Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
Problem solved 4 comments
· 4 years ago
The problem with laws that try to change stuff like this is that the only people that will be submitting weapons to changes or destruction are those that aren’t planning on using them for a crime
Please wait... Your ideal environment is recalibrating 8 comments
· 4 years ago
Cows live for 20 years. Cheap vr goggles at like 200 dollars a cow that could potentially last the entire cows life (well up until they stop being able to produce milk but that’s still MANY years of boosted production)
At which point they can be given to a new cow and potentially a 3rd or 4th cow if they don’t get damaged.
At which point they can be given to a new cow and potentially a 3rd or 4th cow if they don’t get damaged.
A man can dream 2 comments
· 4 years ago
if you include
in a google search no pages included in that will show up
in a google search no pages included in that will show up
crab 2 comments
· 4 years ago
because the crab shape is effective and efficient. Its got a small profile even in large creatures and the claws can cause pretty powerful localized pain in a fight.
Edited 4 years ago
"Let me tell you something real quick." 7 comments
· 4 years ago
most of the problems i have could be solved with money, tho technically with enough money the problem of college stress would be moot too sooooo...
Edited 4 years ago
A melanistic deer 1 comments
· 4 years ago
the coloration around its eye makes it look really sleepy. I wonder if that's because it actually is sleepy or if its part of the mutation? I dont mean the redness nessesarily, i mean like, theres the dark red crows feet looking shape next to the corner of its eye.
Edited 4 years ago
"security purposes" 3 comments
Sling the dogs 9 comments
· 4 years ago
Yea, on the seasonal thing, that doesn’t look like an place that’s always war, looks like either a small town in the south or near a park in a big city. The kinda trees indicate to me that it’s somewhere that gets cold
Edited 4 years ago
Sling the dogs 9 comments
· 4 years ago
Hopefully he got all the right paperwork and permits and shit for running a food cart. Its fairly uncommon for a place to not require that. With all the effort he's gone to getting to the point he can sell hotdogs i don't doubt that he has tho. Seems like an enterprising lad.
also now i want hot dogs lol.
also now i want hot dogs lol.
Is this the reason why it is illegal to have passengers on pickup truck beds? 2 comments
· 4 years ago
its primarily the fact that it could easily cause a distraction on the road just by them being there and if you have an accident they are basically 100% dead.
Ah yes. The official list 8 comments
Ah yes. The official list 8 comments
· 4 years ago
and while yes, aggression CAN be a learned trait, its also a genetic one. The inverse is also true. Friendlyness can also be a learned trait and that learning can happen early. A dog that is treated nicely by humans from birth is far more likely to be treat humans nicely later in life, but being from a genetic line that is generally friendly makes it more likely too. There will always be situations of a dog treated perfectly by humans from birth still having issues with only trusting the specific humans it grew up with and not trusting any others.
Edited 4 years ago
Ah yes. The official list 8 comments
· 4 years ago
if you look at that fox experiment done in russia you can see that there are visual physical traits associated with aggression and domestication.
they found that as the generations went on, the foxes who were breed from friendly foxes slowly started having floppier ears and spots and the friendly behavior as well as aggressive and fearful behaviors all seemed to be passed on to the children without being "taught". What i find interesting about it is the fact that as the animals got more domesticated they got more visual traits that people generally find cute.
a question that has to be asked is that, do we find it cute specifically because animals that have such traits tend to be more likely to be friendly?
Edited 4 years ago
they found that as the generations went on, the foxes who were breed from friendly foxes slowly started having floppier ears and spots and the friendly behavior as well as aggressive and fearful behaviors all seemed to be passed on to the children without being "taught". What i find interesting about it is the fact that as the animals got more domesticated they got more visual traits that people generally find cute.
a question that has to be asked is that, do we find it cute specifically because animals that have such traits tend to be more likely to be friendly?
Ah yes. The official list 8 comments
· 4 years ago
my uncle's chihauhau is such a sweet heart! i only met her once but she took a liking to me instantly. The whole time we were over there waiting on his wife to get there so we could go to dinner the cute little thing was sitting in my lap watching TV with us.
Edited 4 years ago
Touchy touchy 2 comments
· 4 years ago
natives are the most common source of memes making fun of natives and as a native i usually find them kinda funny lel
Dimensia for Sleepy Joe 7 comments
If scientists had their own logos 9 comments
· 4 years ago
I can’t not read that as McEinstein.
McEinstein, the newest speciality burger at McDonald’s.
It’s relatively your way.
McEinstein, the newest speciality burger at McDonald’s.
It’s relatively your way.
The current number of fires around Australia as of 6 hours ago 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Strange, this looks basically identical to the map of danger zones in that cargo zombie movie
San Fransisco police officer scolding a man for not wearing a mask during the 1918 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Well, more proof that Darwinism only works on a species that doesn’t assist its least likely to survive in living. Think about how like, a bear born with 2 legs missing would die quickly but a human born with 2 legs missing is helped to survive to an age many times what we were designed to live to.
Kindness and herd intelligence is both our curse and our greatest strength. It’s what has gotten us so far above the rest of the animals but also what has arrested our physical development so hard, tho most people would agree that it’s a trade that is so very worth it.
Edited 4 years ago
Kindness and herd intelligence is both our curse and our greatest strength. It’s what has gotten us so far above the rest of the animals but also what has arrested our physical development so hard, tho most people would agree that it’s a trade that is so very worth it.
Why the *** u lyin 13 comments
· 4 years ago
Just a bit of information about things like this.
Sporadic eating like this where the time between meals isn’t regular and isn’t daily can make the body generally unhealthy in how it processes the food, especially when coupled with your general American diet that’s high in free sugars. Sugars that aren’t attached to a fiber, basically any non-fruit/vegetable sugars, are processed too quickly by the body. Your liver is built to process sugars that are attached to a fiber which is much tougher to do than feee sugars. American amounts of free sugars in a meal fuck the whole meal. The liver goes wonky and process the whole meal wrong.
That mixed with the sporadic eating means even an active lifestyle can still result in being overweight, just maybe not to the extend of the person in the picture.
Sporadic eating like this where the time between meals isn’t regular and isn’t daily can make the body generally unhealthy in how it processes the food, especially when coupled with your general American diet that’s high in free sugars. Sugars that aren’t attached to a fiber, basically any non-fruit/vegetable sugars, are processed too quickly by the body. Your liver is built to process sugars that are attached to a fiber which is much tougher to do than feee sugars. American amounts of free sugars in a meal fuck the whole meal. The liver goes wonky and process the whole meal wrong.
That mixed with the sporadic eating means even an active lifestyle can still result in being overweight, just maybe not to the extend of the person in the picture.
Andromeda awaits 16 comments
· 4 years ago
i believe its saying that we could have colonized space by now if we hadnt spent 5 trillon dollars on aid to Africa