Would anybody even read this?
by jingle · 18 comments 3 years ago
jingle · 3 years ago
So, I was really debating on even posting this. I don't know why I've been feeling so, I guess depressed lately. I find things bother me a lot more than usual, and I'm really lonely. I'm tired of putting my heart and soul out there to make friends or talk to people, and getting nothing in return. Like, is it so hard to even just say hi to someone? I feel like no one really cares whether I'm their friend or not, and with quarantine and staying home during this whole COVID thing, it's getting worse. I don't know what to do. I can't talk to my family because they wouldn't exactly understand, just tell me to take my meds and do something I enjoy. But I can't find the motivation to do things I enjoy. I just find myself, sitting here sometimes.
jingle · 3 years ago
It's a little easier to talk about this to people who don't know me in person or anything, for some reason. Is that bad? Or am I just getting brain-addled?
catfluff · 3 years ago
I also find that it's easier to talk to those you don't know in person - I think you can be more open and explore feelings and thoughts you have without fearing that you may step on others' toes.
adam44 · 3 years ago
Agreed with Catfluff. Sometimes a stranger is just what you need.
cakelover · 3 years ago
People on FS seem to be pretty open in general
Are you on the Discord? That's a good place to chat about things
mialinay · 3 years ago
We're always here for you. I'm also having problems with "doing things I enjoy".
So I made a list of things I do daily, that I wanna stop doing (watching youtube, browsing instagram and tiktok, playing among us - and wasting my time on funsubstance) and a list of things that interest me and I wanna start doing (again): learning to do a split and a handstand, drawing, reading, going for walks, doing stuff for university. Actually I was planning on totally cutting out the bad ones, but seeing as I'm here, you can probably tell how this is going. It's a slow process and I'm getting better. The basic thought is a dopamine detox, because things like watching YouTube videos give us quick dopamine without doing anything, that's why we prefer it over our actual hobbies (I'm not that good at explaining, maybe look it up yourself). Yeah so maybe something like this would help you too? In combination with meds ofc. But sometimes you just don't have the right ones. If you feel they have no effect,
mialinay · 3 years ago
Check back with your doctor (happened to me). And as for the friends thing...those things are so damn hard during these times. Like fuck, I don't even know how to help you with this. Maybe there's something like facebook groups for playing games together? Like cards against humanity online for example.
jingle · 3 years ago
Can I consider all of you my friends?
cakelover · 3 years ago
Sure thing
mialinay · 3 years ago
Definetely. Cause I do too.
jingle · 3 years ago
Thanks. That really means a lot to me.
cakelover · 3 years ago
Get your butt on Discord boi
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Hi I want to be your friend too, hope the subscriptions are not close! I'm a clumsy friend but I think of my friends often.
lightwar · 3 years ago
We are all connected. I am your friend!
catfluff · 3 years ago
Hell yes!
deleted · 3 years ago
@mialinay, you could totally stop doing those things that give us a quick dopamine fix without doing anything and that's okay but I also feel like those things are a part of us. Doing those things, like being on funsubstance could've helped you grow in a way you maybe couldn't have had you taken another avenue. I am dealing with the same problem and what am doing/trying to do is that I divide up my time and allocate sections of it to all these activities with the ones that I've deemed 'priorities' — which in your case would be the healthy activities that you want to start doing more — taking precedence over the lesser priorities. I realized that I enjoy being on funsubstance more after having already attained satisfaction from something more healthier like completing a work task, reading a chapter in my favourite book. For me, it's about trying to attain that healthy balance and maintaining it. I hope this helps
deleted · 3 years ago
I am your friend too @jingle
iccarus · 3 years ago
understand that things are temporary, if you look at it like it's a permanent thing, then of course it will be depressing, take it one day at a time and pull yourself out of it.