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cakelover · 3 years ago
Yeah, it's a joke
But weapon laws here are not a joke
Well, depending on how you look at them
The UK is incredibly strict on such matters
adam44 · 3 years ago
Okay, good. It sounded serious about the whole thing especially when she said "legal requirements" which is funny to hear.
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
You're living in a fanfic and I also ship you and the cute cop! Bet he thought it was knife meeting you!
cakelover · 3 years ago
How come your mother talked about such things anyway?
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
Ur mum's a snitch. You know what you gotta do now.
lydia · 3 years ago
I'll post my weapons in a bit.
(Oh my god, you all are making me blush, she's probably like, at least 7 years older than me, +I'm already in a relationship!)
lydia · 3 years ago
My mom's a total snitch, yeah. It's not gonna stop me from buying knives tho ;D
karlboll · 3 years ago
It's hard being the wierdo who likes knives. I don't show mine much but laws being they are, and for good reasons, I can't actually carry then outside my home.
lydia · 3 years ago
Honestly idk why my mom decided it would be a good idea to tell others about it.
I didn't get in trouble because I told them I had no intent on taking them outside, and I understood that it would be illegal if I did so.
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
Wow. I’m not a knife person by any means but I have more knives than you. Maybe I’m a knife person. Hmmm. Now I have to adjust my worldview.
lydia · 3 years ago
My family's kinda poor, so I had to save up for a few months to get my larger 2.
Plus, I've only been legally allowed to buy them for just over a year now, soooo
scatmandingo · 3 years ago
I didn’t mean to belittle your collection, just surprised at the size of mine since I don’t actively shop for them. They just sort of gathered over the years.
lydia · 3 years ago
Ah, okay
lydia · 3 years ago
Well, shit.
Apparently I completely misjudged the situation and can't read the room.
My mom says that it was actually serious and there's a chance I'm on a list now?
cakelover · 3 years ago
Ngl your mum is kinda sus
cakelover · 3 years ago
If my mother did that to me (not that I own any such paraphernalia, of course) that would seriously damage my relationship with her
lydia · 3 years ago
Our relationship is hella damaged anyway bc she's very religious, and opposes me being openly bisexual/nb, and views it as an illness - and something that needs to be cured, which is a fucking toxic way to view your child, who's happy being who they are.
Apparently I might be randomly stopped and searched in the street.
This is going to cause so much fucking stress idek what to do. If the thought of a simple blood test can make me faint from stress, I can't imagine what'd happen if this ends up being true.
mialinay · 3 years ago
Wait, if the list thing is actually true, shouldn't the police have informed you about that?
lydia · 3 years ago
Not sure, but nobody fuckin tells me what's going on here.
funkmasterrex · 3 years ago
I never understood knife laws. A large kitchen knife can to just as much damage as a sword, if not more, if it's a puncture wound... yet nobody bats an eye.