Someone should tell him 15 comments
· 8 years ago
The fact that he's running straight and slightly backwards is jzhxjddbbd
The first time Jay-Z saw Beyonce 6 comments
Not crazy in love with that heat 5 comments
Woody Harrelson = our new red carpet hero. 13 comments
I hate when celebrities do stuff like this. :/ 35 comments
· 9 years ago
This is obviously not the champagne that she's pouring. That would be ridiculous to pour a bottle of champagne in the pool, plus it'll be very unhygienic :( She probably filled the bottle with the water from the pool and poured it in. It's her drink, so she can do whatever she wants with it and don't keep saying that she's a douche for doing whatever it is that she's doing. Leave her alone and stop complaining and coming for her. Tysm.
Guess where I'm going next year 7 comments
All the Single Ladies 5 comments
· 9 years ago
YAAAAAAAAASSS!!!! The ahould be going to the left but it's okay because BEYONCÉ. So, YAAAAAAAAASSS!!
yo i never f*cked wayne i never f*cked drake 7 comments
And her music isn't trashy like Nicki Minaj 134 comments