
This was a very sobering realization 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
excerpt from the movie Idiocracy that shows this exact thing
A unique photo album idea 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Would look pretty neat finished, east coast would be a bit cluttered though
A different side of Steve Jobs 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
To give a bit more info on that. Steve Jobs was notorious for not donating to charities as a company, he believed individuals should donate themselves (but I'm pretty sure he excluded himself as an "individual" for the most part too). This lead to a reputation for Apple as one of the stingiest companies out there. When Jobs died, the new CEO Tim Cook decided they should fix their reputation by increasing the companies charitable contributions (and also since its the right thing to do). They still aren't considered all that charitable for the amount of money they make and cash reserves they have.
As to the rest, I'd suggest watching the new(ish) movie called "Jobs" its about his life and actually goes into a lot of these other facts
A different side of Steve Jobs 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
HE didnt make a damn thing. He excelled at marketing and taking credit for the great technology other people worked on.
Dear Mrs 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Also, wouldn't be surprised if the kid was an asshole about how they corrected the teacher. All teachers make mistakes at some point, sometimes it goes unnoticed, sometimes a kid politely asks whether thats actually correct or not (And the teacher usually notices and thanks the student and corrects it) and sometimes theres a kid that just makes a huge deal about it and how could a teacher possibly get that wrong, they are supposed to be teaching us and don't even know the difference between a km and a mile, blah blah blah. Puts the teacher automatically into a defensive mode and they are going to want to back up their position even if they start to realize its completely wrong. It doesn't inherently make them a bad teacher.
Dear Mrs 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Right, because 1 teacher being dumb means every teacher at the school is also dumb and deserve to be punished accordingly, so yes lets sue the school that probably already has budget issues (not many public schools have spare cash for lawsuits) and make there already small budget even tinier. That will show them and help all the kids in the district!
Dilemma 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Not to get into the goods and bads of WWII, but did you even read the question? It literally said if you take it, it won't have any effect on his rise to power, thus whether WWII happens or not. The question takes out all those factors like whether WWII would happen, whether you actually are in need of money, whether you'd get caught, whether it would hurt him (you don't even steal much in his wallet) etc. just to pose the ethical question of would you steal from Hitler as a "fuck you" or not.
I was always to shy to ask for money :/ 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
22.50 seems like a weird amount to charge. Usually that kinda stuff is in $5 increments
Plastic wrapping skirt 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
@rice and soccer there has always been a culturally defined "appropriate" attire and things that have been deemed inappropriate. Its always changing and even differs based on where you are going and what country it is. If a woman (or a man for that matter) decides to wear clothing deemed "inappropriate" then they deserve to be judged by the people around them. If a guy went to a white collar business meeting in a t shirt and cargo pants, he deserves to be judged just as much as if he went to Target in a speedo. Both of them are inappropriate attire for the place they went to, and they are going to get funny looks and comments because of it. You both really mean to tell me if a 300# guy in a skimpy pink thong came up to you in the mall and asked you something, you wouldnt have a single thought or comment about it because "he can wear what he wants" Its not a feminist, slut shaming issue. Its a culturally defined appropriate attire issue.
Plastic wrapping skirt 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
@yixie what is this black under part you keep talking about? Not sure what picture you are seeing, but I'm seeing a completely transparent "skirt" and a thong. She wouldn't be revealing any more if she just took the thing off and walked around in a thong. And if my daughter decided to wear that garbage, she would be told she looks like a slut and to go back to her room because she will not leave the house looking that way.
Its nothing like saying somebody with pimples is nerdy, they can't help that (assuming they are washing their face regularly). Are you trying to tell me she has no possible way to wear something else and thats the only outfit she owns?
Differences between Canadians and Americans 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Lot of the differences were just kinda arbitrary things too. Like does a PM vs a President really make much of a difference to an average citizen? Doesn't really matter what you call the elected official. Does it really matter whether you call it a state or a province? And how does the countries official animal really show how 2 people are different?
It would be like if I made a video comparing 2 different US states and all I went into were how big one was compared to the other and how their state coins had different things on them or their state flag/animal/flower/etc were different. Rather than going into how the actual people differ from each other culturally.
Differences between Canadians and Americans 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Bit ignorant on some of his America perceptions. Especially for being a "let me settle the differences between 2 people" video. Not all Americans call it soda or pop or whatever he said Americans call it. Theres more than 2 parties, those are just the 2 largest. Can't tell me every single Canadian election is split almost evenly between all 5 parties. Not all Americans lock their doors (And wtf would guns have to do with that? I feel like owning guns would make you less likely to give a crap if your door is locked or not rather than more conscious about locking it) Its pretty common in small towns for most people not to lock their doors because they know everybody, in Cities its much less common. Pretty sure if you looked at Canada it would be very similar, there are just more small communities than big cities.
How much everything at McDonald's costs to make 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So....this looks like a sheet to figure out how much got wasted in a given day/week/whatever. So like somebody ordered a hamburger and it got sent back for having mustard on it, or a partial bag of lettuce didn't get used, and not its too old and has to be thrown out. This is important because that means its probably used for depreciation at the end of the year, because you can deduct the lost inventory cost on your taxes. This means these numbers are the bare minimum physical ingredient costs. As emptyvoid asked, it does NOT include shipping, labor, electricity, etc. The actual cost to the McDonalds on most of that stuff is much, much higher due to all the overhead that also gets applied to each item. Their actual profit margin isn't nearly as good as you are all thinking.
My dad told me this when I was 12 and it stuck with me ever since 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
thats......kinda how any business works. You dont hire an employee for 50k and only expect them to generate 25k for the business, you'd go out of business fairly quickly that way.
Gay sex ed 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Seems like a weird assignment even for a sex ed class.
BAM! 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
he also considers it his favorite fish........its almost as if....and hear me out here....hes not that smart or something?!
Driver 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You could have just rented a standard when you were in the US. There are still plenty of them out there. And on the prices, I would guess its a case of the cost of switching things on the assembly line. Easier to just make 100 automatic cars (or standard) even if the price per car is a bit more, because its more expensive to stop the assembly line to change to standard (or automatic).
Driver 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
um....@wiliaso no the clutch is a 3rd pedal. Not sure what you mean by a handle unless you mean the gear shift?
Existentialist bear 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
*pic-a-nic baskets
Childhood treasures 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
or the cheap labor painting the #s found it easier to do whole rows the same color. either way
Yes. Yes you are 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
well unless batman is bartending.....
Single waitress problems 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Lot less subtle, but guys usually don't understand girls subtlety so I would agree. That would definitely get the message across better
Wrote this today 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
In that 10 minute break between every class, are you hanging around your locker talking to friends, or are you going straight to your next class and working on the homework you just got from your previous class? For lunch, are you sitting around afterwards, or working?
Do you "have to" spend all that time doing your homework? Course not, and I wouldn't suggest it, but you could easily do it for some of those things and manage to get a LOT of your homework done before you ever get home. Also you don't get to count an hour long dinner either. For one, I doubt you actually spend that long eating, and for two like the above things, its your time to do with as you please, you choose to spend it eating.
Just remember, if you think high school is bad, it only gets worse in college and afterwards
Wrote this today 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
You are oversimplifying a ton of your time. You don't get to count the hour before school that you get ready, you don't get to count the hour it takes you to get home on the bus. You don't (although its commonly accepted for some reason) get to count your 40 minute lunch break, or however long it is. You aren't AT SCHOOL LEARNING for those time periods so you don't count them. When you get out of school and get a job, you get paid for the hours you are there working. Not how many hours of the day weren't "free time" because of your job.
You also don't get to count extra curriculars. They are called EXTRA for a reason, because you CHOOSE to do them in your own free time. Even if its a learning extra curricular like science fair or whatever, its your choice to spend your potential free time doing it.
As to the homework portion, learn to manage your time better. On your ride to/from school are you staring out the window, or are you finishing up those math problems?
Say jif one more time. 26 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Right, definitely not any words that have gi with no u and still make a g sound instead of j. Quick google shows gib, gibbon, gibbous, gibson, giddy, and many more aren't actually words since they don't have a u in front of the i.
Life Before and After a Bad Breakup... 11 comments
guest · 11 years ago
....right. Because people are never reminded of their ex by everything, or keep that 1 item of theirs because they can't let go, or reminisce about that amazing first date they had even if it wasn't that spectacular, or cringe at seeing pictures of their ex on facebook happy with some new guy/girl. Ya, none of that stuff EVER happens
Can't deny that 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
But it WOULD be wrong. Absolutely no part of the year 1895 was IN 1896, so 1895 didnt end IN 1896. If anything you would have to put 1896 since it ends at the end of 1896.
We need a new word for stupid, that defines this level 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
But what if the baby got switched at birth!
Bill Gates' washer 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
An example of how it works, you sell a bunch of drugs and make $1000, you also own a car wash. Your car wash actually cleaned 40 cars and made $400, however you are going to add that $1000 you made illegally into it and say your car wash cleaned 140 cars and made $1400. You can then take that 1400 and do whatever with it, since it no longer looks like drug money. If somebody were to audit your business, its really hard to definitively say how many cars you actually cleaned. Its easy and cheap to use extra water, buy a bit more soap, etc.
Bill Gates' washer 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Except money laundering isnt literally washing money to "clean" it......
For those that don't know, money laundering is taking "dirty" money from illegal things, and then mixing it in with "clean" money from legal things so it all looks like it came legally. This is done by faking additional sales in a small business. Can pretty much be any business, but its easiest if its something low maintenance (not your main job so you don't want to have to spend all day managing it) needs to be a business with more labor than physical items (hard to say you sold 50 burgers when you only bought 12 patties, easy to say your laundromat did 50 loads and skimped on the detergent and only used 2 gallons) and it also needs to deal mostly in cash (you need to add all your "dirty" cash into it, so its best if the business already deals with a lot of it anyway)
Common examples are strip clubs, laundromat, dry cleaner, car wash, etc
I just want to know if I can afford to eat there or not 2 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Thats more of a "no prices on the physical menu in the restaurant" thing.
No prices on an online menu is more likely to be because the restaurant has multiple stores and the different stores set their own pricing based on their costs. Much easier to just leave the pricing out altogether than require the user to pick their restaurant, and potentially complain about why item X costs more at their restaurant than it does at the one in the next state over. Not to mention a lot more time consuming to put all that onto the website and keep each price for each restaurant current.
Superhero things 18 comments
guest · 11 years ago
@stoner they don't mean different actors playing the character of Batman or Robin in movies or tv. They mean in the actual comics, the role of Robin was played by several different characters, while Batman is always Bruce Wayne
This is actually true. 17 comments
guest · 11 years ago
That you CHOOSE to be in....don't worry though, after you get out of school its all easy. You'll have to get one of them things called a job where you work 40+ hours a week
Every letter and number of the alphabet can be found in this diagram 22 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Seems unnecessarily complex. Can fit the entire alphabet in a digital display (like you see on a digital watch or alarm clock) and only need like a dozen lines. Ya some letters don't look quite right, but a lot of the letters on this look pretty messed up too.
I suck at billiards 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Touching the ball with your stick to put a mark on it would be considered your turn. The chalk is used to help when you are hitting the cue ball somewhere not in the direct center of it. When you aren't hitting the ball in the middle, the stick wants to just slide off the ball instead of hitting the ball and making it spin. The chalk helps the end of the stick grip to the ball rather than just slide around it. Similar to how you'd put chalk on your hands when wall climbing or doing pull ups, it just gives your hands a better grip.