

You have to be a cookie in order to get far [:::]

— CookieQueen Report User
How tall are you? 2 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
Isn't that the girl who just wants to talk to tall guys and hates it when guys are short?
Kids 9 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
I wished my dad also had a twitteraccount called "exploding unicorn" ._.
Man assaults his girlfriend. But when the genders are reversed it will shock you 10 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
I guess on that video it really looks like the boy is the stonger one... Even if the girl is pushing him. It doesn't look like the man is affraid of the girl that she will hit him... For me it looked more like the boy wants to avoid a fight and doesn't want to assault his gf... so my thought is that maybe because of the physical strength of the boy no one thinks that the girl will or can hurt him at all. Or are my thoughts wrong?
Jurathic park 8 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
It could become phteven's pet
OMG! This Cat Has A Human Voice! 8 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
I can literally hear that cat saying "you stupid human don't point that stupid case on my face *hiss* and let me in through that stupid door"
the feels 6 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
Omg didn't expect that...
Damn goblins 4 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
And something big between its legs...
Surprise motherf***** 12 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
Dafuq did I just see...
dem moves 25 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
Isn't it jason derulo?
Girl Sits On Random Strangers For A Prank 7 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
That.... Was the weirdest video i've EVER seen... The poor guy with that one girlfriend :o i hope they cleared that up afterwards :o
YOU'RE a cigarette 16 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
I guess you don't know the only movie in the entire history that made me cry like a little baby
Sad misunderstood shark 10 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
That reminded me of pewdipie shouting "LOVE ME!" While playing that skater game :D
*awesome title* 5 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
*awesome comment*
7 · Edited 9 years ago
Get it 11 comments
cookiequeen · 9 years ago
I guess it's actually called "très" for "really, a lot"... And it's just written there how it's being spoken and together with "jeudi" (thursday in french, almost pronounced like "gedy" from "tragedy") it's a cool pun for a really bad thursday in France :p
Whoa there 2 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
Rude birds 12 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
It looks like the bird is a giant monster trying to destroy the city
Wow......Little man is all grown up. Seems like yesterday he was a skeptical boy 6 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
No he folded the last two fingers
Daaaaaamn 6 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
All the birds are like "oh my god they're falling" and the little bird on the left is like "oh my god! Where? *turns away* i can't see it. What are you talking about?"
Everything is Awesome! 8 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
Did you know that the name of the company "cat" ist the short form for caterpillar?? :))
Best gif so far 6 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
I also kinda imagine him with a squeaking voice in this gif
They could create something beautiful 10 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
Yes i agree. If only he would cut his hair and wear brighter colours... Very sexy
A human brain on the left, a dolphin brain on the right 7 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
It looks like the dolphin has two human brains o.o
Most cats see elevated surfaces in your home as challenges. 3 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
"Without any questions..."
The powerpuff girls 8 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
No I'm in the Itty Bitty Titty Committee ._.
The powerpuff girls 8 comments
cookiequeen · 10 years ago
The woman in the green dress is kinda holding her boob o.o