It can't just be me. 40 comments
· 11 years ago
In parts of California, they are illegal for stores to give out, so we hoard them.. Only when visting a store in the non-douchey part of the state can we restock.
The horror of public toilet seats 7 comments
· 11 years ago
What's worse than both of them smiling? The one watching her friend voiding herself has her mouth open.
Just tumblr things 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Maybe it shows you can easily birth a baby. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
Portable Leaf Cup 16 comments
· 11 years ago
For an even more portable, very environmentally-friendly and free version, cup your hand like everyone else at the spigot.
"B*ner" used to mean "huge mistake" 5 comments
· 11 years ago
My grandma always used the word boner to mean mistake. You didn't dare laugh at her though as she is German and mean.
Cool things I want to buy 47 comments
Why reading is important 14 comments
· 11 years ago
I disagree, everyone in my family hates reading, just like their parents and siblings before them. I was the first person in 3 generations to get a library card. If I didn't look just like my grandpa in his youth, I would be pressed to think I was adopted.
Realistic halloween decorations 9 comments
· 11 years ago
People have died outside their homes (porches and stuff) and weren't reported because people thought they were Halloween decorations.
I think you're all beautiful 19 comments
Cool uncle 8 comments
· 11 years ago
This is the proof why even some non-perverted people shouldn't have or be around kids.
Stop being a geek 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Uh, no. Its pretty much always meant something really good or the best. "Bees Knees" is a very old saying, my grandma telling me that her uncles would always say it when she was young.
Are you gay? 35 comments
· 11 years ago
The people downvoting you are the same people who believe when you clone someone, they will be the exact same age of the original. Two women could make a whole new person through science, making the male obsolete. Hmm... maybe the realization of this is why all the downvotes?
What Now, Charming? Eugene Is Sounding Pretty Good, Huh? 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Charming were the princes' name. Who names their kid Charming? The same lands where a kid is named Snow White and Cinderella (a feminizing form of the french word for fireplace suet or dirt).
A Lesson We All Can Learn From... 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah, it's better to tell them someone killed themselves because they were too strong and happy.
A Lesson We All Can Learn From... 19 comments
· 11 years ago
An iron will only set the dirt in permanently. Try to iron crinkled paper and you will only get something limp, never to be crisp again.
The other guy who died with Paul Walker 36 comments
· 11 years ago
Driving irresponsibly IS what kills people. If he somehow survived, he would have been charged with Paul Walkers death.
Photoshop wins 7 comments
Some habits should never die 48 comments
That's how the black heron rolls 23 comments
· 11 years ago
NO! NO! NO! DO NOT BELIEVE THIS!!! The black heron shades the water to make fish think there is a covering above them to protect them from predators/the sun. When they go into the shade, the black heron eats them. The black heron will stand still for hours to be more convincing, snapping up each fish stupid enough to seek it's shelter. If their are plenty of fish in sight, it will just eat them without needing to spread it's wings to see them. This is a form of hunting, not eye correction!
If you had more sons 30 comments
· 11 years ago
This is not true. It would be true if sperm dribbled out the penis, but it's called ejaculate for a reason. The semen gets shot into the vagina, giving an equal chance for either sex. If their are four or more of one gender than the other in a family, it's because the missing gender (chromosome) is not forming correctly. It's not hereditary, just a fluke of nature, that's why you never see many generations of mostly males or females.
scumbag education system 24 comments
· 11 years ago
If you don't like the way our kids are being fucked over in school, either home-school or pay for a private education, The US constitution does not give the right to an education and nether does the bill of rights so don't be so surprised when shit like this happens.
scumbag education system 24 comments
· 11 years ago
You'd probably be a little shit too if someone was trying to "teach" you a falsity. Call that shit out.
Nokia 6 comments
· 11 years ago
It's owner tried to chop off the chicken's head and missed, taking off the front part of the skull (eyes, beak, etc.), leaving it's brain and brain stem intact. It still had a head but no face. The owners fed it using an eyedropper for almost two years until it passed away. But it still had a head.
Not something you learn, it's something you're born with 5 comments
· 11 years ago
There's no way you can possibly tell that. Long hair no longer just belongs to just girls, short hair no longer belongs to just boys.
Funny joke 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Impersonating an employee, harassing employees and harassing customers are just a few off the top of my head. When I worked for Wal-Mart many years ago, someone dressed like an employee, but was not one, did get arrested for harassment. Cops don't think shit like this is funny and neither do the stores.
Internet gold 6 comments
Fancy caterpillars 14 comments
Good way to cook when you are angry 5 comments
Good way to cook when you are angry 5 comments
· 11 years ago
These (brass knuckles and the like) are illegal in California because someone "might" use them on a person. Even small, decorative ones that no one could possible stick their fingers in are outlawed. This state is so stupid.
Huge arms 23 comments
· 11 years ago
There is nothing sexier than a man with large hands, just like there is nothing grosser than a man with tiny hands.
Rules for dating son 18 comments
· 11 years ago
If he's a gentleman, then why would he allow his mom to make decisions for him?
Surviving on potatoes 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Except all your teeth will fall out on mashed potatoes alone, lack of stimulating your gums will do that. Better throw in some kettle chips just to be safe.
Things that are bad for you 11 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm a girl and I can't sit and write for hours, also I never did my homework because I was too busy playing video games just like all the other rad bitches. That's why my grades were poor, not some "feminine based learning" bullshit.
Making a baby 3 comments
· 11 years ago
For a split second, I thought Jazz was wearing a funky hat in the first photo.
We can't have nice things 3 comments
· 11 years ago
I call FAKE, apples are notorious for turning brown within minutes of exposing it's flesh, yet all the apples (even those within the bottom layer) are freshly white.
Be a man... I dare you, I double dare you motherf*cker 14 comments
· 11 years ago
That still had nothing to do with the builders. That's like trying to blame the people who assembled the Ford Pinto when it was Ford's fault entirely for making such a shitty car.
Music piracy in the 60's 8 comments