
I think this is just common sense, but evidently not many others agree 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Interesting. Lot of people seem to agree with this from the comments, and yet a while back when people were discussing things like spanking kids or whether its "ok" for a guy to smack a girl back if she hits him everybody was up in arms about "oh its never ok to hit a person for any reason whatsoever"
Where's all that "violence is not the answer" now?
it is g-a-b-y not g-a-b-b-y 80 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ok half of these comments are people complaining about their name being spelled wrong when their name ISNT HOW IT IS COMMONLY SPELLED. If you have a common name, you can't blame people for trying to spell it how it is most commonly spelled. Now if they are just straight up screwing it up because they can't spell for shit, thats different. If your name is Ashlee/Ashly/Ashleigh/Ashle/Ashlie/Ashlei then great, you are unique, just don't complain when people try to commonly spell it as Ashley.
Respect to these girls 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Not quite the same as hair, as its something easily removable from your body, religious reasons or not. But even on that note, some things do require girls (and I spose some guys for that matter) to wear their hair tied up so that its not dangling and in the way
Steve harvey 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Bit off topic, but thats one thing thats always bothered me about rich and famous people. They get so many things for free. Like they are some of the few people that should really have no issues paying for simple things, yet they'll get it for free because they are famous. Don't get me wrong, I know its because the businesses want to exploit the fact that *insert famous name* was at their business, and hope that the mindless masses will now go there too. It just seems so wrong still.
My favorite gif on the internet so far 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Like mizu said, many larger dogs injure their tails a lot by banging it into things. Many other dogs are docked (tail cut off when they are puppies) for health reasons or if they are a hunting dog, to prevent burrs and stuff to collect on their tails, which could end up puncturing them and causing an infection.
It was much more common years ago and many countries actually ban it today, but its still a very common thing in many breeds.
Somewhat similar to circumcision on human males, for the most part it is completely cosmetic and unneeded, but it was still based originally on medical reasons.
School 39 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Where are you going that you even get 8? Most schools that are 5 days a week go from about 8-3, including a lunch. Thats stretching it to 7 hours. You don't get to count the hour before school getting ready, you dont get to count the hour long bus ride (if you ride the bus and are last dropped off), and you honestly shouldn't get to count the lunch time either because you know what? When you graduate and get a real job, they won't pay you for that time so stop counting it.
Black Science Guy/Neil Degrasse Tyson strikes again 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
His whole premise is based upon zombies being the dead reborn anyway. Plenty of zombie scenarios out there that don't involve them actually being dead though. In fact, most new age zombies are usually things like some sort of virus or biological accident. They require a living host to work (whether they'd still be living later is immaterial, just at the time of "infection" they were alive), which is why only the living become zombies and all the trillions of previously dead don't sprout out of the ground too. In which case their circulatory system would be fine, they wouldn't succumb to rigor mortis, and they would still hunger just fine. So his "real science" isn't really relevant is it?
Not saying a zombie apocalypse is likely, just saying his reasoning for it being impossible is bull shit.
The truth of most teachers 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'd still agree that most teachers are under payed, but its really not as bad as a lot make it out to be.
You pick your benefits when you pick your job. Flexible hours, paid vacation, job security, retirement package, Insurance (forgot to mention that one above, teachers get good insurance), other fringe benefits (helping with tuition or providing day care for kids), telecommuting, company vehicle, etc.
All of these things cost the employer some and are considered part of your "pay". When you add in all the things teachers get, its not bad at all.
The truth of most teachers 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
-Great job security (once you've been there a little while unless you fuck up big time you just about can't be fired)
-Great vacation time (Three entire months off, plus things like Spring break, Christmas, most government holiday) Yes, a lot of teachers spend that time preparing for the next year or grading papers and whatnot over holidays, but a lot of that preparing is only done the first few years, then they already have most of it down for the next year. Lot of jobs you are lucky to have Thanksgiving day and Christmas day off, let alone paid vacation.
-Fairly good retirement. Used to be better, but you still get a pretty good deal with both a pension and your own 401k/PERA/etc.
-Good hours. Only 7 hours (including a lunch) and usually teacher's have some sort of "planning period" to work on their classes or grade homework or whatnot, so they don't have to bring it all home (And yes I know a lot of teachers do all that and still spend a lot of time after school doing work)
Old economy people and their opinions 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Its actually just as easy today (or you could look at it as just as hard back in the day) to buy a house. Most people today just have no self control and can't put any money away. The only hard part of buying a house is having enough for a down payment, which requires saving up beforehand. After that you are basically paying rent for 30 years except a mortgage payment is usually a decent bit less than a rental payment on the same house (because the owner of the rental takes a portion of it). No, you probably won't do it making complete bare minimum wage, and no you won't be able to buy your dream home right off. But there are plenty of non-bachelor degree jobs that you could save up enough to get yourself started. Plus once you are started, its easier to keep stepping up to the bigger, nicer home because your sale on your old home can be your down payment on the new one until you are where you want to be.
XD 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Why? Because she didn't want to play along with the guy that should tell was screwing with her? Or because she didn't know what colloquial (a seldom used word that many wouldn't know) meant?
Or was it because she didn't know what recquabasical, condolencical, or tonsicular meant? Because let me tell you, I also don't know the meaning of those completely made up words. Probably because they are made up words. But yes, lets call her dumb and say he shouldn't speak to her anymore for not knowing what they meant.
Dog bless mericam! 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If their HOA doesn't even allow flags, I doubt they'd accept painting like that on the house either. You'd be spending a lot of time and money to paint it, only to be sued and have to spend more time and money to repaint it to a normal color anyway.
And yes, they would win that lawsuit. You sign into an agreement that you will do certain things when you buy a house in an HOA (keep your yard mowed and maintained, no outlandish yard ornaments, etc.) and if you didn't want to abide by those things, you shouldn't have signed that agreement and bought that house.
Dog bless mericam! 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
People can say anything. That same guy coulda told you in America you aren't supposed to wear clothes and have to shake people's hands any time they fart....doesn't make it remotely true.
This one actually got me fired 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago admitted that you half-ass it at work because it doesn't matter how hard you work its all by the hour....and your surprised your boss didn't like that?
BUSTED 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
@thorntonbanghard you know to reply to somebody, you can just....reply to them
Good guy Hammond 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And then there was an abandoned car in the way for the rest of the people behind him...
When everyone gets trophies, no one wins... 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
"what you do to kids can't be compared to adult stuff" except the things you learn as a kid stay with you into adulthood. If you still get praised for sucking your whole life as a child, when you finally grow up and stop getting those participation trophies you don't understand or know how to deal with it....because you were never taught how when you were young.
Meet the real life version of Elsa 38 comments
guest · 10 years ago
mmmm that sister/best friend though. dam
Yea why? 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ya....the EDUCATION is free, it never implied everything with it would be. That bus ride you are complaining about is a FREE ride to your FREE education. Up to college, I've never heard of a public school making you pay for your books (Perhaps a book you have to read you might buy, but only if you couldn't find it from the school or local library for FREE). That food you are complaining about, as has been stated, is also FREE if you qualify for it. If you want something better, bring your own lunch.
Until then, quit bitching that all the free shit you are given isn't up to your standards. If you want better, pay for it.
Rich man problem 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
or "my wallet is too big....from all the cash and cards inside it"
Europe's United States 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Funnily enough, there are a couple Europeans just in these comments confirming it. Just as there are actually plenty of Americans that know the general layout of European countries, of course there are plenty of Europeans that actually know the general layout of American states.
Doesn't change the fact that there are plenty of both that have no idea on it.
When a friend says she thinks the average pen*s size is 'like seven inches' 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So, all stereotypes start out of a grain of truth. There's some trait or thing that a group of people have or do that starts the stereotype. Sometimes it gets exaggerated a lot more than other stereotypes, but it still becomes one for a reason.
To lay it out simply for you, yes the average asian dick is smaller than the average black dick. Doesn't mean you won't see some asian dude with a 12inch or black dude with a 4 inch, but on average.
Please don't break the window 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Why? Lots of cars have remote starters, they just gotta hit that and the car is now running with the AC going and the doors locked (assuming they'll actually be back in a few minutes since most of those auto shut off after 5-10 minutes)
Could also just disconnect the remote with the key (assuming they aren't ones that are attached) and start it and take the remote with you to lock/unlock it.
Piracy 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That just sounds like justification for stealing just about anything. EX: I stole some bread, sure that hurts the baker, but now I can spend that money on new shoes!
Its good to be a bloke 35 comments
guest · 10 years ago
You do realize this was just a hypothetical situation...Right? And that males don't have eggs....Right?
This is genius, genius, l tell you! 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
More like Original Price: $100, but 50% OFF AND FREE SHIPPING!!!!
My mom and joked about this all the time!!! We ain't buyin that shit!! 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
They aren't trying to advertise the side effects, they HAVE to say what the side effects are. Thats why its usually in a rushed semi quiet voice. Also many of the side effects are either extremely rare (like it affects 1 in 100,000 people that take the drug) or aren't even a real side effect (during the testing period, one patient reported they had anal leakage, a real condition and they might have even had it, but it wasn't necessarily from that medication). The drug company then has to list those side effects, because on the off chance somebody else gets one and it wasn't listed, they could be sued.
The bad part is you don't know whether that specific side effect happens to hit 50% of the people that take the medication, or 0.0000001%
SuperNova 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
1. The number of people saved because a lack of seatbelt is minuscule compared to the number saved because they wore one. 2. You should learn how to adjust a seatbelt properly, as there are lots of big boobed girls that can wear them just fine.
A survivor's tale 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Most Germans didn't actually hate Jews, or agree with what was happening. But that kinda makes the whole thing worse in my opinion. I mean its one thing for a deranged lunatic to get a bunch of followers that actually believe in his crazy cause, but its something else entirely for most of the population to actually know what they are doing is wrong and yet go along with it anyway. There are lots of explanations for why the people ended up doing it, but the fact remains that they did let it happen.
A seed is forever 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
@ the title, seeds don't last forever. The odds of a random seed being found 2000 years later and it still being able to germinate are like the odds of winning the lottery 10 times in a row. To put it in perspective, most casually stored seed might last 5 years, 10 if its very well stored. If its taken to a research facility such as Svalbard or NCGRP where they properly package and store it and conventionally freeze it its still only expected to last about 100 years. If they go so far as to cryogenically freeze it (using liquid nitrogen) its STILL only expected to last about 1000 years. To have some random seed happen to survive double that length of time is truly miraculous. Thats why this is such a big deal.
Valentines confession 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Kind of a dick move unless your friend was ok with it.
The downs of being a doctor 39 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I can understand #2 though, I mean if you aren't told about it you won't just know thats how it works. All it would take is a school that doesn't teach anything about it, which a lot of them don't, and parents that refuse to talk to their children about any of those things, which a lot of them don't. Which leaves them to learn about it from friends, or learn about it first hand. I wouldn't consider her to be a "stupid patient" or anything. I'd call the parents jackasses though.
'Frica vs. 'Murica 41 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Seeing a lot of hypocrites in these comments. So its not ok for somebody to complain that they got the wrong phone or that they don't like dinner, that just means they are spoiled, but its somehow ok for somebody to whine about whatever other BS problem they have? Either way its a problem in that person's eyes and that little African kid begging for crumbs probably thinks they are both spoiled little shits and should be happy with what they have.
You can't just call people better off than you "spoiled" and then brush off all your own first world problems as not being spoiled, but instead "real" problems and then go on to compare the spoiled people to starving Africans. Because if you compare yourself to those starving Africans, its just as big of a difference. Either be ok with all people complaining, or don't be ok with ANY complaining, you can't pick and choose what YOU consider to be an "ok problem" and whats just being spoiled.
Legalize medical cocaine 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The Wolf of Wall Street
This broke my brain 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It just looks like they are normal clothes and they put their arms on each others shoulders and then pinned the waists together.... Could get dressed individually and itd take about 2 minutes to pin em together...
Murcia food size 31 comments
guest · 10 years ago
No idea what this is even talking about. Been to much of Europe several times and their servings always seem to average much larger than most American restaurants. Not to mention they seem to, more often than not, have more courses than American restaurants too.
As a practical guy, I wonder how difficult it would be to keep this clean 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Would be ridiculously hard to clean. Best solution in my opinion would be to put a clear acrylic on it or something to fill in the spaces and make a smooth bowl. It might not look quite as neat (or it could look better depending on design) but if you don't that would get dirty and stay dirty pretty fast.
Correct puberty 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
and I'm not sure how well this plan was thought through
Weapons and stuff 28 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I hunt unicorns with mine, you should use one too unicornhunter
Dude 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Lot of em are required to do it
No one agrees.. Unless you ask any country that's not America 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Both have terrible base pay and are paid mostly by tip/commission. Notice how much harder the average one of those try to be nice and courteous compared to say the average retail clerk. Yeah, you'll get some B clerks, but most of em you find are C's, and a lot of em get by as Ds. You know how long a server/salesman lasts as a D? Not very dam long because they can't survive being an asshole and making just their base pay.
Now, you might ask why more positions based on services aren't "low base pay + commission" since that increases incentive so much for the employee. The reason store clerks, bank tellers, etc. aren't paid like this is because you don't interact with them long enough. If you are in Target or Macy's and ask an employee where item X is and they show it to you, or the checkout person is nice and pleasant, you only talk with them for a few seconds so you won't feel like it was enough to warrant a tip. A server, you see off and on for around an hour.
No one agrees.. Unless you ask any country that's not America 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If its only expected for there to be a tip for excellent service, that means the server can either A) Work their ass off to be truly excellent to all their tables and hope for that tip. B)Try pretty hard to offer good service, but most won't consider it "tip worthy" so they'll still get their base pay
C) Not work that hard, but at least be pleasant and go to their tables 1 or 2 times, probably much slower than the table would like.
or D) Be rude and lazy enough to get as little done as possible, but still do just enough work not to get fired.
Kind of like a grading scale in school, only the truly exceptional "A's" would be paid more. All the B's, C's, and D's would all get the same amount, so why bother trying to be a B (or even a C for some people)
People like to get by with the least effort involved. When people have more incentive to be better, they'll strive more. When they have little to no incentive, most don't give a shit.
Good examples of this: Servers and car salesmen.
No one agrees.. Unless you ask any country that's not America 29 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So heres the deal. It SHOULD be the restaurant's responsibility because...thats literally how every other business has to do it. However, its not really realistically possible to change it now, and its not like there wouldn't be consequences to doing so. The funny part is, the loudest complainers of "I shouldn't HAVE to tip" are usually the worst tippers and they would be the ones feeling the change the most. Restaurants wouldn't just triple their employee's pay and just take the hit themselves, its gonna raise the price of food by the same amount. So if they sold a burger for $10 and average a 20% tip (brings it to $12) The new price of that burger will now be $12. So the people paying under the average tip will be paying more, the average tippers won't really feel it, and the people that tip more will feel a decrease in price. (note you can use whatever numbers you want these are just an example)
The other problem with increasing base pay, is it decreases incentive to be good.
Don't you just love it when you see this on online forms? 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Wha! American websites list their own country first so their largest user base doesn't have to scroll to the bottom?!?! Why would anybody want to make something convenient for the largest percentage of their users?!?! Thats just ridiculous!
Happy Father's Day 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Except they have a day for single mothers and widows.....its called MOTHERS day. There are single fathers too, did you tell them happy mothers day?
I'm not saying we told you so 16 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Only problem is all that money goes strictly to the construction of new schools. It can't be used to buy books or supplies, or towards faculty salaries, or anything else. I have a friend that told me he has 8 new schools recently built near him, know how many schools are near him? 8. Every single school, even if it was already fairly new, got *updated* with a new BEST school (the program that money goes towards) for the sole reason that they could. Its a ton of money being wasted on something thats not needed. Granted some schools do/did need to be updated, but most really don't and its a TON of money that could have been spent on actually bettering students educations. Not to mention a lot of these BEST schools are bid out to the cheapest contractors they can find and so they skimp out on just about every material they think they can get away with. 6 of those 8 schools that are less than a year old have already had to have massive rehauls due to faulty construction.
How the us government works 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Except in this scenario there is no way to just order both pepperoni and cheese pizzas. Say for example its a vote on whether to legalize gay marriage, or legalize marijuana, or to ban guns. If 55% vote yes (cheese) and 45% vote no (pepperoni) you can't just say "well, we'll just split the country in half and these guys will have it and those guys wont have it"
That f*cking show 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
A brony called me unattractive 37 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Meh, her face is pretty, but personally I find hairy legs to be extremely unattractive. So much so that I wouldn't rate her overall as pretty anymore. Doesn't mean she has to shave if she doesn't want to, and there is probably some guys out there that really like it. Kind of like guys and beards, some women find it attractive and some hate it. Although there are probably more women liking beards than men liking hairy legs.
Let the college notes war begin 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If you print something 2 pages per sheet and double sided. You fit 4 pages of a document on 1 sheet of paper (page 1 front top, page 2 front bottom, page 3 back top, page 4 back bottom). So by saying "i have these 20 binders stuffed completely full with paper, all of which is double sided and 2 pages per sheet" its saying "this is 20 binders full, but it could have been 80 binders full if I had just printed out 1 page per sheet like most people default to"