Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Knock knock 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Why beat up when you can become a stalker exposing both of them as cheaters/people who fuck friends spouses for the rest of their life to anyone they meet ever including their bosses and the owners of shops they shop at
Edited 5 years ago
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
· 5 years ago
people are entitled the service of the military as they swore an oath. Medical people also swore an oath.
Had a great time in Pisa 12 comments
I agree 6 comments
She's just saving her home. Amazon 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Can't wait to see the news that 2 tanker planes mysteriously came tumbling down to the earth with no survivors
Four 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Basically everyone not just the boys in my elementary school (or at least in my grade) had been exploded to porn in some way be it friends showing them something they found or a sibling showing them or something by 7th grade at least
Edited 5 years ago
Easy choice 3 comments
I'm starting to learn German by myself. Tips? 6 comments
· 5 years ago
If you use the wrong one it's not like it suddenly makes your sentence impossible to understand. It's like if someone uses the wrong their in a sentence. It looks odd and might cause you to reread the sentence if it's written but they will fully understand what you said. It's like using the wrong stuff in Spanish. If you say "yo no habla espanol, tu hablo ingles" they will still know what you mean.
Another case closed 1 comments
· 5 years ago
chances are dairy is bad for you. A hellavalotta people have some level of lactose intolerance and those that dont sometimes have a dairy allergy. There are less people that dont fit into at least one of those categories than do.
I agree 6 comments
· 5 years ago
i have severe allergies to multiple things, example: certain nuts make my face swell up in seconds, horses make my entire system run overdrive and i start dripping so much snot, saliva, and tears out of my face that you could fill a bucket.
I dont typically bring one with me when i go out unless i expect there is a larger than nominal chance of me coming into contact with something im allergic to.
Edited 5 years ago
I dont typically bring one with me when i go out unless i expect there is a larger than nominal chance of me coming into contact with something im allergic to.
The self awareness is on point 5 comments
· 5 years ago
remember people, if it doesnt fire more than one shot per trigger pull its not an assault weapon and assault weapon is a nazi propaganda term used to make their new fancy guns at the time sound scary and isnt even an official term for anything nowadays, its just slang.
Edited 5 years ago
Sign 1 comments
· 5 years ago
just as an fyi, those have no legal grounds. If a truck with a payload has part of its payload hit your car and damage it, the driver (or company if applicable) is fully liable for the damages.
Edited 5 years ago
Pls share!!! 33 comments
· 5 years ago
"dont blame the hacker for crashing your game, blame the devs who dont punish them for it"
Soviet smashing Cyanide once again 13 comments
· 5 years ago
if you dont understand the references the post isnt for you. its that simple.
Good news, everyone's! 43 comments
· 5 years ago
it doesnt provide opportunity. There is a point of wealth where opportunity exists. Anything below that point progresses linearly up at a set rate/effort system and relies totally on luck to get above the line within a lifetime.
anything above the line has the possibility of either increasing faster linearly with hard work or exponentially with extreme tactics and bending the rules.
that line continues to rise faster than the wealth average does.
anything above the line has the possibility of either increasing faster linearly with hard work or exponentially with extreme tactics and bending the rules.
that line continues to rise faster than the wealth average does.
Good news! 2 comments
· 5 years ago
"breaking news, expert says bananas cause suicides. STOP EATING BANANAS NOW"
I just a crazy revelation 19 comments
· 5 years ago
it is a right vs wrong discussion. Trying to use the same combination as your old lock on a new lock with a new input system is objectively incorrect. Just because someone learned something that used to be correct procedure doesnt make them not incorrect when the procedure changes.
We did it! 34 comments
· 5 years ago
"If it was illegal, I'd have enough time racked up to justify the incarcerations of every single black in the history of the US plus more. You're fucking wrong. "
pirating is illegal but 99% of people that do it dont get charged for it. Not worth the courts time. Not getting arrested and charged for a crime is not proof that it isn't illegal.
"Is this movie illegal due to American citizens, portraying Americans, killing a depiction of a real life, well known individual? No it's fucking not. "
comparing something that is legally defined as an artistic work with saying "id gladly take you with me" is disingenuous and not legally sound. Posts on a public forum are more than enough for a court of law in america to charge someone.
you act all holier than thou and get so heated and think yelling louder makes you right even tho your arguments are completely irrelevant and have absolutely no meaning.
false equivalences and illogical ranting does not an point make.
pirating is illegal but 99% of people that do it dont get charged for it. Not worth the courts time. Not getting arrested and charged for a crime is not proof that it isn't illegal.
"Is this movie illegal due to American citizens, portraying Americans, killing a depiction of a real life, well known individual? No it's fucking not. "
comparing something that is legally defined as an artistic work with saying "id gladly take you with me" is disingenuous and not legally sound. Posts on a public forum are more than enough for a court of law in america to charge someone.
you act all holier than thou and get so heated and think yelling louder makes you right even tho your arguments are completely irrelevant and have absolutely no meaning.
false equivalences and illogical ranting does not an point make.
We did it! 34 comments
· 5 years ago
@i_ thats not how legal precedent works.
The ruling wasn't about the law regarding potus it was regarding the definition of a threat which they ruled didnt require any intent or actionability. That definition of threat isnt specific to any given law, thats not how legal definitions work. Their ruling on this case where someone broke X law can be used as precedent for every other law that regards the usage of the the legal term "threat"
The ruling wasn't about the law regarding potus it was regarding the definition of a threat which they ruled didnt require any intent or actionability. That definition of threat isnt specific to any given law, thats not how legal definitions work. Their ruling on this case where someone broke X law can be used as precedent for every other law that regards the usage of the the legal term "threat"
A good life? It really IS that easy... 9 comments
· 5 years ago
I love my teddy bear and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Edited 5 years ago
Just how can you compare these? 2 comments
What a time to be Alice! 23 comments
Blizzard be like 3 comments
· 5 years ago
they want that, however their interest is directly proportional to the volume of the money