;( nooo 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Not true!!! Did the author of the book say this noooooooooope
Painting of a painting 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I saw a painting being painted by the painter who painted the painting where he is painting
A stapler that staples and dates papers 15 comments
A stapler that staples and dates papers 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Well @ dafuqdidyoujustsee that is my family members death date so I'm sorry u think I'm a twat.
insert title 63 comments
Poking a spiders nest 27 comments
What if I told ya, I believe ya? 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Um this post is true. Dogs are not aggressive just cuz. It is because the owner abuses the dog so it thinks that every human will do that. No dog is aggressive just cuz. There is always a reason. Pitbulls are getting banned from areas because people think they are aggressive because of the breed. Um no it's because people put them in fights and abuse them. If a poodle bit a kids toe of it would not be in the news because people think those dogs are harmless. If a pitbull bit a kid and all that happened was that the kid was bleeding a little it would end up on the news. Researchers say that most dogs that everyone loves and thinks are not afressive are actually more aggressive many people took a test with a poodle,jack Russell, terriers, ect and they got worse scores than a pitbull and Rottweiler and chow chows, ect it's always because of irresponsible owners. (Sorry this is long and kinda got into a little bit of something else. But this is all true)
Heartsmith 60 comments
· 10 years ago
Did the heart smith die?? Or is that the future or something I need to know!!
Beautiful heterochromia 31 comments
Fiction is better than reality! 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Haha that's how I felt at the end of allegiant. I cried more than I cry about other things.
This might be my last selfie here 49 comments
Fiction is better than reality! 11 comments
· 10 years ago
No Stahp with divergent stuff it reminds me of the ending of allegiant. ;( so sad!!
Still a better love story than Twilight. Any TWD fans here? 30 comments
· 10 years ago
I stopped watching after they killed Lizzie and mika. They let mika die they new Lizzie was crazy and let her be alone with mika and Judith.
I can see why teachers are afraid of parents 3 comments
· 10 years ago
My parents don't excuse me. If I can't justify myself (ie: Someone was a bully or the was picking on a student and I have proof), I end up grounded and spanked.
WHY 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Why???! Again I don't want sad stuff to be a repost now I'm gonna cry forever AGAIN
Caterpillar moustache 10 comments
Reasons Against Gay Marriage 77 comments
· 11 years ago
Whoever does not like gays is stupid you need to except people for who they are
it would be dreams coming true... 65 comments
They're not the same thing people ! 22 comments