

Here to cast pearls of wisdom and BS in equal measure. Am I too late?

— CarbonTech Report User
Scientists:There have been 5 mass extinctions. Humanity: Ahh. A challenge. 9 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
They were stupid simple to catch. They often flew so low you could literally knock them out of the sky with an unaimed, thrown stick. The term stool pigeon comes from the fact that they'd tie one to something like a stool or chair and it's squacks would cause others to land nearby. Then they'd just throw nets and catch hundreds and hundreds at a time. Then, one day, they were gone.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Scientists:There have been 5 mass extinctions. Humanity: Ahh. A challenge. 9 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
@purplepumpkin Previous mass extinctions happened because of climate change, asteroid impacts, massive volcanic eruptions or a combination of these causes. The one occurring now is due to human induced forces.
Have you ever heard of the passenger pigeon? The last one died in captivity, in a Cincinnati zoo in 1914. There were once billions upon billions of them flying over North America. The birds flew at an estimated speed of about sixty miles an hour. Observers reported the sky was darkened by huge flocks that passed overhead. These flights often continued from morning until night and lasted for several days. Their winter roosts were so crowded that tree limbs would break under their weight. Then man came along and discovered they tasted good, and that, was that.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
I didn’t make this, don’t stalk me 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Xenu long as your checks continue to clear.
3 · Edited 3 years ago
Iron ball 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Breaking ball...breaks balls.
· Edited 3 years ago
That has to be the best one 2 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
*...while yelling, "KEEP THE CHANGE!"*
[OC] My daughter yells from the kitchen like it’s an emergency. “Dad! Take a 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
To paraphrase Maya Angelou, When soup shows you what it is, believe it the first time.
My chess set I carved 6 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Not sure if Beth Harmon would up or decrease her meds, if asked to play with these chessmen.
Sir David Attenborough with a giant leatherback sea turtle on the beach 2 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
The turtle is on the left.
Frozen Pond in Switzerland 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
I was wondering why the ice would develop this unique angular geometric surface. Best explanation I could find, suggests that it's thin, individual sheets of ice colliding with each other and then their respective upturned edges freezing in the resulting shapes.
A deal is a deal 4 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
In 2015 BMW released an advertisement titled “April Fools Day Special”. The ad said, “Be the first person to bring your car, along with this coupon, into the BMW Newmarket dealership this morning, ask for Tom and we’ll swap your old car, whatever it is, for a brand new BMW”.
Such ads, especially on April Fool’s Day, look like pranks but when Tianna Marsh saw it in the New Zealand Herald she decided to take a chance. She, along with her friend, arrived at Newmarket BMW dealership shortly after 5 a.m. Upon arriving, she was wondering whether it was a joke and she would go back with a matchbox-sized, toy car instead of a real BMW. But to her surprise, the ad turned out to be real and she swapped her 15-year-old Nissan Avenir for a brand new BMW 1 Series worth about $50,000.
Be indispensable 7 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
I'm sure there was an uptick in duct tape sales wherever this show aired, lol.
The c.1940s introduced colour changing margarine 5 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Not exactly. Crisco is a shortening, not something one would normally spread on bread. It is 100% fat and tasteless, whereas margerine, like butter, is about 80% fat and also contains water and milk solids. In recent years, margerine was considered the "healthier" alternative to butter because it contained less saturated fats and no cholesterol, though that pendulum has now swung back in butter's favour. At the end of the day, either product should be used as sparingly as possible.
The c.1940s introduced colour changing margarine 5 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
This was a result of the lobbying efforts of the dairy industry. Butter gets its traditional yellowish colour from the carotene in grass, while corn fed cows produce a very pale butter. They argued it was OK for them to tint it more yellow, but not for the margerine makers to do that with their almost white product. In fact, they wanted margerine dyed pink, brown or even black to prevent margerine from being passed off as butter. Courts eventually ruled they couldn't be forced to adulterate their product, but wouldn't allow them to dye it yellow either. Hence the dye capsules workaround. The consumer did their cosmetic work for them. This lasted till 1967 in the States and coloured margerine only became legal in Quebec, with their powerful dairy lobby, in 2008.
9 · Edited 3 years ago
Black Cats by Jenny Jinya (1 of 10) 4 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Got impatient, sought the complete strip online, found it and had my tears jerked. The most important thing, was a post strip message, from the artist about black cat syndrome. It seems that shelters have a very real problem finding homes for black or very dark cats. I guess the message is, if you're adopting, give them a bit more than a cursory once over.
Gaudy good holistic boy 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
1) Relaxed, happy anticipation
2) Abrupt re-evaluation
3) Mounting concern over an uncertain future
Basically the world's first 3 months of 2020 personified...dogified?
Lung capacity tester 4 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
Undercover video of Russian Intelligence "pranking" dissidents.
Death cometh from above 5 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
No one wants to watch the sausage being made, no matter how good it tastes.
You just gave the gift of pupper, ma'am 8 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
This is the hot looking, but CRAZY trope we've all heard so many times, personified. I commend the guy for resisting what must have been an almost irresistible urge to drop her like a sack of potatoes. When I heard that poor pup yelp...
1 · Edited 3 years ago
This Crisscross water pattern at Johannesburg airport 10 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
I just love the fact that some random engineer at a plumbing manufacture, got the go-ahead to spend some time and effort to design such an aesthetically pleasing, but ultimately, otherwise useless feature. I'm sure it helped clinch the sale to the airport. Great marketing.
Ah shit, here we go again 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
This guy is on a MISSION!
Slithering emerald snake 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
So beautiful, looks like a wingless dragon.
Death cometh from above 5 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
I'm just going to tell myself the mouse pulled some kind of ninja level/Neo type, last second, escape maneuver.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
The things one finds in tumblr xD 3 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
I like the little teeth the picture on the right seems to depict.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Dark boobas 5 comments
carbontech · 3 years ago
These pizza slices were still probably eaten, so who cares where they temporarily rested. It's not as if it was a video depicting Big Ass BBW Chocolate Cake Sitting.(Do NOT search the capitalized character string immediately preceding this warning) 3-2-1...LOL.
2 · Edited 3 years ago