
I fell 23 comments
guest · 6 years ago
British comedy at its finest
Meme crossover 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The most ridiculous death possible. Stabbed pinkie? 126 comments
guest · 6 years ago
He was just poisened
One scary predator 54 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Make a blanket out of it.
Wake up to a snowball fight 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Only niggers type like that smh
A very useful car trick 311 comments
guest · 6 years ago
so what is the trick?
Physics 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
A girl once asked me for a hug. I secretly wanted a hug, but I felt it would be wierd or she would do something mean so I refused.
I love you to the moon and back has more meaning 26 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That is awesome.
This fun is so funny 24 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Timor-leste: east-east
:notlikethis: 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
“How old is timmy again?”
“Darren, he just graduated high school.”
“Right, right. And how old do you have to be to graduate high school?”
Things to learn from Japan 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And if you disrespect the Yakuza, they can kill you by letting bamboo shoots grow through your body
And we get to watch them 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's more animal husbandry than farming.
Pyrosomes are pretty cool.  7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Those are the limbs of a lovecraftian monster. We can only perceive so much.
Trap a giraffe's head with a window, what could go wrong? 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I thought it was a rule to not let the windows down in a safari drive?
Goddammit Jeff 30 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Winning is imminent 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ho ho ho! You have activated my trap card!
Did I stutter? 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
(Needs more toads)
*stirs couldron*
Awesome graphics 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Imagine it in VR.
What a lovely country to live in 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Because you all are rich as fuck dude
Are you Harry Potter? 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I definitely see it but I think she looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger's mask when he first gets to Mars in Total Recall.
Still cannot believe 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Forever butt hurt
Tell me 45 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Woot! Nakey time!
Inspiring weight loss 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
He looks healthier now.
Wholesome 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ergo... I'm a pussy?
K-on! London 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Thank you so much for posting this not only for how hilarious it is, but because this helped me realize that K-on! is still making episodes. I have not seen k-on! since I was thirteen years old and I am so happy to know one of my favorite anime is still going on. Now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of k-on! to catch up on.
Just ya know 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
meu primo tem um deste Brazil Moto Grosso.
Just ya know 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
que coisa hein.
Musta been Chipotle 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
facepalm 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Actually, I completely agree with the premise of the post. Women indeed are superior to men. That means we don't need special programs and scholarships that are only for women and exclude men. Women already have such a great advantage we don't need to bend over backwards to give them advantages in the name of leveling the playing field.
Meanwhile in Australia 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I approve 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
how would you know?
kids 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The Old Gods. Fthagn.
Apply water at the burn area! 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
wtf? op, you ok?
Bundle up guys 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Thus should not have migrated to FS IMHO
let's eat then.. i guess? 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Destruction of company property? I hope the boss took responsibility
Did I stutter? 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Bees ???
Meme crossover 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
this is it
this is the best one
oh yes! 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is very contradictory, and this is coming from an atheist (so I'm not religiously involved). Going to Church is an action, praying for people, is an action. You can be a good person by being religious because you're showing dedication to something/someone. And if it doubles and improves your life by giving it purpose, all the better.
Simple as that 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
How is that relevant? Adele has a whole album about one person.
Give the poor man a cookie 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's not what the issue is!! It's not about what the user shares or likes or if they don't bother with privacy settings. The user is responsible for those things. However, they are not responsible for Facebook accessing their emails or text messages, even if they're not logged in to Facebook. That's the issue.
No regrets 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Marcia, I got locked up again.. Can you come and get me?
The Queen ain't afraid 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Drumpf resigned
I approve 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Thank you
I would watch it 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Y'all got Snipes and Denzel's roles backwards. Snipes would have been a fantastic Killmonger, Denzel is laid back enough to be T'Challa
Hulk will be left alone 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I know! 97%?? Just try a little bit more man.
Wait...What?? 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Or just getting off by herself because he can’t get the job done
A squirt of limonene rich orange oil instantly pops a balloon 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I think oil works too. That is why you don't use oil as lubricant because it ruins the condom
Wait...What?? 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
She is sleeping with someone else when he is at work.
I approve 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What’s her name again?? For research purposes