catfluff · 3 years ago
I made a list of things, remind me in six hours then I'll post it here
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
mialinay · 3 years ago
I've had one, but tbh mine was rather informal. I still had to remind myself to relax though, maybe that.
And usually they'll ask you at the end if there's anything you'd like to know or add and I think that might be the best time to jump right in and ask them what to expect regarding the payment. Just be bold and confident about it I'd say.
adam44 · 3 years ago
Ask questions. Who will you be working under, what are they like, is your workplace a close knit group of individuals or very professional, etc. If you need more ideas I have some but you MUST ask questions. You may enter a job you can't do or won't like if you don't. As for money ask them what they're offering and if it's not enough talk about it and see if they can offer more. BUT give them a reason why you're worth extra. You need to pay your bills and make enough to enjoy life. Never be shy about needing money. Everyone does.
cakelover · 3 years ago
That is awesome @catfluff
Well done
cakelover · 3 years ago
And thank you for sharing
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Thank you everyone and special thanks to catfluff <3 you're a real MVP. I couldn't use all of these questions since museums don't work like normal companies but I'm going to print the sheet out for later use! That was super sweet of you to compile it.
Kay so it went kinda smoothly, +: they seem interested in hiring me and the pay is good, -: they also seem super elitist, like snorting "well some people your age haven't even listened to a harpsichord concert before, we're not reaching out to them, they can keep their rap while we preoccupy ourself with culture"....... also wanted to see the room around me for some reason, probably to assess whether I was part of their world. I'm not, but that was a nice rehearsal for normal interviews.
Also makes me want to listen to harpsichord again just to steal their precious Culture.
catfluff · 3 years ago
@purplepumpkin I used this for an interview at the museum lol
catfluff · 3 years ago
Not just me, I got a lot of it from the internet
mialinay · 3 years ago
They...wanted to see your room? I'd be screwed haha
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Honestly same, I hid behind a "this is not my place so I can't take it upon myself to infringe on the owners' privacy" but it would have ended a lot quicker if I had shown them^^
adam44 · 3 years ago
Well, that's inappropriate of them.
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Totally. I made sure to be polite but insist on the word "privacy".
mialinay · 3 years ago
Wow quick thinking there!
Yes and also totally none of their business!
adam44 · 3 years ago
I get that your living situation can suggest what your situation will be at work but your home is your home and should never be insisted on being open to the public. I know that's off topic but it's an important issue for me. Anyways, your chat not mine. Is there anything else we can help with? With everything going on I'd love to hear that you can get a good job.
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I agree, it was a red flag to me too.
(Not gonna lie I'd also love to hear that I got a good job haha)
Well I think it's cool beans for today, you've all helped. Have a good day/night team! (I've always wanted to say that)