
She's got a point 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
In total, women drivers pay more than men for car repairs out of their own pocket over the course of a lifetime. In conclusion I would argue that it is women who are the worst drivers. Ever heard of a female formula one driver, or rally driver, or nascar driver winning a race. No, me neither.
She's got a point 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Just want to clarify on the insurance thing. Insurance premiums for men (especially young men) are higher because the cost of damage when it occurs is often higher for men due to driving faster (e.g. into a wall). These high speed accidents don't happen as often, but because they cost more for the insurance companies, the drivers are charged more. With female drivers however, lower speed accidents often result in less damage (e.g. smashed wing mirror, scratched door, broken tail light etc) and therefore cost less to repair. On top of that, most car insurance contracts have a clause that states the driver must pay the first £500 (for example) towards repairs and so many times the insurance company doesn't have to cough up anything. This is especially pertinent for women drivers since although they have significantly more accidents by number than men, the damage caused often falls within £500 and so the insurance company doesn't have to worry and therefore can charge women less.
Simple jobs are the hardest to do right 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
except not carbon monoxide. . .