catfluff · 3 years ago
No, my mom did and continuous to do so - my partner and I are dating for 7 years. I've tried many avenues but they never fully work
dash224 · 3 years ago
Your mom makes you feel bad about it too?
catfluff · 3 years ago
dash224 · 3 years ago
I’m so sorry. I hope mine isn’t that relentless, although I wouldn’t put it past her. When did you guys start switching off on the holidays?
catfluff · 3 years ago
Switching off?
dash224 · 3 years ago
Sorry. Do you and your significant other spend the holidays apart or together?
catfluff · 3 years ago
No problem :)
We spend them together, the first two years or so we did half-half - spent half together and half at the 'rentals, but now we spend every holiday together
dr_richard_ew · 3 years ago
I never knew you had a partner catfluff. Neat.
Also to answer your question, I don't think it sounds weird. My brother had his gf (at the time) come down to our place for christmas, and her family never seemed to find it weird.
dash224 · 3 years ago
Oh okay! Yeah I guess maybe we’re spending them together earlier in the relationship, but I find this time of year to be so special to me and I want to spend it with him. Of course I want to see my family, but so does he. That’s why we switch off for thanksgiving and Christmas (sorry I shouldn’t just automatically assume everyone celebrates thanksgiving and Christmas). I don’t see what’s wrong with that and my mom will continue to make me feel bad. She’s selfish and only wants things her way
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Maybe make sure to call your mom on Christmas and Christmas Eve.
But till you go tell her how next year you will mix it up and thanksgiving be with them and Christmas with her.
That is what my 3 of my brothers do.
And explain to her that though you appreciate her opinion the truth is that times are different from when she was young and couples do this before marriage now.
mrscollector · 3 years ago
Maybe also explain what exactly will be sleeping arrangements, where you be like hotel or the parent’s house and what will happen in the time like what you be doing.
I assume you be gone For more than a day you say that you live in separate states
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
My sister and her boyfriend had the same agreement that they'd spend Christmas at a place and New York eve at the other and switch for the next year. We were all fine with it and it gave us the opportunity to know the guy better, which seems pretty important. Maybe you can try telling your mother how eager he's to meet her and how eager his family is to meet you, so she can see it in a sightly more positive angle?
Or maybe you could do a big ass gathering with everyone but that could be a hassle.
dash224 · 3 years ago
Thanks guys for the help! I’ve met his family numerous times, and honestly at this point, I’d rather spend Christmas with them because of my mom.
catfluff · 3 years ago
That's pretty much what I end up doing