Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
pls 4 comments
· 4 years ago
cheating in a single player game isnt cheating unless you are doing something official like a no-exploit speedrun category. Its playing a single player experience in the way the person finds fun, there is no such thing as cheating in that unless the person playing, and only the person playing, feels like a certain thing is cheating and that extends to anything in the game even if its some legitimate tactic that requires no exploits or cheats or anything and is just a bit OP.
Anon is a Snitch 6 comments
· 4 years ago
i think you mean: and then someone wearing a mask didnt know who to shoot because their name and information was never released by any official channels and was not kept in any form past reward checks book keeping with no mention on the book keeping as to which reward any given check is for.
Fire in the hole! 3 comments
· 4 years ago
if you cant stop people from having some stupid fun might as well make it slightly less unsafe stupid fun if only to make less paperwork for yourself.
China can't catch a break 2 comments
· 4 years ago
plague inc isnt on the chinese steam store anyways, got banned a while back now
A northern cardinal found in Texas with bilateral gynandromorphism, a rare phenomenon 6 comments
· 4 years ago
human hermaphrodites dont exist or at least have yet to exist, in the case that a human is born with both sets of bits only one set will work properly (both sets working properly is a requirement for something to be correctly defined as a hermaphrodite) simply because of how human sex organs are formed, the way a human forms, the sex organs are formed of the same bit of material and that material just changes to a different form based on what its told to form into once the new human's programming decides what sex its going to be, this is the same reason that males have nipples, they are formed before the new human's programming decides what sex its going to be.
Edited 4 years ago
Dance With A King Cobra (SFW but hidden because snakes bother some people) 7 comments
· 4 years ago
what im hearing is that you should give snakes scritches from under the chin
Let them dye 31 comments
· 4 years ago
just so this isnt only the words of someone on the internet, have some by a professional stylist/colorist that works on celebrities hair, George Papanikolas.
Papanikolas says the only guaranteed way to restore your hair's health back to its pre-colored state is to cut off the previously colored, bleached, or damaged hair and grow it back. "Then, it will be healthy, virgin hair again, even after bleaching," he says. "The new hair [that is] untouched by chemicals will be virgin."
just so this isnt only the words of someone on the internet, have some by a professional stylist/colorist that works on celebrities hair, George Papanikolas.
Papanikolas says the only guaranteed way to restore your hair's health back to its pre-colored state is to cut off the previously colored, bleached, or damaged hair and grow it back. "Then, it will be healthy, virgin hair again, even after bleaching," he says. "The new hair [that is] untouched by chemicals will be virgin."
Let them dye 31 comments
· 4 years ago
dying your hair only damages the hair that is dyed unless the person doing it majorly fucks up in which case youll have bigger things to worry about than damaged hair.
if everything is done correctly (which isnt actually that hard) once the dyed hair grows out a bit you can cut off the dyed hair and the new hair will be the same as your hair before it got dyed.
in short, there isnt really any reason to not let kids get their hair dyed unless something's rules say they cant like a school or some activity group they are in like sports or chess or whatever.
Edited 4 years ago
if everything is done correctly (which isnt actually that hard) once the dyed hair grows out a bit you can cut off the dyed hair and the new hair will be the same as your hair before it got dyed.
in short, there isnt really any reason to not let kids get their hair dyed unless something's rules say they cant like a school or some activity group they are in like sports or chess or whatever.
Sailor Mars 9 comments
· 4 years ago
there are a bunch of great starting points for exploring it.
just find a list of factions with pictures and short descriptions, look for one that you think looks or sounds the most cool and start reading about that and let your whimsy go wild with hyperlinked terms in the lexicanum website
just find a list of factions with pictures and short descriptions, look for one that you think looks or sounds the most cool and start reading about that and let your whimsy go wild with hyperlinked terms in the lexicanum website
potato-19 18 comments
· 4 years ago
you can compare countries like this because population density only matters so much. Once you hit "city living" level of population density or even town level of population density you're going to need to do something.
you can easily compare developed western countries.
it doesnt matter that canada has a fuck ton less people total in their country. 80% of their country lives in cities. 80% of canadas population lives in a situation where walking to and fro doing day to day things will put them within spreading distance of the virus an extreme amount of times.
new zealand has about 80% of its population in city areas. sweden as almost 90% of its population in city areas. The US has about 80%.
its more complex than just looking at it and going "OMG THEIR POPULATION IS HELLA LOWER AND HELLA LESS DENSE"
the lower their population, the more the minority of the population that doesnt live in the city will affect "average density" even if its generally the same percentage of people.
Edited 4 years ago
you can easily compare developed western countries.
it doesnt matter that canada has a fuck ton less people total in their country. 80% of their country lives in cities. 80% of canadas population lives in a situation where walking to and fro doing day to day things will put them within spreading distance of the virus an extreme amount of times.
new zealand has about 80% of its population in city areas. sweden as almost 90% of its population in city areas. The US has about 80%.
its more complex than just looking at it and going "OMG THEIR POPULATION IS HELLA LOWER AND HELLA LESS DENSE"
the lower their population, the more the minority of the population that doesnt live in the city will affect "average density" even if its generally the same percentage of people.
True 6 comments
· 4 years ago
companies do shit like this because people let them do shit like this. The thing you gotta remember about people is that they are often willing to take a lowered quality of product for convenience and/or a lowered price. While yes, there are a lot of predatory practices that a lot of companies are doing, this kind of shit is what people end up asking for by complaining about the price of a service.
Le Edgy Political Meme 20 comments
· 4 years ago
just gonna say, if we assume 11 people a year are unjustifiably killed by police in the US as per your number, thats literally not a fucking problem. There are over 10 thousand police forces in america each with varying amounts of police officers. At that point thats literally 0.11% of police forces in america that kill someone unjustifiably in a given year assuming exactly 10 tousand police forces, of which there are defo more, and assuming each death is a different police force.
at that point you are ruining the livelyhoods of hundreds of people, getting multiple people killed, getting even more injured, to demand that we weed out people causing less harm to the american people than the protests demanding it.
at that point you are ruining the livelyhoods of hundreds of people, getting multiple people killed, getting even more injured, to demand that we weed out people causing less harm to the american people than the protests demanding it.
Jar jar kinks 4 comments
Decisions, decisions, decisions 5 comments
· 4 years ago
social media aint the only way to stay informed about stuff, the tv news exists, internet news articles exist and probably get posted faster than youd see it on social media anyways
Le Edgy Political Meme 20 comments
· 4 years ago
one thing im confused about, the death was ruled a murder, the cops involved have been arrested and charged for the murder, why are people still protesting? that didnt take any longer to happen than an non-cop murder case would have, hell it probably went a whole hellsa lot faster thanks to the fact that the dude who did it was a cop and there were hella witnesses and a camera.
charges came down last month. This seems to me like it was handled exactly like it should have been handled. why are they still protesting.
charges came down last month. This seems to me like it was handled exactly like it should have been handled. why are they still protesting.
Gamers don't like the big gays 1 comments
· 4 years ago
all of bethesda's accounts except bethesda middle east all have rainbow colors on them
What word salad will I get to explain this? 21 comments
· 4 years ago
see my above comment about analog sticks.
transitioning does not imply a binary system. changing from a position that outputs 350 to a position that outputs 40 is still a transition and its not necessarily going to be a straight line on a graph either, with our example of an analog stick itll skip a lot of numbers cutting through the middle of the circle only hitting a couple random ones on the way.
Edited 4 years ago
transitioning does not imply a binary system. changing from a position that outputs 350 to a position that outputs 40 is still a transition and its not necessarily going to be a straight line on a graph either, with our example of an analog stick itll skip a lot of numbers cutting through the middle of the circle only hitting a couple random ones on the way.
Anyone guess this month? 10 comments
· 4 years ago
you mean we need to call 2012 and complain that it didnt keep its promise to have us all be dead before this shit happened
F**k this kind of people 3 comments
· 4 years ago
idk about other places but in casinos (yea yea native american talking about how casinos are ran, har har) there are multiple reasons why the employees are not allowed to give money directly to the customers, one big one being that its easier for the cameras to see the money exchange if its all on the table
Edited 4 years ago
4.500 year old Egyptian sun dress 15 comments
· 4 years ago
how you can be surprised by "risqueness" in an ancient dress when some current day African cultures often walk around without covering their tits? I just generally dont get why people somehow think their personal or cultural "sensibilities" have any meaning or worth in other cultures or times
Edited 4 years ago
Word Game - Entry 0 58 comments
· 4 years ago
the Cherokee syllabary is uh, fairly odd for an english speaker to look at.
We have 85 characters. 6 represent our 6 vowels; a e i o u v
all of the other characters in the syllabary represent a consonant sound attached to a vowel and its layed out in rows with the top row being the vowels and the next row being vowels + g so ga ge gi go gu gv, then ha he hi ho hu hv and so on for every combination with no character being a consonant (except for Ꮝ, Ꮝ just means s and is the only character that is only a consonant sound)
Edited 4 years ago
We have 85 characters. 6 represent our 6 vowels; a e i o u v
all of the other characters in the syllabary represent a consonant sound attached to a vowel and its layed out in rows with the top row being the vowels and the next row being vowels + g so ga ge gi go gu gv, then ha he hi ho hu hv and so on for every combination with no character being a consonant (except for Ꮝ, Ꮝ just means s and is the only character that is only a consonant sound)
Khloe, that gives you loose stool 22 comments
· 4 years ago
there is a difference in those tho. Ripping your fingernails out is obviously abnormal and obviously harmful.
taking a pill or a "health powder" which makes you poop more and makes you poop harder or more liquid isnt obviously bad especially in a world climate where laxatives have been used as the medium for "harmless" jokes and pranks and in tv shows etc. People dont see laxatives are dangerous or bad, they seem them as just another thing and many wouldnt even give a second thought to the fact that overuse could be dangerous just like many people dont give second thought to the fact that overuse of caffeine can be harmful.
taking a pill or a "health powder" which makes you poop more and makes you poop harder or more liquid isnt obviously bad especially in a world climate where laxatives have been used as the medium for "harmless" jokes and pranks and in tv shows etc. People dont see laxatives are dangerous or bad, they seem them as just another thing and many wouldnt even give a second thought to the fact that overuse could be dangerous just like many people dont give second thought to the fact that overuse of caffeine can be harmful.
True gentlem 7 comments
· 4 years ago
Im a current computer science human, do you know how the likely multihundred dollar machine you are typing this on works?
Word Game - Entry 0 58 comments
· 4 years ago
cherokee, ᎢᏤᎢᏳᏍᏗ, i tse i yu s di, itseiyusdi
idk if the cherokee letters will work for everyone (or even anyone who isnt cherokee lel)
it may just show as boxes or just be blank :(
Edited 4 years ago
idk if the cherokee letters will work for everyone (or even anyone who isnt cherokee lel)
it may just show as boxes or just be blank :(