
Cheating on Xbox 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Have you seen the new Black Mirror season 5? Because then this will have a completely different meaning xD
Dayumn 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Obviously. Noone thought the two guys stopped the car with their strength. The 'dayumn' is with respect to how close the car came to hitting the other one. Whoosh.
But Kinder Eggs are illegal in the US 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Read any article on the EA/Kinder story and they all refer to Kinder Surprise, which are still illegal in the US.
Who remembers this movie? 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It was one of my favorite movies!
Gun Bill in NY 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
She's a legal immigrant dumb ass
Gun Bill in NY 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Melania first.
Gaston 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
She doesn’t seem like much fun at the happiest place on earth
Blood type 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
In my country your blood type is written on your driver’s license so if any accident occurs they can just check your license instead of doing a test or waiting for you to gain consciousness
Maybe in the Future 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You can get tickets for poor parking?
In South Korea, the rain water is stored so that it can be used to clean the streets when 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
... Kim Jung Un and North Korea finally begin their assault on South Korea and K-Pop
I really want an Apple Watch but 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Asocial, not anti social
Best youtube thread ever 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
After 3 months, I’m still laughing at this.
Unknown few chubby Zebra 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"One organ" is defined as a single, self-contained, vital body part with a single job. So cells and their complete regeneration can't apply, but skin IS an organ, so you can have the forever beauty and youth of a 21 year old, with the failing system and crumbling joints of an 90 year old. The way the evil genie intended.
Gun Bill in NY 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Perhaps a link to the original article would help to be posted
Gun Bill in NY 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Perhaps this is an over simplification?
Beer is ready 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Rather the "Katjes Grünohrhasen", I'd say
Cheating on Xbox 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I don't understand boyfriends (or girlfriends) who are like this. This behavior is just abusive and controlling
Co-workers 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And I can't believe you're still with that uglyass Jada.
Ive definitely done this before, but I felt bad after 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Nope, that's yours, you keep it.
Relatable 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
holy crap she has a giant ass. and not in a good way, if there is such a thing.
Took me 12 hours to finish what u guys think? 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Looks like one of the houseguests gonna be on Big Brother this summer.
Why you do this 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
My heart aches
Someone signed off on this 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I dont think anybody thought anything like that. They were specifically told it would be a one day gig. For someone so woke it would be great if you would wake up.
How many girls had a crush on him? Don't lie. 41 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yesss of course
This picture was taken around midnight during a flash of lightening 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That lighting though
Didn't even flinch 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This elephant is trying to scare the guy. If the ears are out, the trunk is up and it's making a noise, the elephant just wants to scare you. But if the trunk is tucked away, the ears are back and it's quiet, be careful. The animal is very angry.
Lara croft pub hider 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
What a cunt
Timeless 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It was foretold
Aaww 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Well adopt him and he will make ALL your days better!
I would definitely watch that 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Makeup is a lie, your cover up how ugly you actually are to everyone around you 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
right, because the post wasn't made along gender lines, right? you fucking moron, how about you shut the fuck up and crawl back to your mom's cellar
Jk Rowling finding inspiration for Harry Potter (1997, Expecto Patronized) 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
For those who are fans of Metal Gear Solid, Shalashaska is Revolver Ocelot. Shinkawa is the last name of Yoji Shinkawa, the artist of the seires.
Incredible Kronosaurus fossil discovery 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Amazing. I'm not exactly sure what a kronosauraus my youngest grandson knows all about them :) I will get him to explain. Or if someone else can, I would really appreciate it. Have a Great and Blessed day
Choke more 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
aint the guy choking him post malone?
Lucky escape I think 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You escaped
Begone anime 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
... or even "animes" - that is, if the author had even the slightest about spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Must be American, I guess ...
Can you? 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I don't get it.
Reeves, 2003 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As much as I like and respect him, I still think putting your feet on the table is nasty.
Mine in comments 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Professional animal cuddler
Flimsy demonic Magpie 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"I don't ask, I just kiss. They let you do it." You know he did it.
Docs who perform abortion would face felony jail time up to 99 years 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
They aborted all sorts of babies during medieval times
One does not simply forget where it all started 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Damn Daniel does not deserve to be with the legends
Peak of human intelligence 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
One of the last survivors of gendered nouns in English...
Boss battle initiated 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Thrift stores sell beautiful dresses (both wedding and non-wedding) in perfect condition for super cheap. Don't tell me that after years of living in poverty she didn't know this. I'm a middle class privileged bitch and I know this. I shop mainly in thrift stores (though, that's for ethical reasons rather than financial ones).
Also in my country you can lend a prom dress which is much cheaper than buying one. I assume it's a thing over wherever this happened as well.
Mine in comments 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Meme reviewer
Good luck "adults" 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'm willing to bet that old guy has at least 4 kids.
Not if he says the magic words 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
A pencil sharpener that can sharpen any pencil is a good sharpener. Men who have sex with more than one women are nasty. Same thing with women who go with more than one guy.
It’s true, happiness when fed 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Get married!
It’s true, happiness when fed 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Please stop rubbing your true love and happiness in our faces.. we get it, you’re happy.
Yes I’m joking, but not really :(
Truly a masterpiece 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
They are HURT that she didn't post porn? And now what? By threatening to unfollow her, they hope to threathen her INTO posting porn? Fucking whiny fuckboys, get a life. I can't even believe this level oft pettiness