Here to cast pearls of wisdom and BS in equal measure. Am I too late?
— CarbonTech Report User
Full back page ad in today’s The New York Times. I love the Daily Show 3 comments
· 1 year ago
John's done a lot of good for military vets and 9-11 First Responders since leaving the show, and though I think Trevor's done kinda OK trying to fill those big shoes, I really wish he'd stayed on for an extra 4 years or so.
Credit to One_Reindeer7258 for the top image 1 comments
· 1 year ago
28/193 or 14.507772% of the world's national flags are Red, White and Blue. Coincidently, that's the exact same percentage as there are RBW, WRB, WBR, BRW and BWR national flags. That's a lot. :)
Edited 1 year ago
Crimes of the pickelhaube feline 4 comments
The future is now old cow 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Except, instead of electricity, they produce methane. So Matrix, but with extra steps.
Yeah, basically 1 comments
Cat! 3 comments
· 1 year ago
My polydactyl, Tony, has several works in progress, none yet ready for public viewing. The side of the bookcase is the furthest along. His use of negative space is sublime.
Edited 1 year ago
Who needs this kind of protection? 2 comments
· 1 year ago
The Chuck Norris of cell phones...or is Chuck Norris the Nokia 3310 of humans?
Interesting times we live in 3 comments
· 1 year ago
There's still places that look like that, and much worse, today! I remember an Amazing Race, set in India, that highlighted their overhead rat's nests. Google "Absurd Electric Wiring in India & Asia" and prepare to hear your jaw hit the floor, lol.
Classic 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Four Canadian wolves were recently transported by helicopter from Ontario to Michigan’s Isle Royale National Park. The wolves were relocated to help deal with the moose population on the island, and to restore the dwindling number of wolves that currently live on the island.
In the past, ice bridges have connected Isle Royale to the mainland, allowing wolves to migrate. Over the last twenty years, however, these ice bridges have become inconsistent, stranding wolves on the island and preventing any newcomers. The four new wolves will join two that were relocated to the island in 2018. Over the next five years the National Park Service hopes to introduce 20 to 30 wolves to the park.
Four Canadian wolves were recently transported by helicopter from Ontario to Michigan’s Isle Royale National Park. The wolves were relocated to help deal with the moose population on the island, and to restore the dwindling number of wolves that currently live on the island.
In the past, ice bridges have connected Isle Royale to the mainland, allowing wolves to migrate. Over the last twenty years, however, these ice bridges have become inconsistent, stranding wolves on the island and preventing any newcomers. The four new wolves will join two that were relocated to the island in 2018. Over the next five years the National Park Service hopes to introduce 20 to 30 wolves to the park.
Guys will understand August in Florida 2 comments
egonomy 12 comments
· 1 year ago
Furthermore, the generally shit coverage and onerous co-pays causes many to put off timely doctors visits that then evolve into more costly health emergencies.
Then there's the cost of drugs and hospitalizations. Other countries negotiate drug prices as a single massive purchase, while each separate, American "insurance" company, with a much smaller customer base, weakly capitulates to Big Pharma and passes the costs on to their captive customers. Same for the PROFIT DRIVEN hospitals. They charge outrageous prices, thus jacking up premiums for all.
Then there's the cost of drugs and hospitalizations. Other countries negotiate drug prices as a single massive purchase, while each separate, American "insurance" company, with a much smaller customer base, weakly capitulates to Big Pharma and passes the costs on to their captive customers. Same for the PROFIT DRIVEN hospitals. They charge outrageous prices, thus jacking up premiums for all.
egonomy 12 comments
· 1 year ago
Regarding US "Healthcare":
On average, other large, wealthy countries spend about HALF as much PER PERSON on healthcare, as the U.S.
Health consumption expenditures PER CAPITA, U.S. dollars, PPP adjusted, 2021 or nearest year:
United States-$12,914
United Kingdom-$5,387
Though the US spends the MOST on health care, per person, they're the ONLY country with 10's of millions of uninsured citizens and even more under-insured individuals.
Ironically, the "Land of The Free" has millions TRAPPED in jobs they hate, unable to pick up roots and seek greener pastures, because they HAVE to VERY CAREFULLY factor in their existing job's healthcare "benefits" over what new health insurance rules and restrictions they may come up against in a potential new job.
On average, other large, wealthy countries spend about HALF as much PER PERSON on healthcare, as the U.S.
Health consumption expenditures PER CAPITA, U.S. dollars, PPP adjusted, 2021 or nearest year:
United States-$12,914
United Kingdom-$5,387
Though the US spends the MOST on health care, per person, they're the ONLY country with 10's of millions of uninsured citizens and even more under-insured individuals.
Ironically, the "Land of The Free" has millions TRAPPED in jobs they hate, unable to pick up roots and seek greener pastures, because they HAVE to VERY CAREFULLY factor in their existing job's healthcare "benefits" over what new health insurance rules and restrictions they may come up against in a potential new job.
Dose only fan count? 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Never spent a penny on porn or Reddit awards, but I spend a LOT of time on YT. I find not having to waste even a second watching unavoidable ads is WELL worth trading the cost of the 2 day's worth of the Starbucks I never buy. But you do you.
Man, the nineties were wild man. 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Now try the 60's. No internet, no cable, no VCR or DVD's, no time-shifting. Just 2 channels that came in clear(one a boring government feed) and 3 that were snowy AF if they even managed to come in. And let's not forget the constant dinosaur attacks when we strayed too far from our huts.
Oh my god so advanced 5 comments
Wheat beer is where it's at 4 comments
· 1 year ago
IPA's are best with strong tasting food. The hoppiness and bitter taste can be a little overwhelming all by itself. Just like any beer is an acquired taste when you first start drinking beer, IPA's are an acquired taste even amongst regular beer drinkers. I prefer Guinness or pilsners as a session beer but will often order an IPA in restaurants.
Edited 1 year ago
Imagine how many people are in this photo! 8 comments
· 1 year ago
Fun fact. The ISS is 400km above Earth. At any moment in its orbit, an observer, inside or in this case, just outside the ISS, can only see about 1609 km to the horizon, in any direction. That 3218 KM circle represents about 8.1 million square kilometres of Earth's total surface area of about 510 million square kilometres or 1.6% of the entirety of Earth's surface.
So probably a lot less than one might imagine.
So probably a lot less than one might imagine.
I laughed my t*ts off! 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Laughed harder than I should have. I think reading it in Worf's deep, matter of fact voice helped, lol.
What is your guess? 12 comments
Once upon a time this was a thing 5 comments
· 2 years ago
Remember this well. One of its options was that you could select a saved image and have it repeatedly mapped onto the pipes' surface, even an NSFW one, lol. The beauty was that unless you knew what you were looking for, it looked like a random abstract pattern. And that's how you got an NSFW pic as your office screensaver.
Oh my god so advanced 5 comments