Here to cast pearls of wisdom and BS in equal measure. Am I too late?
— CarbonTech Report User
Lawl 2 comments
· 42 weeks ago
Agree. Being successful doesn't equate to being famous. There's over 2700 billionaires on Earth, all "successful", but 99% aren't household names with well-known mugs. Without that photo putting her claim immediately into context, or at least a line naming them, she's just some unknown, random 20-something, complaining that her anonymous folks had very little to do with her definition of "success", making it absolutely meaningless to most viewers.
Receptive adult memorial 1 comments
· 43 weeks ago
Had a non-smoking buddy at work who tried this a few times, but soon stopped on his own, lol. It's funny just how much worse it looks, when a boss walks by and gives you a glance, to be standing there empty-handed, stealing company time vs stealing the same company time, while feeding a well-known addiction. Not saying it's fair, but perception is everything.
Holy toebeans big foot 2 comments
Rancher shows his thanks to helicopter firefighting crew pilling water off his property 1 comments
· 44 weeks ago
I sometimes throw a lazy salute at garbage truck or snowplow drivers. Guess I've gotta get a horse and a flag now. Thanks for raising the stakes in the public servant appreciation game, cowboy.
Edited 44 weeks ago
Presumed parted sour 2 comments
They are lerning 1 comments
· 50 weeks ago
"Baboons riding wolves come pouring out of the forest" is gonna be my next Midjourney AI prompt, lol.
Heres a game for you guys 33 comments
· 50 weeks ago
3 years late, lol. Just an FYI. The reason we all know about Florida Man is because of the state's Sunshine Laws, whereby arrest records are publicly accessible. Media, looking for funny/wacky filler, go to where it's easily available. Other states have their fair share of "Florida Men" but we don't hear about them as readily because of privacy issues. FYI OVER!
Anon witnesses a wolf 1 comments
· 50 weeks ago
Cart before the horse. In the days before mankind had domesticated wolves, no one with any survival instincts would have just unthinkingly given some pats to a large furry predator that had sidled up next to them, no matter how good that stone age equivalent of a PopTart was. Imagine acting on an ingrained habit, that had yet to be formed.
It’s insane how beautiful life can be 2 comments
· 50 weeks ago
To each his own, but ketchup on a hot dog would be a lot of people's last choice. Then again, I come from a place where sauerkraut is considered an essential topping. One that I always have to specify I don't want. BTW, I'd much prefer your version, ketchup and all, over a sauerkraut drowned one, lol. Bon Appétit!
I nearly spit out my coffee 1 comments
· 51 weeks ago
A 2¢ Googly Eye, and 5 seconds of work, giving every viewer a moment of mirth. Thanks for the free endorphins, anonymous free endorphin-giver!
The spirit of this sign leaving its body 4 comments
· 51 weeks ago
Asked Google if speed limit signs are embossed, and this very sign appeared on an eBay link. Described as heavily embossed steel. So "mostly" flat, lol.
A high resolution photo a snowflake 4 comments
· 1 year ago
EXACTLY! Hence the "fun comment", where in what I wrongly assumed was an obvious attempt at ironic humour, I feigned ignorance of a factoid I, and every other 8 year old, knew over 60 years ago and have repeatedly heard a million times since, and now, a million and one times, lol. Oh, I'm also aware that snowflakes are more cold, than cool. Stay vigilant, lol.
A high resolution photo a snowflake 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Doesn't look like any snowflake I've ever seen before, but it's still pretty cool. Lol
Edited 1 year ago
Banished there for all eternity 3 comments
· 1 year ago
The source code is easily found online and would not work, as is, on today's internet. It's certainly interesting, but about as dangerous as a picture of a raptor or a mammoth hide.
Stubborn pedestrian bustling 7 comments
· 1 year ago
She should have got some guys to do the catcalling, to more accurately simulate the experience of unwanted sexual advances. Having women do it just plays right into every guy's, "Dear Penthouse, I couldn't believe my luck..." fantasies.
Edited 1 year ago
Should've brought a wooden gun 1 comments
Good times 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Canadian who started his aviation career working with British contractors. They learnt their trade under an apprenticeship system. One of their initiation rights was to send a newbie to the toolcrib to fetch a "long stand with a clip at the end". After being kept waiting forever, the newbie would finally ask what the delay was and the attendant would wave him close and tell him, "Well, you've had your long stand, now here's your clip!", as he leaned forward and boxed his ear.
EDIT: repeated the story, exactly as related to me by the contractors, but until now, after looking it up, never realized how actually violent boxing someone's ears could be. Then again, they used to punish kids that way, lol.
Edited 1 year ago
EDIT: repeated the story, exactly as related to me by the contractors, but until now, after looking it up, never realized how actually violent boxing someone's ears could be. Then again, they used to punish kids that way, lol.
Addicting Fox 1 comments
· 1 year ago
74 yr old man shot by 120 lb Rottweiler mix who accidentally triggered the shotgun propped up between the front seats of pickup, pointing at man. 3 broken ribs, punctured lung and broken collarbone. He got lucky. Who the f**k positions a loaded weapon, with the business end pointed at them? That's going to be an expensive gun safety lesson.
Y’all seem to like my Goth House, here’s the matching pooches 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Love their paint jobs. That asymmetry with solids and textures is striking. Are these ACD's?
cat 3 comments
· 1 year ago
Here you go. The name has been changed to "When The Cat Comes", but I checked, the exact scene depicted in the OP's post is there, as well as the main premise of the cat's magic eyes. Search on YT.
Edited 1 year ago
Utter unaccountable sophisticated 4 comments
· 1 year ago
I looked up Tesco's employee, I mean colleague(cheap psychological ploy), benefits, and an unqualified, Life Assurance policy, paying out 5 times one's yearly salary, is on their list of benefits.
Utter unaccountable sophisticated 4 comments
· 1 year ago
While it definitely COULD be limited to death occuring in the actual course of one's job related duties, "Poor bugger fell into the vegetable chiller while restocking the lettuce. HE NEVER STOOD A CHANCE!!!" <dumb comedy break over-lol>, I was relating it to my last 2 aviation industry jobs(1978-2010), both unionized and which both, automatically, gave employees a, die anywhere-anyhow, GROUP life insurance policy, as a very low-cost, cosmetic "bENeFit" that was always dragged out during negotiations to show why our wage demands were SO unreasonable. Trust me when I say that statistically, very few people of working age are "lucky enough", lol, to collect on them(that's why life insurance rates rise dramatically as you head towards my age) and these "benevolent" companies would immediately stop the practice if the costs outweighed THEIR benefit. BUT, I'm not saying you're wrong, just WAY over-explaining my reasoning...because old people like to talk, lol. Cheers
Edited 1 year ago
Utter unaccountable sophisticated 4 comments
· 1 year ago
I would never tell someone that my death equals a 6 figure payday for them. Put a buddy's name down, if you've got no one else, good idea, but let it be surprise, lest down the road, you may be getting a surprise, first.
Edited 1 year ago