Bend over FBI XD 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Pressures on, faggot
Freedom from his wheelchair 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Huh...I guess that's one way to look at it. I mean...Huh. I guess it all depends on his perspective at this point. I'm sure they didn't mean it to be cruel ha and I bet they asked the kid about it beforehand but...yeah, could go either way
Googled Indian writing. Was not disappointed 7 comments
When a piglet is cold, farmers will sometimes immerse them in warm water 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Holy shit, funniest thing I've ever read. I can't believe how funny this is. More, it needs more upvotes. Who's with me?
George Carlin, also one of the best comedians! 4 comments
· 9 years ago
He is waaayyyy over rated. He can rant and sputter without skipping a beat, he can talk and galvonize without stuttering over a word, but does that make him funny...noooottttt quite
Guns save lives 62 comments
· 9 years ago
11 year old equals middle school. An 11 year old is more than capable of watching a 4 year old unless you shelter them to the point of stupidity.
I don't know how this door is still intact 27 comments
Dear everyone (mostly my parents), 29 comments
· 9 years ago
bottom half makes no sense. You must be religious, young, naive, or all of the above
I dont think it was a malfunction 14 comments
Life Tastes Good 7 comments
Bruce lee wisdom 11 comments
· 10 years ago
what a fucking legend...he's hard to compare with others. so few can stand the test. such a badass!
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 10 years ago
That's the thing, you have to have the predisposition. If you have that predisposition then yeah, weed can act as a trigger for psychosis but you're not going to just develop schizophrenia by smoking pot
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 10 years ago
you're right. Since it's illegal, I'm guessing nobody does it! Drugs being legal would be the smarter option of the two. You make it illegal, you create a stigma, and people who actually do have a problem are scared to get help when they need it. There are various pros and they definitely outweigh your cons which i'm still unaware of. Please, enlighten me
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeaahhhh, just read the article. That's a particular strain of weed called "Charlotte's Web"...@benelenium, is there a reason you're actively trying to spread misinformation or do you like cultivating and proliferating fear and ignorance? I'm just curious
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank you guest...thank you. So many people just...misinformed and scared. Sadness
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 10 years ago
Hi europe guest, you are correct. Cause schizophrenia? ooooohh man. No...just no. And to main comment...just...remember where your information comes from. Once upon a time, doctors endorsed smoking! Gee whiz, pa! Anyway, don't be ignorant. Unless...are you from the tobacco companies!?
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 10 years ago
This is so outrageously ignorant. This is just so...outrageously ignorant. Look into why pot is illegal. Look into who profits and why. Look at what pot actually does and compare it to a legal drug like...hmmm, let's say alcohol. Do you know who funded "a drug free america" in the 90's? Tobacco & alcohol? Can't lose business to a drug that's comparatively far safer and easy enough to grow in your own home now can we? I don't even partake in weed but I am overwhelmed by people who are like you and think like you. It makes no sense and is founded on blind ignorance and fear. Boo on you sir,
Bruh Don't Laugh 1 comments
· 10 years ago
The worst. I feel like this could be a medical condition called fuckedup-itis, many bad situations made so much worse :( ... :)
And her future's brighter then mine 51 comments