
He HAD husky 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Nah, I'm used to it, it's fine. And yep, it was, I only just discovered I can view my comments and went around checking them yesterday. >_<
I should really just get an account already.
Flawless logic 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Of COURSE it isn't wearing a tuxedo, it's casual Friday.
Adorable floating hedgehog 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Jawn's taking a bath!
Nuclear name 26 comments
guest · 9 years ago
What the flippin' hell?! Goddammit, my brother got onto my computer again. Sorry people, I would never actually say that! Now, where is that pesky sibling, I really think his stash of candy ought to be removed for a few days...
Do you have a second to speak about dear Lucifer?? 91 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Wtf I never posted that. Wait...dammit, I bet someone used my computer again and I left this tab open by accident. *murderous glare at sibling*
Revenge will be mine, I assure you, and my deepest apologies for bothering all of you!
Best job ever? 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Oh, I agree entirely about that! If these guys go extinct, though the ecosystem may not be affected, the collective joy in the world would be!
I'm just used to most of my opinions offending someone, so often I try to apologize beforehand and see if that keeps people from hating me any more than already. *gathers army of pandas* I may not donate to you guys first, but I'm still not going to let you die.
So your life really does flash before your eyes? 32 comments
guest · 9 years ago
D: what did I do? All I was trying to do was state the facts!
...I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong, however minuscule it is.
How To Train Your Dragon 2 45 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Wait what ok bye need to get them right now from the library
Well most of you are screwd then 76 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*sighs and apologizes for opinion again* once more, I am terribly sorry for offending people. Nobody deserves my abuse and I really should just stop commenting. It was an honest mistake, most people are taught that "poisonous" and "venomous" are interchangeable, or they just don't care, but it really ticks me off for some reason .
In the local reptile society, the guy who runs it tells stories of his experiences between meetings, whether it's a funny snake incident or an update on a breeding pair. In one case, it was an update on the ongoing fight to keep certain snakes of his and how the government wasn't happy about him keeping "poisonous" ones. They were, to be grammatically correct, venomous, so he just laughed it off and said,"pft. They aren't poisonous, you can't do anything."
Turns out that they really couldn't do anything until they changed the term, and the moral of this is that sometimes the term used really does matter.
Sorry, have a nice day!
Critical thinking skills. Clean, concise writing 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I respect your opinion and understand it entirely, and I am not trying to change it. Ok?
I am a homeschooler, and have been my entire life. Well, you see, many places have homeschool groups, where we can gather and meet others who homeschool their kids and the kids can play with other people. In the group I'm part of, we meet at least once a week at a park, and almost always there's a smaller event (bowling or a movie, for example) the same week too. Sometimes there's a thing every day for people to participate in.
Social skills? We got it covered, though it may not seem like it, and I can't speak for all of us.
Hard work? We work just as hard as a public school student, with experiments, reports, research, and generally the same things, merely with a more flexible schedule.
As for the other two, I can't speak for them, and it's not like I need to.
Again, I respect your opinion about homeschooling and have nothing AT ALL against it, just trying to give facts. Have a wonderful day!
It's really annoying 52 comments
guest · 9 years ago
No, not necessarily. I've seen several (not going to name anything here, no point in that) posts that were, quite frankly, a little disturbing and that weren't blocked to guests like me. Now, to other people it might seem acceptable, but to other people fandom posts are acceptable. My apologies if I've offended, or am offending, anyone, but I just want to make things equal. However, I agree with one of the comments around here saying that fandoms ought to have a section. Great idea, smart person, I support it completely!
He HAD husky 16 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I'm very sorry. Normally I'm happier than this, but I was reading scary stories recently and those really freak me out. No, I wasn't trying to, but it appears that some people are posting more delightfully creepy stories.
My deepest apologies, have a nice day!
He's back 5 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I am so very sorry, but I wasn't. However, I now understand it. >.<
I'm enjoying my summer 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*deep breaths* ok, I'm sorry. Person-who-did-this, I am very sorry, you were/are deathly afraid of lizards and did it because it was what seemed good. If I could delete my comment, I would. I'm just...really adoring of reptiles and get worked up easily, and should also learn how to respect other people's actions and opinions.
I offer you my sincerest apologies. Have a wonderful, lizard-free day! Not that you'll see this, of course, but it seemed like the right thing to do after a post like that.
Thinhs Like This Is Why You Shouldn't Do Acid In Public... 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
*facepalm* "all of them," not "both." Sorry! And I meant that they all seem to like bananas, though I'm leaning more towards you and Nine than Eleven...hrm...
Nuclear name 26 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Herple derple.
Is this legal 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Human and ape pelvic bones are different from those of, say, lions, since we are bipedal and they are not. Thus, humans face each other while having sex, and in animals the male climbs onto the female to have sex. ^^
K 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Hello, fellow whovian.
How To Kiss by John Green 24 comments
guest · 10 years ago
*boyfriend kisses me on the cheek* babe, want to...y'know...kiss on the lips? I gasp. This...this was so unexpected! But I agree anyway, knowing what will come. He starts, puckering up and leaning close, preparing to meet me half-way. While his eyes are closed, I strike, engulfing his nose and mouth in one fell swoop. I soon spread up to his entire face, then head, until I am ready to swallow. Muffled screams are being emitted by my boyfriend, but it is too late. My prey has been chosen. I am a snake in disguise.
I'm rather weird about my fictional characters 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If so, I ship everything
Best job ever? 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
A study was actually conducted recently, pandas do nothing for the ecosystem. If they vanished and we didn't know about them, we wouldn't notice their disappearance until we found carcasses. Whereas, if we lost a species of reptile or amphibian, any of them, we'd notice. We may never have heard of them, but the ecosystem would be affected and the balance would be tipped. I have nothing, I repeat, NOTHING against these adorable cuddle balls that I want an army of, but please, keep in mind how little they affect our world when donating to a wildlife charity. I apologize for bothering you, carry on, and have a wonderful day!
He was my favorite... 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Do you have a second to speak about dear Lucifer?? 91 comments
guest · 10 years ago
When Someone Mentions My Favorite Band 33 comments
guest · 10 years ago
My face exactly, but only if Chameleon Circuit is mentioned. Any other bands, I am not aquainted with and thus do not have any special reaction. But Chameleon yeah.
When I have the mouse sensitivity on highest in a FPS game 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I was crying all the way through that 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This movie can't come soon enough 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
No they did not. The movies are based, if you can even say that, on the book series. Fuck you, insolent idiot. :)
Google 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Whoever calls someone an insulting name for stating their favorite part is obviously the one who deserves the name. Motherfucking cunt of a guest.
Sure 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I would just like to say that not all who support evolution are atheists. As a Christian, and one who goes to church regularly at that, I am completely devoted to evolution and am working on a research paper with even more evidence for it.
too turnt 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ok, just to clarify for all you frustrating people who think reposts are annoying, let me tell you this.
Would you like to go through every. Single. Post. On FS just to create a list of things that can't be posted because they're on here already? If you don't want to do this, shut the hell up and let us laugh. We can all have opinions, but we sometimes it's best to keep them to ourselves.
Thank you.
Establishing dominance 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
At least they're smarter than you, you forgot a period.
Many a noise complaint was filled that night 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Man, Jawn is getting this party STARTED.
Leather jacket 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Aye, proven by the Ninth Doctor.
When boys give you little but special gifts… 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't know how to "except" that, I might accept it, but not except.
Do people really do that? 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I have two black cats, Arwyn and Aurora, and I don't know where my life would be without them. From now on I refuse to get any cat that isn't black just because of this fact, apparently racism goes between species too. I mean, come ON. Can they help if their fur is darker than prefered by humans? You think they choose to have it black? Imagine killing a human on Halloween just because their hair is black. That's the equivalent of killing anything because of it's fur color. And to all you shit nippled fuckers out there who do this to black cats, a word: don't. Would you do this to a white cat? Would you kill an innocent animal because of it's randomly generated chromosomes? Well, if yes, go fuck yourself.
No Offense Blondes 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ok, just so ya know, I am a blonde and find this stereotype annoying. I will not shout or whine about it, that would be stupid and get me nowhere, but I thought I should inform all the idiots (not you guys, you're cool) that believe this that hair color does not affect intelligence. If you do somehow think that this idiotic stereotype is true, then you are obviously the "dumb blonde," not us.
Anyway, much as I find it a little irritating, these were hilarious!
So your life really does flash before your eyes? 32 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If you were, theoretically, in those last seven minutes of brain activity right now, then yes. You would still die in the exact same way, because you don't remember how you died, and thus cannot avoid it. If you were to learn of these seven minutes and try to evade your demise, then it happened in your real life, and you die the same way. It is unavoidable.
Paintingception 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought of episode ten, season one of Warehouse 13.
What our bodies were created for 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
*then, my apologies.
Elevator beds raise to the ceiling for extra space 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
"oh, hello," I said to my least-favorite person in the world. As much as I despised him, Mom wanted me to socialize, and in her twisted mind he was the logical choice. He nodded in acknowledgment and walked through the door, looking about. "My rooms up here, if you want to see. Got a really cool bed!"
He nodded again, and I wondered if his voice worked. Following me up the stairs, his gaze flicked over everything, and he seemed to be silently criticizing everything I owned until we arrived at my room.
With surprise, his blue eyes widened. "What's that? Doesn't look like any bed I've seen," he drawled lazily, though curiosity laced his tone.
"That? That's my elevator bed, wanna sleep in it tonight?" I offered, mind working furiously. "I'll take the floor."
He nodded yet again, voice retreating back inside to an unreachable area.
That night, as he slept in my bed, I crawled up to the lever that controlled it and slowly slid it to the "up" position, a contorted smile on my lips.
The only thing i dread at night 24 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I thought this was real and started hyperventilating because when I first reached it it was from two years back NOT 286 WEEKS. o_e scared the Skaro out of me.
How To Train Your Dragon 2 45 comments
guest · 10 years ago
For all of you who loved the first one and are dying to see this one (like me!) I highly recommend reading the books. Yes, there are books, and they existed before the movie.
Look at them.
Gaze at their majesty, plot twists and turns, beautiful story-telling, and adventures.
Just...please. I appear to be the only one who knows of them, apart from the author, and would really like it if people knew what this movie came from.
When someone insults my friends we're like 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I started laughing at this at three in the morning and woke up my cat.
When Books Are Made Into Movies 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
*cough cough* How To Train Your Dragon *cough cough*
No argument is valid here 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Oh, Jawn. What was Sherlock's experiment this time?
I blame mtv for this 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm 12, and absolutely despise idiots like this. I have felt depression, true despair and hopelessness (NOT because some idiot left me, it sort of settled on me one morning for no reason and hasn't left since) and she certainly doesn't look like she has it. Hell, she looks more like she's saying,"wat you mean i ain't deprssd? Wat i sy is true." Look, everyone, this is the example of who you shouldn't be. Be smart. Enjoy your childhood while you have it. Don't become this little whore.
Thanks for reading, gotta go look at more posts now!
Well most of you are screwd then 76 comments
guest · 10 years ago
*venomous, you idiot. If it's poisonous then it'll only harm you if you were the one biting it. Think of it this way.
If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.
If it bites you and it dies, you're poisonous.
Uncultured swine 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
*TARDIS, idiot.
the pencil and the eraser 40 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Replace "pencil" with "companion" and "eraser" with "Doctor."
My apologies for bumping up this post, my idiot friend told me to or she would hide her stash of candy somewhere I can't reach.