Straight outta logic 65 comments
· 9 years ago
You are right, Leigh. It's not nature, but culture...a culture we encourage with widespread welfare for life across multiple generations. A culture that is promoted and encouraged because anyone who speaks against it is labeled a racist. It's a losing culture of victimhood and low much so that we need to promote "diversity" by accepting lower-qualified people just because they have the correct skin color.
Sign at elementary school in Arkansas 19 comments
going on a "THIS IS f*ckING FEMINISM NOT YOUR TUMBLR SHIT" rampage get out of my way. 17 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm sure many Feminists (equal pay for equal work, equal opportunities) will agree, but the last several instances I've experienced have been:
-I want equal opportunity
-I want the benefits of 1950's traditional gender (Man pays for everything, man is always the protector, man carries the burden of "taking care of" everything).
-I want equal opportunity
-I want the benefits of 1950's traditional gender (Man pays for everything, man is always the protector, man carries the burden of "taking care of" everything).
Pope Francis needs much respect 17 comments
· 9 years ago
-Tells US not to build a wall to keep out people who want to come illegally.
-Does not notice enormous wall around Vatican City.
-Does not notice enormous wall around Vatican City.
boom 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Not sexist to tell the wife to do that...she's the one asking for advice. Had the husband asked, the advice could equally apply to him. If you want to fix something, it's not always easy to change your own actions, but it's darn near impossible to change others.
I hope this actually happened 11 comments
· 9 years ago
One time a girl lost a hand of strip poker, and she took her bra off without removing her shirt. It was one of the most erotic things I ever saw.
that's what I call luck 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I wonder if Mr. Figlock's "hobby" was hanging out on the stoop of that building shooting the breeze with his friends. So, him being there wouldn't be THAT much of a coincidence.
I love this movie so much 18 comments
· 9 years ago
1. a. Bring a real gun
b. Finger on the trigger
c. Point it at someone
d. (Optional) After something bad happens, say "I thought it wasn't loaded."
2. Hollywood is one of the most anti-firearms entities. But it's interesting how so many of the people who want to restrict MY ability to own one have one or more themselves (not always legally, either).
3. Those without swords can still die upon them.
b. Finger on the trigger
c. Point it at someone
d. (Optional) After something bad happens, say "I thought it wasn't loaded."
2. Hollywood is one of the most anti-firearms entities. But it's interesting how so many of the people who want to restrict MY ability to own one have one or more themselves (not always legally, either).
3. Those without swords can still die upon them.
Purrfect review 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Wait...wait...I thought girls were supposed to wear ANYTHING and if anyone found it inapprpopriate, disctracting or titilaitng, then THEY are the weirdos. Like, evey 10th post is about that very theme and how school dress codes are demaning to girls because boys ought not to have anything to say about it, or be distracted, or notice it, or...
Would you? 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Most of what you need to know about anti-Trumps suupporters right there...not voting for the best candidate (in theor opinion) but willing to sell vote.
Same with the ones who go to a Trump speech or rally to disrupt it, intentionally violently, then complain they got ejected.
Same with the ones who go to a Trump speech or rally to disrupt it, intentionally violently, then complain they got ejected.
"Business" 5 comments
· 9 years ago
At a coffee shop, the 50-ish guy near me was straightening out a credit card snafu. Like often we see with cell phones, people talk louder than regular phones or normal conversation. He yelled out his credit card number, social security number, and uniquely spelled last name. That could go really badly.
I love you virginia but you cant do that 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Sounds like she wouldn't stop when legally commanded to do so, ran over a cop trying to escape, then wouldn't lower the window or exit the car when they did stop her. But, yeah, it was all over water that this occurred.
So, the facts aren't wrong, but presented in a very biased way.
So, the facts aren't wrong, but presented in a very biased way.
Instant karma by swordfish 18 comments
· 9 years ago
That's right, Funsubstance. That guy desreved death for spearing a fish. He and all people who cause an animal's death (by eating any sort of meat or wearing any animal byproduct like leather) desreve to die. Thanks for cluing me in, FS.
Those bastards 15 comments
· 9 years ago
I picked up my 19-year-old daughter at the airport once when she was like eight hours late. She was delayed once in Europe and once in NY, and was starving. We went to the first chain restaurant outside the airport zone, and it would have been like 15 minutes before closing. We asked if it would be OK to dine in, and were told "yes." My daughter had a lot of stories to tell about her European trip, despie being tired, and we were there at least 15 minutes past close. We didn't dawdle, but we didn't scarf down our food either. I left a nice tip, and feel like I gave the staff a chance to say they were just closing. We didn'\t purposely come in late, but the time was driven by the late flight arrival.
I feel ya'after working in retail in high school, but it's not always malicious.
I feel ya'after working in retail in high school, but it's not always malicious.
Proof 4 comments
· 9 years ago
TBH, he's not "in" the woods...the woods are behind him. He's in the meadow or field, actually.
When typo goes wrong 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Many girls may "like" Batman, but it's 1 in a 1000 that would be creative and clever enough to send that reply. The most common will be "LOL."
This is my new favourite thing. 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Amazing that this "sworn to be true" episode played out exactly like a joke I heard >15 years ago!
Car ley trick 12 comments
· 9 years ago
1. It keeps water and dirt out of the lock mechanism in addition to looking better.
2. I'll bet you $100 that this is in the owner's manual, if you'd have read it.
2. I'll bet you $100 that this is in the owner's manual, if you'd have read it.
I really wish I learnt these earlier 36 comments
· 9 years ago
As a dad, I often offer my kids to come help or observe doing one repair/maintenance/miscellaneous task. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they're busy with homework. But, I can't help but notice that they have time for social media by the hour. So, I'm not saying to skip homework or sports, but you could do certain important things like homework in place of two hours on Facebook/Twitter/Funsubstance, and come learn the various tasks when I'm doing them, especially if you're told a couple days before that the XYZ task will be done Saturday morning for example.
The opportunity to learn these things is presented to most, but it's not always taken. The toilet needs to be fixed right away, not in three days when you think you'll have more time. Turn down a bunch of opportunities to help, and at some point you may not get asked any more.
The opportunity to learn these things is presented to most, but it's not always taken. The toilet needs to be fixed right away, not in three days when you think you'll have more time. Turn down a bunch of opportunities to help, and at some point you may not get asked any more.
One surefire way to take down capitalism 26 comments
· 9 years ago
]ust how much of your stuff do you give to those who want it because, in their view, they're less fortunate than you. Even a poor person in the west is better off than 80% of the rest of the world. Yet, we see all this stuff where the person with decent medical care, abundant food, opportunity for a job, a cell phone, etc., thinks *he's* the one who's downtrodden. But they never seem to share much with people who have one pair of shoes, or no shoes.
Support local businesses 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Alternative to trying to guilt people: Have service, selection, quality goods and services that make people want to support your business.
They dropped these leaflets during the Japan bombing in WW2 20 comments
· 9 years ago
You may also have forgotten that the US was brought into WW2 by the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor and killing American soldiers/sailors/airmen WITHOUT a declaration of war. Look up "Rape of Nanking" to see how the Japanese treated those they conquered. Near war's end, they were ready to fight with women and children to defend their homeland. The US military planners anticipated tens of thousands American deaths by invading Japan, and hundreds of thousands Japanese deaths. Would that be preferable to the two A-bombs, as terrible as they were?
Still get friendzoned 16 comments
Maybe I am wrong 21 comments
· 9 years ago
You can get a job that doesn't require college and see what you like/don't like about it. You can get a related-field education...I know a Toolmaker (four year apprenticeship) who is also an engineer. It sure doesn't hurt his design abilities to know how things are made. Of course, that took him 8 years of study. If you "feel yourself out" before going to college, you won't earn a lot right away, so your lifestyle will be more modest. There are many many routes to take other than decide at 18 what your whole life will look like. You just might need to do something other than your 19 closest friends and acquaintances are doing.
Step 1 is acknowledging you have responsibility for your life, even when the decisions aren't easy or straightforward. There are two ways to take this post:
-Isn't t ironic/tragic how we put this decision on ourselves,
-Life is unfair and hard because I can't do everything I want without having to live with the social and financial consequences.
Step 1 is acknowledging you have responsibility for your life, even when the decisions aren't easy or straightforward. There are two ways to take this post:
-Isn't t ironic/tragic how we put this decision on ourselves,
-Life is unfair and hard because I can't do everything I want without having to live with the social and financial consequences.
How do I find x when y=I don't give a f*ck 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Your dad tries to teach you that stuff, along with how to check tire pressure and change oil. But, whenever he says, "Hey come look at something" or "You wanna help me with something," you're too busy on Facebook or Tumblr. When he tries to use someone as a cautionary example...a friend of yours or someone on the roll your eyes and say, "Oh my GAAAWWWD, dad. I don't, like need a, like, lecture every time. I can't EVEN."
Yay! Well, not entire Canada - Just Ontario. Low income means less than $50k a year 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Is the tution free for ALL fields of study? Can I major in modern dance, art history or women's studies, or only fields that are of value to society? Is it hard to be admitted, that is, do the universities only take the top students?
nice 24 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm a "rich asshole" type and I always tip 15% even when the service isn't that good. Exception: When the meal is only like $5 or $7, I figure taking the order, bringing the food and topping off my coffee is worth more than the 15% which would be less than a dollar, so I usually tip $2. So, not every rich asshole is a bad tipper.
Teach them while they're young! 13 comments
· 9 years ago
"You need to pitch in and clean the area used for your education."
American Students: "Oh my like Gawwwd! They treat us like SLAVES!!"
American Students: "Oh my like Gawwwd! They treat us like SLAVES!!"
What are your thoughts? 46 comments
· 9 years ago
I disagree that the reason is because women are less valued. I thin it's because men's roles are more strictly limited. For example, nobody thinks anything of two women dancing together.