Free user vs playing user 13 comments
· 11 years ago
too many guests who shouldn't make accounts are making accounts because they were bribed with cookies.
We've explored about 5% of the sea 13 comments
· 11 years ago
That was less than 1% a couple of years ago. Looks like we're moving pretty quick now that tech is catching up
1994 changed music as we know it 8 comments
· 11 years ago
He made music that he didn't want to be popular, and it became massively popular. If this is him, he's punishing us by making music meant to be popular, but shouldn't be.
Whenever my parent make a joke 8 comments
· 11 years ago
i wouldn't say lowest, but any parent who would whore out their children like that are pretty low.
Before and After Portraits of Drug Abusers 17 comments
Write your name in elvish in 10 minutes 33 comments
· 11 years ago
why the fuck did i get downvoted? don't click buttons just because you're not as fast at figuring things out.
Women are always right, even when they are wrong they're not. 30 comments
· 11 years ago
One of the more recent pictures taken at Mandela's memorial shows her playing along just as much as he does, photographers just make more money on the shots that might make something seem controversial.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about 82 comments
· 11 years ago
I just started watching it on netflix. I recommend it if you enjoy Sherlock, as many of the best Dr. Who episodes I've seen are written by Steven Moffat.
Original confession bear 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Also, Spongebob wasn't in all of our childhoods. I grew up with Animaniacs and Loony Toons.
Write your name in elvish in 10 minutes 33 comments
· 11 years ago
You put the dots for the A above and the E below, or the other way around depending on which letter you pronounce as the dominant of the two.
Write your name in elvish in 10 minutes 33 comments
Salute to customer service 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I was reading through these trying to think of one that was missed, but then there it was.
You can't. You won't. You don't 10 comments
You can't. You won't. You don't 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I have found a very easy way to win arguments with my wife. You see, it is well known to the people around me that I have an amazing memory (almost to the degree of being eidetic) . When arguments come up her side of the story is almost always skewed from what actually happened, which give me the advantage of being able to tell her what happened exactly from my perspective, which in turn usually turns the situation around and makes her feel bad for being argumentative.
If you are ever homeless 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Not always easy when you're a working homeless. This is actually a fairly good idea, if you can find a gym that will be cheaper than motels.
Shut up and take my money 4 comments
People who work in retail 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Working for an overworked head cook isn't much better. Being that overworked head cook is the worst.
Just a business meeting 12 comments
It's gotta be one of those days 10 comments
· 11 years ago
The rapid heating of an already brittle surface would only aid in the chance of it shattering. Warm water would do the trick without the risk.
Cat Language 101 9 comments
· 11 years ago
more like "Here, let me release my scent for you. Good? Want more? Here you go!"
Awesome and true. 18 comments
My mom is always pulling this shit 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I wasn't attempting to make it a thing at all. Though if I were, my mission would have been a cultural thing, not a race thing. You see, I mentioned "Westernization", as many countries who would consider themselves the collective "East" often allow feminine subjugation. Not even just the subjugation of females themselves, but of femininity entirely.
I feel that at this point I should mention that I happen to be a white male, and not a feminist extremest.
I feel that at this point I should mention that I happen to be a white male, and not a feminist extremest.
The question is why? 28 comments
· 11 years ago
During many points in history girls would be married off at the first sign of sexual maturation, and sometimes the marriages would be arranged by the parents before birth. Before science advanced, I'm sure many girls were sexualized before they could have children, just as today's media is causing.
Model baby 18 comments
· 11 years ago
True, but you can see that they are either wet or the baby is wearing makeup. The lashes are too clearly spaced for such a low definition picture.
An I going to hell for that 21 comments
· 11 years ago
The* American*
Fun fact is that you were just corrected in the spelling of 'America' by a Canadian.
Fun fact is that you were just corrected in the spelling of 'America' by a Canadian.
My mom is always pulling this shit 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I can speak from experience that if this family hasn't been in some way "Westernized" that the son would be asking why food isn't ready yet, and telling his mom to hurry up. I've seen a husband hit his wife in Sears because she responded to me before he did. He then told me to not talk to his wife.
R.I.P 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm just going to take a moment to be an asshole. I never really liked his movies, or his acting. It's sad that he's dead, it's horrible how he died. It is heartbreaking to think of another child to grow up without a father. I just don't like seeing all these posts where everyone is saying how much they loved his movies, or loved him as an actor. The guy played the same character in just about every movie he ever did.
Black friday 2013 13 comments
Scary and brilliant at the same time 4 comments
I would watch this. 36 comments
I would watch this. 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Are we forgetting that Hercules is a demigod? He could pick up the ground like a sheet of paper and fold it over everyone.
American "beer" 3 comments
· 11 years ago
I've had German beer in a German beer garden. I've had American beer, both the good and the bad. I was born and raised in Canada, and I say it's a tie between ours and German beer.
At least I'm wearing underwear 12 comments
Air umbrella 5 comments
Levitating Mouse 2 comments
· 11 years ago
but what about the weight of the rest of my arm? I'm not holding my arm up for hours of gaming/browsing.
Iron Hulk 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I feel like he would do fine with just the flight controls. I don't think he actually needs too much armor.
March is a bit confused 4 comments
· 11 years ago
I remember one july where we had a snow storm out of nowhere. Ended up with a few inches of snow for the night, by noon the next day it was beach weather again and the snow was gone.
At least I'm wearing underwear 12 comments
father overhears his son.. ♡ 19 comments
· 11 years ago
We aren't all like that. I promise. I stay a guest simply because I don't care for having another account to look after. Sometimes I watch the posts I comment on by bookmarking them in my browser and checking them from time to time. Other times I will say something that nobody else is saying, or an rant that I felt bubbling (like this one).
My point to all of this is that you called him "just a guest" because he said "but still gay". Are you no different than him? Judging all guests as a lesser class of user just because some feel the need to troll, or those who are just simply assholes. There are known users who are dedicated to trolling. Should we say "still a user" in their wake?
Tolerate everyone. Except the individual assholes.
My point to all of this is that you called him "just a guest" because he said "but still gay". Are you no different than him? Judging all guests as a lesser class of user just because some feel the need to troll, or those who are just simply assholes. There are known users who are dedicated to trolling. Should we say "still a user" in their wake?
Tolerate everyone. Except the individual assholes.
this would be so useful 17 comments
Good guy abdul haji 18 comments