I don't care how well behaved you SAY they are, I should be able to walk through my 1 comments
· 1 year ago
My favorite is "it's okay they're friendly". Thanks that helps!
The child must not be an obstacle 2 comments
· 3 years ago
i used this at work the other day, thought it would be a phrase my particular work would enjoy, it failed, but it'll always be funny to me.
We made Terry sad :( 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Terry, I want you to know that I do indeed love you, just the same as your amphibian brothers. *cough cough I love you more cough cough*
Oh boy 13 comments
· 3 years ago
You must also take care of an immortal, immoral goose.
I wish to speak all languages I've heard fluently.
Edited 3 years ago
I wish to speak all languages I've heard fluently.
This post is broken, it doesn't need a title 4 comments
· 3 years ago
unfortunately pi is the relationship between the diameter and the circumference. not much we can do to change it, especially since it has been proven time and time again. but I *guess* its a nice try?
Who said regular Waldo won't stab you? 15 comments
· 3 years ago
the best part is, the needle will always be found eventually! The only difference is whether or not that find was voluntary!
Who said regular Waldo won't stab you? 15 comments
· 3 years ago
the best part is, the needle will always be found eventually! The only difference is whether or not that find was voluntary!
Amazing milestone for womenkind 9 comments
· 5 years ago
The difference between sexes are hormones and body structure.(as in the elasticity of body tissue and added parts)
Females have estrogen, males have testosterone.
I think It’s great that people can identify as the opposite gender but identifying and physically being are different.
Females have estrogen, males have testosterone.
I think It’s great that people can identify as the opposite gender but identifying and physically being are different.
Problem solved 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I always saw black and blue, but I thought it was cool when I inverted the colors on my screen and saw clearly white and gold.
How to spell "Cumberbatch" 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I just now realized that my middle school science teacher used this for checking multiple choice test corrections. She was making a huge reference to Cumberbatch.
Just something I found while browsing 23 comments
· 9 years ago
I think that all cracks are beautiful, because you can put them back together to make it more beautiful and stronger, like mending cracks of china with gold or silver.
Easy way to do the dishes 9 comments
· 10 years ago
If you are going to do anything with food and foil, the dull side is where you want the food to make contact with. The shiny side has chemicals that you don't want in your body.