He was the worst 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't even get me started on Resetti...
People should realize this 43 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank freaking goodness! I have a mood disorder, and if I ever see someone faking these things, or using them as labels, I have to keep myself from smacking them. It isn't cool, and isn't something you should seek. It can be a curse. But question about the insomnia, if you suddenly cannot fall asleep until 2-3am (only sleep 3-4 hrs) [now becoming nightly], would that be considered insomnia?
Say no to cruelty for fashion 11 comments
So I'm jealous all the time...? 31 comments
Explain every girl I met... 40 comments
Instantly freezes when ice is thrown in 15 comments
I could spend my whole life there 16 comments
We can do this all day 6 comments
· 10 years ago
My karate teacher's dog is named Shiba (even though it is not a Shiba inu), because "inu" means dog in Japanese
What would YOU do? 30 comments
This is why I'm broke 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Am I the only one who saw the knife as if it was about to cut the woman on the pillow in half?
when your stuck behind slow walkers 18 comments
· 11 years ago
This is one of those gigs that literally has me laughing so hard that I'm crying
Sounds like a Direct TV commercial 9 comments
Can't come up with anything for this 10 comments
Sports game signs 6 comments
· 11 years ago
"You're running better than the government", the most true words ever spoken.
Advanced stupid 67 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh jeez... "America" is not a continent. It is a country. In the US constitution, there is "Freedom of Religion". The people in Africa are doing a lot more to survive than this person, and can likely use better grammar. There is just so much ignorance in this post....
This Makes Me Wish I Had A Twin... 6 comments