

— DarkSnow Report User
wow 18 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
wow 18 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
22nd March... *Cries*
This is the most British headline I have ever seen 11 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
It was a news story on national radio...
· Edited 8 years ago
as an american i understood nothing 13 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Its English as us natives speak it
4 · Edited 8 years ago
This restaurant had Heinz mustard and French's ketchup 15 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
But most places I know will just buy all their condiments from the same company (if possible), to make it easier for them.
This restaurant had Heinz mustard and French's ketchup 15 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
You don't have to be from the US... There's not an issue, it's just odd that their mustard and ketchup are from different companies.
United States of America 27 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Still more of a name than the United Kingdom. I mean at least you guys have the 'America' part, we're just a kingdom, which was formed by smaller states uniting (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
This restaurant had Heinz mustard and French's ketchup 15 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Maybe they're just changed to French's, but still had Heinz mustard left over as it used less than the ketchup.
View from the shower in a condo in downtown Chicago 7 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
While the poor in the slums of Chicago are shot dead in their homes, the class divide there is appalling and once of the worst in such a large city.
A microbiological culture of an 8-Year old's handprint after playing outside 14 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Actually sometimes being exposed to nuts TOO young can cause allergies, but I understand what you're saying, children should be exposed to a large variety of food items etc to build tolerance.
Day 467 of your daily dose of cute: Thanks cute jelly fish 4 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Ikr, I mean its not even funny
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
By calling it "fucking with the language", you're implying that you doing are soing something negative (it's a harsh phrase), if we didn't "fuck with the language" as you call it, we would never have any new words and would be speaking like cavemen still.
Also read this page on Wikipedia reliability: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reliability_of_Wikipedia#
(I know there's a certain irony in using a Wikipedia page, but they're unbiased unlike most media sources or other online journals or encyclopedias.)
· Edited 8 years ago
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
It's not "fucking with the language", it's adapting to the changing times and attitude. Language isn't constant anyway, it changes and evolves with the society around it. Also, Wikipedia has been proven to be much more accurate than many 'official' scientific websites etc. due to it's large number to experienced and dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to make it the best site out there, don't disregard it as a credible source.
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Sometime it's better not to be specific because calling them 'him' would be incorrect and again their desired pronoun choice, but if you called them 'she' there will be people who complain that they are actually a man, which is complete and utter bullshit. The point of gender neutral pronouns is not to confuse people, but to respect the individual views of people and to sometimes just to agree to disagree and stop large arguments, such as this one.
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Well, from his facial expressions in the first three frames, we can conclude that he is most probably making these remarks in a sarcastic and teasing way, judging by the way he also appears to be shouting it. In contrast, he is drawn to look very surprised in the fourth frame, which he wouldn't be if he was always supportive as he would have already seen this changing coming to his friend. In conclusion, your theory is possible, but there is evidence beyond reasonable doubt that he is in fact judging his friend on their choices and holding it against them.
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Gender dysphoria isn't contagious, if someone identifies as transgender after hearing about it or seeing others who are transgender, they are either doing it for attention (which is sad but sometimes true) or more likely they have finally realised how to express their feelings which they have been told are 'wrong'. A lot of transgender people have never fitted in at any point of their life, but never really realised what the missing piece of the jigsaw is. Besides many people wouldn't even class it as a 'disorder', just a variation to the norm.
4 · Edited 8 years ago
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
IKR. The point is that 'them' has two meanings, one is as a plural pronoun, the other is when referring to someone non-gender specifically. It has become used as a singular pronoun now, that's not "fucking with the language", that's a fact. Read up and learn to differ from your tradition and ignorant views: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they#Trend_to_gender-neutral_language_from_the_20th_century
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Explain to me why it's worse, pronouns are based on gender and not sex. Besides, how would a gender neutral pronoun even be worse?
3 · Edited 8 years ago
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
I don't see why you are so insistant on referring to them using male pronouns, they are clearly transgender, which means female pronouns are the most appropriate to be used. Respect their opinion of who the feel like they are and don't judge them on looks, stereotypes or genes.
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
*her - If someone wants to be accepted as transgender or transsexual, respect their decision. Who are you to decide who they are, maybe you should rethink about who you are and then return. I find it all to common in the modern society that people neglect and deny the wish of people in the LGBT spectrum, even some of my own family reject my sexuality and the fact that I'm transgender. Maybe you should look at these ignorant people and learn what to not do, learn to respect the choice of other people and learn not to force your binary beliefs onto us.
Nice 59 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
It's not disgusting, it's beautiful. It's someone being who they really want to be and not listening to what others say, if you are really so disturbed by it then you should just learn to embrace people for who they are. You don't have to be pansexual to agree with this and if you disagree, then you are the truly disgusting one.
They were not wrong 19 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Sorry, did you just cite the Daily Mail, I mean they're not exactly the best news source, even if they were true for once.
Logic 12 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
It's quicker and easier to make pizzas circular than square. The boxes are square for the same reason, it's easier to make and also easier to transport.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
maybe he's born with it..... 4 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
Now that's setting unrealistic standards.
Good Guy Kylo Ren (No spoilers) 8 comments
darksnow · 8 years ago
As he was still a shiny, it is possible that he did do sanitation work in his spare time (his chore if you like), but he wouldn't have only worked there. It's actually a reference to the film Clerks by Kevin Smith, where the two lead characters have a conversation about Return of the Jedi and the destruction of the Death Star. The argument stems from the idea that since Stormtroopers wouldn’t be capable of doing something as trivial as installing a toilet that the Empire would be forced to hire outside contractors to do the job. This is most likely where the reference is from as Smith is a good friends of Abrams.