To be continued 9 comments
· 8 years ago
If the foot prints evolved, then why is there still fish?
Pokemon's new way to ask your "gender" because of hypersensitive cry babies these days 60 comments
· 8 years ago
It's a better option than what the SJW wanted. "Are you a boy, girl, or gender neutral" Although I would love to play pokemon as Boy George
Yay, Stereotypes! 14 comments
Chris Pratt is perfect 3 comments
· 8 years ago
DC got a hold of a rogue Chris from Marvel's vault. Chris Pine. He'll be Steve Trevor in the upcoming films
I miss the old pokemon 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Ash sucks so hard. There's an episode where they go to Sam's lab and Gary's krabby walks by and ash is all "wait, don't I have a krabby?" and Gary's like "you mean you don't rotate your pokemon and keep them all evenly leveled and show them all equal amounts of love" and ash is just like "I've had this same team forever. Herea a pikachu and a pidgey"
Truth about comic sans 16 comments
Spice up the relationship 4 comments
Do you want younger looking eyes? 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Okay, so, "younger looking eyes." Does that mean the eyes are visually younger looking aesthetically, or does it mean they look and view with the vigor of younger eyes?
Marvel, make it happen T_T 18 comments
The Star Wars elements 12 comments
i would be the first in line 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Like a really bad homemade Dragon suit with fake fur and the spikes on the back tipping over. His face is just in the open mouth of the Dragon costume
Real life and anime version 8 comments
They work just as hard for minimum wage as waiters and chefs 26 comments
· 8 years ago
I was under the impression that tipping started in America during prohibition. People would pay the server more for bringing their food first and restaurant owners would tell them "yeah, take it, we're not making enough money to pay you so now you have to rely on tips" and it just continued. Maybe other countries tip servers but I don't think they have servers rely on tips solely as their main income
They work just as hard for minimum wage as waiters and chefs 26 comments
· 8 years ago
It Hink instead of tipping every body we should just pay servers enough money. No other country tips. Also, I am a cook and I use to date a server at a restaurant I worked at. Use to piss me off how she would COME home after being at work for 4 hours and complain about only making 80-90 dollars that night. I'm sittin here like "bitch, that's half my paycheck in one night why are you complaining?!"
Weapons Prisoners Made With What They Had 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Prisoners are some of the most ingenuitive people you will ever meet. They're like effin Tony Stark in a cave building an Iron Man suit out of spare parts.
When you weren't invited to the civil war 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Jessica Jones. She has a wonderful Netflix Original Series. Luke Cage is also in it
The end of the calculator as we know it 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Older calculators do not use PEMDAS (parenthesis, exponent, multiply, divide, add, subtract, in that order when doing a math problem) newer calculators can account for that. Whithout using this method and using this method give 2 different answers but only the one using PEMDAS is correct
I present you the fluffiest creature ever 10 comments
Man loses 425 lbs and gets excess skin removed thanks to a Taylor Swift song 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't wanna watch the video bc I am lazy but can someone tell me what song. That's all I wanna know.
Personally I hope it's Shake it Off and he was all "how am I gonna lose weight" then the song played and a lightbulb popped over his head. "I'll SHAKE it off!!"
Personally I hope it's Shake it Off and he was all "how am I gonna lose weight" then the song played and a lightbulb popped over his head. "I'll SHAKE it off!!"
Expectation vs Reality 6 comments
· 8 years ago
That's actually ALOT closer than I would have got. And better than the other "nailed it" memes
So I need a partner in crime 9 comments
· 8 years ago
This is from a movie called Safetey Not Guaranteed. It has Au Rey Plaza in it and it's on Netflix if anybody is interested. Not bad. Short film
Does it really float? 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Any hug from any girl feels good. Hugs are hugs. Feeling boobie hugs are just bonuses
Does it really float? 25 comments
· 8 years ago
It still technically floats when erect, it just doesn't feel like it bc it is so stiff to begin with. Unlike the flaccid peen, which which bob and weave along with currents, an erect peen is just there. Its still buoyant on Its own, though. Like if it were cut off or something
I'm closer and closer to my goal of offending everyone 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I read that as jk Rowling for some reason and was like "wtf Elmo?" and then I realized it said JFK and I was 100% okay with it for some reason
So cute ^_^ 27 comments
Some things that piss people off 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I've thrown away so many pencils after they shArpen like that. There's no hope for them
The Weirdest Things About America That Americans Don't Realize 66 comments
· 9 years ago
I've noticed 11, I can get why 12 is confusing but I 100% agree with #10. People always freakin looked at me through the things when I was takin a poops at work when I cooked at applebees.
Maybe It's Time For A Change 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I'd be happy for whoever she's dating bc I was a total loser and my daughtr would be awesome
*sarcastic voice* who would do such a thing? 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Pink actually used to be given to newborn boys but it switched over to girls at some point for some reason. And color association is a huge thing too. Banks use black and green for logos bc black insinuates class and success while green is an allusion to money and wealth. Red and yellow tends to make people hungry which is why restaurants have logos with those colors. Its a graphic design thing meant to invoke a thought in someone's mind to associate the thing with. Which is why boys are blue and girls are pink.
Zootopia newscasters by region 21 comments
Reese witherspawn 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Never mind, I have reread the title and now see that it is also a pun and wholeheartedly enjoy your more than mine. 1000 sorries.