the basic rules of a debate. You dont get to resort to logical fallacy just because you think famousone is an asshole. Your lack of argument, simply spending 4ish comments fallacy-ing it up followed by using the fact that famousone doesnt tolerate and never has tolerated use of logical fallacy in debate as somehow being a detracting point to him (which in of itself is a fallacy, further attacks instead of an actual point), is not only laughable but a good indicator to the idea that actually reading anything you say in a moderately serious conversation is a waste of time.
another thing you might notice is that, without a horse in the race, none of what i said is a fallacy as personal attacks without a debate to fight for is just personal attacks.
Muh freedom 8 comments
· 5 years ago
there's a video of a seasoned lawyer on youtube covering his predictions of what would happen if they raided area 51 and at one point he quoted an air force friend of his as saying basically "none of them would be flooding the hospitals because they would all be dead"
Pepperidge farm remembers 4 comments
· 5 years ago
i vaguely remember george rr martin saying he planned everything of this section from the very beginning and that the show followed his plan correctly
Saw this all over FB. Let the discussion begin 98 comments
· 5 years ago
just a random thing, "we cant trust the people to run the democracy?"
that is exactly true, exactly the reason we dont have a democracy but a Representative republic with democratic trappings. The government was designed how it is to prevent mob rule as well as monarchy/dictatorship
Edited 5 years ago
that is exactly true, exactly the reason we dont have a democracy but a Representative republic with democratic trappings. The government was designed how it is to prevent mob rule as well as monarchy/dictatorship
Wise words were spoken in that show 5 comments
This Japan 2020 Olympic logo 5 comments
· 5 years ago
were the two times youve seen it here? ive only seen it in this instance. If youve seen it other places than here then youve literally 0 place to complain
Canadian Stereotypes by Hark! A Vagrant 39 comments
They deserve this 6 comments
· 5 years ago
flat earthism isn't a viewpoint, its a state of being objectively wrong and refusing to accept that fact. It's actively spreading misinformation. The only difference between flat earthism and antivax is that flat earthism didnt cause old sicknesses to resurface or the flu to spread multi times harder than it normally does.