captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
The house is shaking at this point, and like I get this weird effect on me that I get with any of my tornado dreams. Where I'm like, really unbalanced, and leaning. Anyway, the house shakes, and rumbles, and everything sort of blurs in that Skyrim type fashion, like there's a blur filter applied to me. Suddenly I'm at the top of the stairs, swaying and sweating, it's now nighttime, and I stumble into my brother's room, where he's just playing games on his computer. I ask him why he isn't in the basement, because of the tornado, and he just looks at me and laughs, and asks What tornado?. Something in my head clicks and I guess I start to believe I was just having a really bad fever dream, so I sorta stumble downstairs for water or something.
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
As I go downstairs, things sort of blur again, and suddenly I'm in my backyard, and it's day again. I start walking out through the back gate to the alleyway, and there's this really large like, van type thing outside. With several people in it and two guys dressed like sheriffs. At this point I have little to no memory, and apparently most of these people don't either, which is why they banded together. I then hear a baby crying from in the van, and something in me clicks, and I semi remember who I am, except in the dream my name was Jimmy, and that was my child, Hope. I demand they give me my baby, or they at least take me with them, and the younger sheriff gets sort of confrontational with me, hands me his pistol, and hands it to me. Tells me I have to shoot him and prove I'm tough or something. I point it at him, hand shaking, and pull the trigger, but the gun just clicks. He takes it back, but for whatever reason, he wasn't satisfied.
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
The older sheriff laughs, and comes over to me, and puts a revolver in my hand, and tells me this time, the gun is loaded and will fire. Asks me if I'm really strong enough to use it. I point it at him, hand shaking, but chicken out and lower it. But then I hear the baby cry again, and raise it and fire, killing the older sheriff instantly.
I then woke up, like actually woke up, and realized the last group of people involved the characters from the show Raising Hope. I was Jimmy, there were a few characters in the van, and the younger 'sheriff' was Barney from Howdy's...
captainjackharknes · 3 years ago
But yeah, I get super weird super vivid dreams.
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I don't know what to say man but that was a wild read.