So, what does THIS mean? 32 comments
captcommunism · 7 years ago
LepreCon 2016
Just let that sink in. 35 comments
captcommunism · 7 years ago
I bet ten shekels it's brainwashing or a doppelgänger.
Oh sarah 6 comments
captcommunism · 7 years ago
Yes. The Cat-Bomba was especially devistating Soviet design.
mom doesn't have a sense of humor 7 comments
captcommunism · 7 years ago
That is not your mother. That is capitalist spy.
Does it take nine months? For horses that is 15 comments
captcommunism · 7 years ago
Horses take around eleven months to a year.
Crushing hockey puck with hydraulic press 2 comments
captcommunism · 8 years ago
In Canada this is considered an act of war
Evolution in Call of Duty 17 comments
captcommunism · 8 years ago
Dlc doesn't count
An unspoken rule, I'm suprised by how many people doesn't know that 27 comments
captcommunism · 8 years ago
One dead enemy mean one less enemy. One wounded enemy means at least three less enemies. The wounded and the two that carry him to safety. Plus there is a added drain on resources with a wounded combatant. This is the idea behind landmines.
You're welcome 24 comments
captcommunism · 8 years ago
Why the fuck is it white!? Racist assbutts
Triggered 16 comments
captcommunism · 8 years ago
It's almost as if their goal is to be as offensive and edgy as possible
How do I make this? 36 comments
captcommunism · 8 years ago
I made my computer case from a similar gas can in this manner