The reason I collect spinning tops, standing 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Thank you both!
The reason I collect spinning tops, standing 4 comments
· 2 years ago
What does this mean? I don't understand the title or what I'm looking at. I can see the base is a top. That's all I understand :(
That one dilbert episode 24 comments
· 2 years ago
Awesome, but one point. The only state I've worked with that wouldn't let a company 'erase' (versus pay out) vacation is California. Clearing out a balance at anniversary is pretty brutal, though; it speaks 100% to your point about understanding policy as way of evaluating if it's a good work environment.
That one dilbert episode 24 comments
· 2 years ago
I sympathize with the heartache, though. That kind of thing hurts when you realize you were mistaken. You can figure out a way to make time away happen. Let the frustration wash over you and percolate and a solution will eventually bubble out so you can have the thing you want.
That one dilbert episode 24 comments
· 2 years ago
Okay, but what you are trying to do is very specifically what business is not allowing. Like, the EXACT THING you want to do is what they don't want you doing. You can't be gone for long periods. I will say most jobs have 2-5 weeks paid vacation off a year, but maybe some jobs only have a few days, so perhaps OP is just trying to save up a couple of weeks. But a couple of months? No, no, the caps are so you can't do that. A lot of companies (especially IT) will do PTO payouts. If you're above a certain amount of hours, you can just cash out once a year.
Rollercoaster 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Me doing house chores with ADD just forgetting tasks and starting different ones until I accidently complete the ones I had planned to do.
Probably should stop dating the girlfriend and start dating the brother now 15 comments
· 2 years ago
I have a friend who is neither ADD or on the spectrum. She's just incredibly creative. So she goes down knowledge rabbit holes and is always excited to talk about her passions or other people's, but of course feels like she has to dial back most of the time. That could OP's situation.
On a bit of a downer side note (and not related to what I said above), I understand the harm in toxic positivity and framing, but othering' ppl instead of 'normalizing' them does tend to make "normal" people wonder if they are weird.
On a bit of a downer side note (and not related to what I said above), I understand the harm in toxic positivity and framing, but othering' ppl instead of 'normalizing' them does tend to make "normal" people wonder if they are weird.
I think I may be a cat 2 comments
· 2 years ago
See, this is why I can never be mad at cats. They are the most reasonable of creatures.
They are willing to vibe with you pretty often, really. They're fuzzy and patient. It's awesome having a cat around.
(Side note: They embody 'don't start none, won't be none'. I don't want to be picked up or touched against my will, either. All their motivations make total sense to me.)
They are willing to vibe with you pretty often, really. They're fuzzy and patient. It's awesome having a cat around.
(Side note: They embody 'don't start none, won't be none'. I don't want to be picked up or touched against my will, either. All their motivations make total sense to me.)
Is it the Umbrella corporation? 7 comments
· 2 years ago
I'm not a scientist but isn't turning a group of cells into stem cells bad? I know they get their signals of what to become from where they are, but like, what if all the area got sprayed? Would it be confused? Or like, because it's surface, it would be okay since the deeper area knows it's skin? I know this is a dumb question but I'm being serious.
Be educated 7 comments
· 2 years ago
I dunno. I feel like if history was taught more accurately, ppl would be better able to grapple with being non-important. Since history is taught badly, certain types of ppl think their ancestors or group did more by themselves than they did. They can't reconcile why their lives aren't awesome. Similarly if basic logic and certain historic conspiracies that fell apart were thoroughly explained, ppl would have a better sense of what humans can and can't do (hint: we're terrible at the large scale conspiracies anti-vaxxers, anti-science and anti-government ppl see everywhere.)
This sign on a furniture store window 3 comments
· 2 years ago
I get the joke BUT. The thing that really sells it is the slight peeling of the 'caution automatic door's sign. It looks like subtle world building in an actual film. Perfection.
The founding fathers 22 comments
· 2 years ago
The second amendment exists to ensure that your family doesn't get raped without consequences. It's literally - its not about having noisy toys.
Silly Fedboy thinking he can stop them 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Alcohol wasnt illegal, fully. The goal was to cut down on the number of families who were getting beaten and starved because the sole provider was drinking it away. A lot of better solutions were available, but hey, they all required changes to the one person who had full rights being able to drink away the only money available and beat up other smaller people with impunity. And THAT was an impossible ask.
As if 3 comments
· 3 years ago
I think also it's fair to say "experience" instead of "ability". People with highly limited knowledge of executing against something are bad at it, and don't know they are bad at it.
Related tangent? I heard someone (different context) break down the problem this way, talking about surgery skills - Step 1: high confidence, low competence. Step 2: low confidence, low competence. Step 3: higher competence, low confidence Step 4: high competence, high confidence. That is the proficiency curve.
The Dunning-Krueger effect has clarified so many things to me since Iearned about it. I'm grateful for it. Thanks for the post.
Related tangent? I heard someone (different context) break down the problem this way, talking about surgery skills - Step 1: high confidence, low competence. Step 2: low confidence, low competence. Step 3: higher competence, low confidence Step 4: high competence, high confidence. That is the proficiency curve.
The Dunning-Krueger effect has clarified so many things to me since Iearned about it. I'm grateful for it. Thanks for the post.
People just aren't all that interresting. 2 comments
· 3 years ago
It's not about whether people are interesting. It's just how it is with ADD. I feel vv seen by the post and not so much by the title. The less time spent coming up with a narrative relating to people for what is going on when your natural state is checked out, the better. If the person who made this post is neurotypical, good on you but you're not catching the full picture.
Aww shit! 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Yeah, new variant of virus dropped just as the new year came. I feel like that was our only spoiler warning for how 2021 will be.
OOF got her 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Also? Not a good comeback, bro. So no, no murder
Just the empty hole where your brain should be.
Just the empty hole where your brain should be.
OOF got her 2 comments
· 4 years ago
Ohh my word
The expectation that this woman will spend time and emotional labor interacting with men who are proud of trolling - it's just too real. Sending sad but heartfelt vibes her way. Maybe one day it won't be seen as automatically a woman's job to engage with P.O.S. to the point that morons blow right past the effort and audacity to post what they *label* as clever. It's like being attacked by lilliputians all the time, I swear. It's such a lovely dream that one day humanity will grow tf up.
Edited 4 years ago
The expectation that this woman will spend time and emotional labor interacting with men who are proud of trolling - it's just too real. Sending sad but heartfelt vibes her way. Maybe one day it won't be seen as automatically a woman's job to engage with P.O.S. to the point that morons blow right past the effort and audacity to post what they *label* as clever. It's like being attacked by lilliputians all the time, I swear. It's such a lovely dream that one day humanity will grow tf up.
Don't be upset before you've seen it 5 comments
· 4 years ago
She was great in 'Fighting with My Family'. She was dark haired in it, also.