Successful people who have messy desks 5 comments
· 8 years ago
I used to keep a messy desk. Papers and stuff. But I had a coworker who liked to hide half-eaten candy in her files for later. The day a waterbug came from her little space and ran into the paperwork all over my desk was the day I developed instantaneous organization skills.
Ignorance Has No Color 31 comments
· 8 years ago
Here is the problem: there are douchenuggets on both sides. Both groups protect their douchenuggets while demanding the other group denounce theirs. That being said, US District Attorneys and lawmakers are often the biggest culprits, looking to make examples of as many people as possible so they can look "tough on crime" and keep being reelected. They tend to weaponize police by pushing for more convictions and harsher categories for offences, leaving the cops stuck enforcing sometimes stupid laws. Then the cops are the ones who feel the push back from the same citizenry who elected the lawmakers, so yeah, they're eventually going to get pissy about it. Yeah, they're going to get tired of getting death threats for telling you to stop loitering there. Yeah, some are going to start pushing back on the community. So yes, be polite to police officers. But also speak up against lawmakers and get changes made.
MERICAAA 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Not in all states, actually, all the ballots are different and some don't allow write ins. And while I think Gary Johnson is on all state ballots this election Jill Stein isn't, so for some people the choice of "whoever you want" isn't available.
Since when does Hillary Clinton have a snapchat?? 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes, I can see how an audience of 50+-somethings would see that geriatric group pic on snapchat and think "now there's a lady with sass."
No p*do at all, just a thought 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Grade 3th. Did anybody else read that as a really screwed up "3rd" with a lisp?
So we finally meet 2 comments
· 8 years ago
If I don't let you over it's because you're doing something douchey like not using a blinker or trying to go more than half a car length past the end of a merge to get a few cars ahead. Go ahead and look at me when you're next to me, I will stare you down.
Also taste good 10 comments
Think about it 81 comments
· 8 years ago
Well, if they haven't died yet they probably won't. They're not going to suddenly give up modern science because they're vegan. And honestly, under most of the same conditions that would kill off vegans, meat eaters would die too since the main scenario for thay is either "holy shit asteroid" or "holy shit plague."
Think about it 81 comments
· 8 years ago
That's not really true. Humans haven't stopped evolving, for one. Evolution is a change or adaption in a group over time, this is continuing. What usually happens is that a change in the environment quickly kills off all but a certain adaption, leading to dead ends. But, with medicine and technology keeping so many more adaptations alive, we may eventually branch out into multiple surviving lines/multiple species (millions of years from now).
I really want to watch this movie now 27 comments
· 8 years ago
I was not a crazy fan, but liked the books too! You just had to go into them remembering that they were aimed at young girls who were looking for a romance novel, and who wanted a love fantasy. I think too many people judged them against both reality and against books aimed at a different audience. The writing also isn't as terrible as some people say, it's just much more linear and focused on the main couple than books that delve into side characters more.
Children in Africa could have eaten that bread. Oh wait... (The bread wedding) 21 comments
· 8 years ago
If they didn't have a bonfire where the best man could hold a slice and announce "I'd like to make a toast" then they still wasted everyone's time.
Injustice on the other side 21 comments
· 8 years ago
Did this say evidence was hidden? That bullshit comes out way too often in appeals, the penalty for hiding evidence should be be the stocks.
0_0 4 comments
· 8 years ago
This. Or, depending how big the pieces, it can also be put in hot water to defrost.
The whitest photo 17 comments
· 8 years ago
No. These people have seen sunlight and are tan. Also, I see no Uggs or Starbucks.
All my female friends nowadays 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Yup. Because Pinterest is a hobby. Hobbies need materials and materials are expensive.
We gonna let it burn burn burn burn 26 comments
· 8 years ago
No, I don't agree. As I said, they're not saying "this asshole should burn." They aren't reacting to a woman burning a man, they're responding to a victim setting a rapist on fire. They aren't commenting on this specific rapist. They are rhetorically repeating society's common response to a rape victim to ironically point out how stupid it sounds when applied to a victim of another crime. Do you read Swift and say "if there were more rich people starving his reaction would be different" too? Because I'm getting the feeling you're not good at understanding abstract.
Never go full retard like this guy 79 comments
We gonna let it burn burn burn burn 26 comments
· 8 years ago
Sorry. It's lunch time and I'm hangry and Taco Bell doesn't deliver here.
We gonna let it burn burn burn burn 26 comments
· 8 years ago
This post isn't saying the man actually deserved it, or not giving the man any sympathy. It's pointing out that a human being was attacked/hurt, and demonstrating how ridiculous these responses to a victim are. This thread is made up of satirical responses making fun of society's reaponses to victims, not making fun of this victim. They are not supporting setting rapists on fire or saying this guy deserved it, you low functioning twit.
Never go full retard like this guy 79 comments
Black is the only color 7 comments
Why girls? Please explain 12 comments
· 8 years ago
As long as you don't ask questions about my googled questions screenshots, sure, go ahead and look at my phone.
Critisize 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Unfortunately, a lot of really shitty people occasionally say things that are still reasonable or worth pondering philosophically.
Hello Matt 43 comments
· 8 years ago
By this logic, because there are mass shooters all gun ownership advocates support murder. BLM has had a ton of peaceful protests all over the US that weren't televised because there were no issues, this writer is cherry picking in the same way people cherry pick when they focus only on bad cops and ignore good ones.