Here to cast pearls of wisdom and BS in equal measure. Am I too late?
— CarbonTech Report User
A trucker's skin damage on left side of his face after 28 years on the road 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I remember reading an article about the damaging effects of long term exposure to UV. Two examples I remember them giving, were Australian cattle ranchers' wives-they looked 10 years older than their husbands because they sunned more during the day, while their husbands cowboy hats protected their faces while working. The other example was trucker's arm-the arm that hung out the window looked older. However, they never mentioned trucker's face! Wow.
Long exposure I took of myself bouldering on the ocean with LEDs tied to myself 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Best I can manage is stairing, perhaps laddering-on a really good day.
Edited 4 years ago
Every meal you make, I'll be watching you 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Hunting instinct evolved over millenia meets hunting grounds measured in square metres. They're doing the best they can, lol.
sequel 7 comments
· 4 years ago
@bhavani These state of the art, $1500 GPUs, are designed to support 8K gaming and evidently can be linked to further enhance performance. Both these cards and the PS5 are in short supply, so I'm sure the donor spent well north of $5000 dollars on this exercise in futility and desperation.
Edited 4 years ago
sequel 7 comments
Mom! You’re supposed to knock! 3 comments
· 4 years ago
It was about astronomy,
Then liquor,
Then GPS,
Then contentment
And finally, about Christmas.
Then liquor,
Then GPS,
Then contentment
And finally, about Christmas.
Pasha Bulka washes ashore in Newcastle Australia 5 comments
· 4 years ago
This happened about 10 years ago. It's a bulk cargo ship. There are videos on YT about how the ship was salvaged. Since then, the Pasha Bulker has been renamed the MV Drake.
Climate change march in Montréal, Canada 1 comments
· 4 years ago
September 27, 2019. Nearly half a million people, led by Greta Thunberg, it was the largest march in Quebec history.
Edited 4 years ago
A Meat Vending Machine found in Rosenheim, Germany 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Japan has to win...ALWAYS. Amongst other things: live rhinoceros beetles, lettuce, eggs, canned bread, live puppies, live lobsters(not from the same machine as the live puppies, lol), ties, used panties, liquor and sex toys(again from 2 different machines) and, of course, dog wigs!?!
Edited 4 years ago
Big mac, arizona 2 comments
· 4 years ago
I hate the way they only look that good in the promotional photos. Always a disappointment when you open the wrapper.
I would watch this on twitch 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Classic 1v1 on Rust.
"Quit hardscoping!"
"I screwed your mom."
"You said headshots only!"
"He quit, lol!"
"Quit hardscoping!"
"I screwed your mom."
"You said headshots only!"
"He quit, lol!"
Erie 7 comments
· 4 years ago
Please. This guy's line of patter might be a bit more outrageous than the norm, but if bullshitting a random girl to try to bed her is a crime, then they will need more jails-many, many more jails, lol.
Edited 4 years ago
Thank you canada...? 3 comments
· 4 years ago
House hippos were a series of commercials that ran about 20 years ago in Canada. They've made new ones recently. They were basically advocating critical thinking.
Edited 4 years ago
The pensions are loaded, also 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Americans are against "socialism", as practiced in other western democracies, democracies where the average lifespan significantly surpasses Americans, where their quality of life, happiness and level of TRUE democracy are always judged superior.
No, Americans are against "socialism", but have absolutely no problem with corporations, through tax breaks and offshoring profits, ducking their fair share of contributions to the country...until they hit a financial bump. Then these same corporations hold out their hands and let the American taxpayers bail them out. That's corporate socialism-they keep most of their profits when times are good, but count on taxpayer bailouts when they're not. Walmart, through lobbyists and bought politicians, keep their workers salaries so low, that American taxpayers have to subsidize them by foodstamps. The 1%ers are laughing up their sleeves at their success in fooling ordinary Americans to screw themselves, while further enriching those at the top.
No, Americans are against "socialism", but have absolutely no problem with corporations, through tax breaks and offshoring profits, ducking their fair share of contributions to the country...until they hit a financial bump. Then these same corporations hold out their hands and let the American taxpayers bail them out. That's corporate socialism-they keep most of their profits when times are good, but count on taxpayer bailouts when they're not. Walmart, through lobbyists and bought politicians, keep their workers salaries so low, that American taxpayers have to subsidize them by foodstamps. The 1%ers are laughing up their sleeves at their success in fooling ordinary Americans to screw themselves, while further enriching those at the top.
VP vibe shift 5 comments
· 4 years ago
@ijustapologize Eventually, vice-presidents are forgotten. That their lot in life, lol, but this one's Wikipedia entry was certainly an interesting read. Thanks.
Hey Disney, HBO, NBC, ABC, and the rest of you making us buy each subscription to watch 18 comments
· 4 years ago
Anyone but Disney. Unless they offer a differently branded, parallel, more adult oriented service, you'll never see shows like Game of Thrones, Pennyworth, Banshee or Hunters ever again. Same for movies like Deadpool or anything by Tarantino or TV shows like South Park, Family Guy or Rick and Morty.
They're great at what they do, but there is a demand for innovative content that is not necessarily family friendly and unfortunately their niche is family oriented programming. Hell, I bet that even though the rights to Netflix' Daredevil, Punisher, et al, have reverted back to them, they'll never host those episodes in their Marvel lineup.
They're great at what they do, but there is a demand for innovative content that is not necessarily family friendly and unfortunately their niche is family oriented programming. Hell, I bet that even though the rights to Netflix' Daredevil, Punisher, et al, have reverted back to them, they'll never host those episodes in their Marvel lineup.
We had a quarantine “Pet Spotlight” email chain at work, here was my submission 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I love this. Can't speak to any of her other qualities, but she's obviously got a really great sense of humour and is very creative. All the tropes, perfectly staged.
Hey Disney, HBO, NBC, ABC, and the rest of you making us buy each subscription to watch 18 comments
· 4 years ago
Think it through. A subscription service offers you and every other subscriber access to its entire catalogue for a nominal fee. Many subscribers equals profit for the service and money to create new content to attract even more subscribers. If people were able to just cherrypick those particular shows that they REALLY wanted to see, how high a price would the service have to charge, per episode, to realize that same level of profitability? It would definitely outweigh a sub fee. How willing would they be to invest the money on a show like Altered Carbon, The Boys or The Mandalorian, if they had to factor in a direct payback? How many shows would fail to generate enough buzz to succeed because sporadic word of mouth might not be enough to get randoms to spend their entertainment dollars on a flyer. If you've ever been subscribed to a streaming service, think of how many shows/movies, you might have stumbled upon and thoroughly enjoyed, that you might have otherwise missed.
Edited 4 years ago
Posting this for normal reasons such as harmless entertainment without ulterior motives 5 comments
· 4 years ago
I checked in on the still very, very, very alive Jeffrey Epstein. The cameras were very, very, very working, before I went on my very, very, very, totally innocent break. Please very, very, very believe me.
[The 3rd very really sells it.]
[The 3rd very really sells it.]
Crazy good Captain Marvel cosplay 5 comments
Me, 3y/o, not getting 2nd ice cream 2 comments
Imma need you to replace the cake ink 4 comments
Very important question 17 comments
· 4 years ago
Since 1972, the International Tennis Federation mandates that the tennis ball should be yellow. The problem is that the fluorescent yellow is very close to the boundry where green starts. A Twitter poll asked respondents if tennis balls were yellow, green or other. Of nearly 30,000 participants, 52 percent said a tennis ball is green, 42 percent said it’s yellow, and 6 percent went with “other."