
Why are you reading this?

— CDB Report User
Hail Satan is my safeword 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 50 weeks ago
It’s kinda funny how there’s “praying” for an Atheist kekw
My wife painted the Joker! 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Reese with a spoon 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
lol nice
needTheHTMLToDollarConverter 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Glitch. It's trying to make a table, but I don't think it can display it, so it just shows as code
1 · Edited 51 weeks ago
[OC] Tokyo Tower in the rain 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
I believe this is Zojo-ji Temple
1 · Edited 51 weeks ago
It's not wrong 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Oh I missed that bit
It's not wrong 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Who do you think is getting wooshed here?
Because as far as I’m aware there’s only one definition of a solar system so I’m pretty sure the meme is a joke
Staring at this for too long. I’d have been killed. 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Finally saw it. Mind, it’s the colour of the grass
It's not wrong 9 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Solar system? Like... the system that revolves around *one* star?
If your username is "fish ***er" you got some explaining to do 8 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Gotta go thru puberty again. Dang
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
I honestly think you went on a tangent towards the end there. Bringing it back to the original post, this person is asking reddit how they should feel. They are confused and uncomfortable. I understand that we should accept what we cannot control, but acceptance is very difficult for most subjects and people. As you touched on, we are raised in an environment that puts natural things (nudity and sex) as something to hide. That is the society as a whole that we live in and it’s not going to change so easily. I myself find it easy to move on, but I know people who don’t. I appreciate the apology and clarification but it’s too little too late. I’m sure you weren’t out of energy at the first post.
2 · Edited 51 weeks ago
I genuinely can't imagine what it feels like 6 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Stubbing your toe, or getting a splinter
But it honestly depends on proportion to your total HP.
Losing 1HP at 10HP max will be much different
1 · Edited 51 weeks ago
Kirby just did what?! 5 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
The power to never finish a personal project 8’)
5 · Edited 51 weeks ago
That son of a bïtch 17 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Have you considered that maybe people have different opinions on the level of exhibitionism their parents have? It’s definitely one thing to know your parents have sex and that other people also know due to having children or such, but being close to someone posting online… a lot of people are raised to consider porn impure or even immoral, and to have your parents, the people closest to you, do that…
Basically what I’m saying is respect other peoples opinions in turn.
You say “expanding any degree of thought into your parents sex lives is creepy and gross” well what if that was thrust upon you by the internet? And if people discover that and continually bring it up in your presence?
This is why they are uncomfortable. They can’t “just get over it”
4 · Edited 51 weeks ago
Don't want to eat no upside down peas 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Their shadows are inconsistent with the rest of the image
What a nice elephant 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Jesus fuck
I’m mad 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
The movie woulda still happened if she turned her phone to airplane mode.
I passed 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
At that point that's just regurgitating alcohol into the machine.
Like they are the same 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
Yeah but he’s in spaaaaaace
Shouldn't have done it 1 comments
creativedragonbaby · 51 weeks ago
You’re getting a boyfriend instead. Congrats
He awaits in the glass of milk for the cookies to draw close 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Pretty sure it's just so he can see over the counter to get the cookies. Mans is short
Just 5 more minutes please 2 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Everyone knows you gotta sleep for 7-8 hours, but not many people realise sleep quality is also important.
That and the importance of routine.
We are all guilty. Even the ladies 18 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
I’m pretty sure Minority Report touches on this lmao
We are all guilty. Even the ladies 18 comments
creativedragonbaby · 1 year ago
Jfc your mind is supposed to be the one place you can have true privacy. Can't even think without being cancelled