
Sometimes jokes write themselves 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Well, the previous resident did use the FBI to investigate his party's opponent to give an advantage to his side, and weaponized the IRS to go,after his political opponents and anyone who donated to them.
Feeling ignored 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yes. Last week I was in the middle of baring my soul about a formative challenge I faced in elementary school, and my wife interrupted to ask my sister about her eyeshadow pencil. I had to leave the room to avoid saying something I'd regret later.
Ken M on men swimming 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
No....DURING...also aim backwards for increased thrust.
Just a fun fact 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I was gonna make an analogy to voters, since lots of people are so dogmatic that nobody else could have information that they themselves don't possess, or have a different set of priorities. But, dcottingham makes that an anti-Trumpist, all Trump voters must be stupid since nobody else could possess knowledge or priorities that he/she doesn't. Congratulations, playa, you played yourself.
Actually sounds like a good idea for people living far from their close ones 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It doesn't really work as described, lighting when YOU touch it. It lights when anyone touches it, so maybe your dog will be licking it at 4AM.
Cherishing the memory 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Agreed. Also, does he just throw away the uneaten meal, when there are hungry people all over?
I would watch it 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I think that you guys who imagine that you will go to live in the paradise of some Nordic country are missing the point. The idea is that there are plenty of advantages to living there, but when it comes time to earn money you'll be alarmed that you're paying over 50% or 60% in taxes rather than the 25% or so you pay overall In the US. (The marginal rate may be more than 25%, but see how much you pay overall.)

You might also find that the kind of "tolerance" you're used to is different in other countries...that may be a plus or minus, but the great part of this imaginary show is seeing how people deal with the stuff that goes with all the benefits.
Fact 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
For that, ya need an eight digit bank account, and you don't get to count the two,digits to the right of the decimal point.
It's not too late to run away 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"Sorry babe...the thing that I wasn't honest with you about is......that I think anyone who believes in astrology is a complete flaming moronic imbecile who must not be allowed to reproduce."
Husband could see right through her 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"I swore to him I wouldn't," but then did anyway because I wanted to.

Something tells me this is a one-way street.
Harry Potter believes in you 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Well, most of the Wizards didn't have an open account at that gnome bank, and after graduation were saddled with Hogwarts student loan debt. That puts them at a serious disadvantage to all previous generation of wizards, who may have had minor challenges and struggles but nothing like the current generation does.

And to the person who wrote that he/she is a "loser:" I see that you spelled it correctly, so at least you have THAT going for ya'. How often have you seen someone say that someone is a "looser?"
The ocean molded this clump of bricks into a rock shape 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Nitpick: "Molded" means formed with a mold of some sort. The ocean took that piece of wall and eroded the edges and corners.
Let the battle begin 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ya' can bitch about the US *keeping* Imperial units of measurement, but as far as the drunk that invented it, all that stuff came from Europe.

It's just terrible how that system of measurement kept the US from becoming a world power economically.
Sorry for being mean, couldn't help it 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is the classic "attractive" shape, because for most of history, the challenge was to get enough calories. Plus, everyone was pretty active because every activity required a lot of human energy. Like, even laundry was an all day, once a week, chore. Only in the last hundred years (and in only a portion of the world) has the problem been too much food and too little activity. We also have magazines and TV shows where skinny is held up as the iconic measure of female beauty.

I find a more athletic look attractive, but understand why others go for something else. Plus, once you have feelings for someone, you look beyond only body shape.
Don’t be too excited 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
1. Knowing what we now know, when doing a similar thing, hold your finger over part of the barcode and digits.

2. What the "friend" did was theft, and I imagine someone would be able to trace who took the winnings based in whatever ID one needs to claim it, or bank account it was sent to.

3. If someone in another country did this--possible since Facebook is all over--then #2 may not actually be true.
We didn't do it 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Well, our parents inherited a world polluted by cars without emissions controls and factories without somestack "scrubbers." They improved things over that state. Then we came along and insisted on being driven everywhere.
RDJ's secret 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Gwyneth thinks that women should stick smooth healing stones up their hoo-hah.
Lesbihonest 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
$25 that the female scientists that discovered it are still bitching about the male scientists who can't find it, but won't spend 30 seconds to just f¥€£ng show them.
You know what I mean 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Only if you consume it consistently over a long time, and abstain from the bad stuff (asparagus, broccoli) over the same can't just start a couple hours ahead.
Coworkers 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Someone wears a suit on "dress down Friday" maybe because of a customer presentation, and you're obligated to give him/her $#+ about it? You're gonna be complaining when the shoe is on the other foot.
Those more doggos! 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Why not? If wearing pants that are half falling off so your underpants show is fashionable, why would,someone doubt the eating of Tide Pods?
Black vs white 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You're thinking of "equality," we've moved past that, to "Social Justice." We don't expect any reasonableness from protected groups, and only people from non-protected groups should ever be punished.
We didn't know at the time, but it turned out that our rumor was true 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So, the girls,in your circle were more interested in penis size than anything else a guy might bring to the table?
Are sharks oppressing girls? 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And Fathers' Day comes after school lets out, so dads don't get a present the kids made in class.
Broback Brobama 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Remember when Obama put automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels through the "fast and furious" program (Google it)? Remember when Obama weaponized the IRS to target the Democrats' political opponents and citizens who had donated to campaigns that were either for the other political party or for causes that he was against? He was the worst president the US has had for a long time.
Since everyone is talking about it. 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Here's the other side of wanting 22 year old men and not boys, is that those are better potential mates for the women who are earning college degrees and what are traditionally responsible jobs. If the handful of men are married by 22 all that's left are boys that live in their parents' basement and get a part time job when they need money for video games.

Also, I don't mean a stereotype masculine man like Gaston who thinks women should be pretty and quiet, I mean a man who wants to take on the work--whether it's the world of engineering, or big business, or starting a small business or being a great welder or machinist--and wants a partner in that life.

Finally, I really wish people who cite the gender pay gap would notice that it includes a lot more variables than only gender.
This doctor was too smart 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Like every patient is young and attractive.

My gynecologist friend once burst someone's bubble when tsp,Rome was saying how lucky he was and he replied "imagine the average overweight women and grandmas you see on the street, plus they come to me when something is seriously wrong with their equipment."

He also doesn't like mushrooms on his pizza because, as he says, he tries every day to kill fungus.
Then an*l is illegal immigration 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The pro-life people say that a fertilized egg is a human life, not that an egg or sperm by itself is a human life. There's no chance of ever having a real discussion if you purposely misrepresent the other side's view so,you can argue against a false premise just because it's easy to beat and easy to make fun of.
Integrity is more important 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Where are glory holes? I have t seen one in over ten years. All the adult bookstores that had them are gone, thanks to the internet. The handful of stores left just don't have those booths.

Ahhhh...the olden days, when I used to enjoy myself there...encountering unknown ladies on the other side of that hole. I mean, I presume they were ladies.
So That's What Started It 39 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Wait til they find out there's a whole country called Niger. And a river as well.
No words.. 29 comments
guest · 6 years ago
1. Not everyone whose ancestors were here 300 years ago is from the area now within the borders of the United States.

2. Native American "reservations" are administered differently than the state/counties that surround it. The US and state taxpayers have to fund their roads and water, etc., but cant tax them. So, it's not necessarily a given that someone from that area is allowed to represent the state or whatever non-reservation government entity that contains the reservation on which he lives.

3. Thank you Democrats for running such a criminal, excuser and defender of sexual assault, and dishonest ex-Secretary of State who sold access to State Department resources that Trump was the less terrible choice.
Gob bless Canadians 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Soooo....all,Australian music.
Charity level: Arab 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Laksh--who is offended. It looks to me like the commentary is that an Arab is being super generous with his credit card towards the charity.
Canada's new PM Trudeau: Crushing it 31 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's what we used to say when we promoted "equality." Same thing with race. Then people questioned why there were scholarships and opportunities for women and People of Color when there were no similar ones for men or whites if "equality" was the real goal. That didn't fit with "equality," so we advanced to "social justice."
Now, gender and race are the most important things so that we can atone for years when there was slavery and women couldn't vote, etc. of course, the people benefiting from or being harmed by social justice programs aren't the same ones that owned slaves or prevented women from voting, but hey--that's why identity matters. You represent the ones who need to pay or who need to be paid for past injustices.
Be careful who you donate to 23 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Thanks for the first hand experience. I've really been turned off by United Way and Susan Kommen the last several years. Not that I have millions to give, but I want what I do give to mean something.

In my town, the local Rescue Mission is also a god choice. I don't think anybody even gets a full time salary there.
Now that's a good boy 26 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's so wrong. So terribly wrong.

It should be "Bulldog Bites Off Pedophile's Penis..." Do not split verbs that first way; it's just wrong.
He has learnt his lesson 27 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yeah, Trump doesn't respect women because of telling coarse jokes with other men in the construction and property business. This pro-women POV brought to you by the same people who supported Bill Clinton, serial molester and rapist who got the Arkansas state police to cover up his $#+ while governor and Democrats to do the same while president and former president.
What in the seven hells 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Where does it say he screwed her? Plus, since when is dating so bad, or ending the dating relationship when it's clear there's no long term connection? The friend found a girl, they went on some dates, maybe they gave each other an honest chance to see if there was anything meaningful long term, and when there wasn't the guy let her off the hook so she could find someone with a chance of a nice LTR.
Oh Laaaawd it gets better xD 28 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Apparently, doing so in a way that isn't sensitive to People,of Color gets you branded as a hate monger and spreader of racism.
Another screenshot from a feminist page on Instagram 23 comments
guest · 6 years ago
hood--Why do women "need a leg up?" More women than men were admitted to medical school. More than 55% of college degrees are given to women. In the newspaper, I see that many local high schools have four girls as class officers (president, Vice President, treasurer and secretary) some have two,boys and two girls, but none has just boys or even a majority of boys. So, why do women "need a leg up?"
Food for thought 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Then Moe's widow poked everybody in the eyes. Well, except Curly's widow...*she* knew how to hold up a hand so it blocked the eye poke.
What kind of ? 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Why insult her, though? All you're doing is showing all the girls around her that you're a spoiled little crybaby.
Finnish healthcare system 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Also, it's affordable in a homogeneous country where people societally prefer to work and it's not desirable to be on welfare as a lifestyle but only as a temporary condition to get you through between jobs. When vast swaths of people want to rest in the welfare hammock, it gets too expensive for the fewer taxpayers to cover the career welfare consumers.
Tuition fees in detail 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I know,it doesn't support the beloved narrative of victimhood, but most cities have an extension college or small college. You could attend college while staying at home and saving money on rent, if not board as well. All four of my kids have gotten scholarships of at least a third of tuition from the university. Both they and I received outside scholarships, but I didn't get anything from the university itself. So, it looks like most of us used to pay "list price" for tuition, but nowadays very few do.

If Yale's tuition is too salty for you, your state university is probably half that.

I'm not saying there aren't challenges, but you can sit around and cry about how unfair life is, or you can do the things that are within your power and not let the things you can't affect prevent you from doing so.
Who cares!? It's a hair style! 30 comments
guest · 6 years ago
luckybrewster--Have you KNOWN black women who were told that or have been fired, or are you just repeating things you heard from someone who heard it from someone else who figured it was probably true based Ina misunderstood comment taken out of context? I have never heard of that, and I've been in the workforce for decades, plus know enough African Americans that this would have come up if it did indeed ever occur to people they know.
Paradox of tolerance 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So,instead of being intolerant of true intolerance, we're intolerant of,ideas that are different than what we like.
A sad twist 43 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yeah, cuz in countries with socialized medicine, you never have an instance of someone gaining a lot of money and dying soon after.
You lucky man 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Usually 25 year old guys aren't interested in 15-16 year old girls.
A very short lived world 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Her baby daddy is Skeletor.
Never seen it like that 23 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You can barely see a couple the country that has a quarter of the world's population...but the US needs to wreck its economy due to,greenhouse gases.