Unexpected ending 6 comments
· 6 years ago
be careful...someone stupid will try this ...
Looks like cookies 8 comments
Ummmm cr*tch fruits? 47 comments
Does anyone else do this? 11 comments
And all Beast Boy wanted was pizza. 3 comments
· 6 years ago
what teen titans is this? why did this have to change? this is amazing unlike that crappy stupid poorly drawn teen titans go... ick
Moon Moon's little brother 210 comments
Beast is that you? 1 comments
· 6 years ago
this is my all time fave movie and i still had the same thought even as a never made any sense to me
Time to Find Another Job 4 comments
· 6 years ago
seriously. all the time this happens and i have loud man sneezes (i'm an avg sized female) Happens all the time in my own family too..
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil 7 comments
· 6 years ago
lady covering her eyes, lady with ear phones, and a lady with her hands on her mouth.
see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
Is this why he looks older? 12 comments
Y'all better watch out for mah wolf-dawg 2 comments
· 6 years ago
wolf dawg? thats a cat . My kid has a couple like it. it meows a few times walks meows then jumps/flips
That was a brief friendship 7 comments
Dapper as f*ck 3 comments
The water challenge 17 comments
This may have taken more effort 4 comments
How to be inconsiderate on the plane 18 comments
· 9 years ago
thats what i was thinking too. I have hair like this and yes i throw it over the back of a chair but NEVER if someone is behind me.
I know what I'm going to do today 9 comments
· 9 years ago
someone is going to send you a glittergram and lets see how you feel after that.
Feminists Shouldn't Be Against Gentlemen 12 comments
· 9 years ago
always pisses me off when a girl gets mad and "i can do it myself" bite me i think its chivalrous
screaming bird 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Coworker: “Wow. They really need to make it mandatory to take a test to prove you actually know what you’re doing to weed out the idiots before you can get pets.”
Me: “You should have seen the cage it was in, too. There weren’t any toys and it was really small and something tells me that it wasn’t just a travel cage.”
(Nothing much happened after that until about an hour later when an elderly woman came in.)
Me: “How can I help you, ma’am?”
Woman: “Oh, I would just like to adopt another cat, preferably one that’s a little older.”
Me: “Certainly, ma’am. I’ll gladly help you find the right cat for you.”
Woman: “Also did you know there’s a parrot sitting in a cage outside?”
Me: “There’s what?”
(Sure enough, the man left the parrot sitting outside on the sidewalk, exposed to the cold November air. We brought the bird in and warmed him up and despite having sat out in the cold for an hour, he was perfectly okay. The man had the audacity to come in a week later with his daughter, who
Me: “You should have seen the cage it was in, too. There weren’t any toys and it was really small and something tells me that it wasn’t just a travel cage.”
(Nothing much happened after that until about an hour later when an elderly woman came in.)
Me: “How can I help you, ma’am?”
Woman: “Oh, I would just like to adopt another cat, preferably one that’s a little older.”
Me: “Certainly, ma’am. I’ll gladly help you find the right cat for you.”
Woman: “Also did you know there’s a parrot sitting in a cage outside?”
Me: “There’s what?”
(Sure enough, the man left the parrot sitting outside on the sidewalk, exposed to the cold November air. We brought the bird in and warmed him up and despite having sat out in the cold for an hour, he was perfectly okay. The man had the audacity to come in a week later with his daughter, who
Cat takes a free plane ride 5 comments
· 9 years ago
maybe he should learn to start checking the plane before taking off. That poor cat could have been hurt. And he did care thats why he was meowing.
Jim Carrey says it 9 comments
· 9 years ago
says the man with money. Don't get me wrong, i'm a huge Jim carey fan. He is one of my fave actors. But let me tell you, i'm a secretary in a school and i have a $500/month daycare bill. Yeah a little money would go a long way in my world.
50 Shades of Grey Logic 4 comments
Mrs. Doubtfire 5 comments
Miek y u du dis u maek me cri 114 comments
Howls Of Pain 11 comments
· 10 years ago
seriously. thats disgusting that that is even in the game. the creators need to be slapped and watched to see if they torture small animals in their off time...
So toyota released this beauty (and it's not even that expensive) 25 comments
· 10 years ago
i looked it up "and its not that expensive"? $58,000.00
sorry that's expensive!
otherwise it's an awesome looking car
sorry that's expensive!
otherwise it's an awesome looking car