You'd probably still bonk him eh 3 comments
· 3 years ago
I can see him act as the Grinch
"trust me bro" 1 comments
· 3 years ago
If Pyrrhus was a better general and Carthage actually supported Hannibal then there would be no Roman Republic and Then Empire. Just Rome.
Punch card muggings 18 comments
· 3 years ago
If you no longer trust or have confidence in your laws, which is the medium by which your government and your president, President Biden, who was elected by you the people, to govern you; then why are you still allowing your government to... govern you :/
Punch card muggings 18 comments
· 3 years ago
It would seem that way for the majority of you in the west, but if your laws work as intended in this case, working or serving it's function enough that it would deter the greater majority of the people from stealing, then cases of robbery and theft would be minor. Law is giving a semblance of order in an otherwise chaotic society.
Robbery and Theft exist in Japan and Singapore, and these countries are very peaceful, but you don't see robbery and theft so prolific, like L.A, in places like Tokyo, Singapore, Yokohama, Osaka etc. Do you?
If the laws are not working and the people enforcing those laws are corrupt then it is the people who is at fault for letting these acts of tyranny exist for they are not taking measures to prevent them or holding the people accountable. Your rights then would only exist on paper.
Robbery and Theft exist in Japan and Singapore, and these countries are very peaceful, but you don't see robbery and theft so prolific, like L.A, in places like Tokyo, Singapore, Yokohama, Osaka etc. Do you?
If the laws are not working and the people enforcing those laws are corrupt then it is the people who is at fault for letting these acts of tyranny exist for they are not taking measures to prevent them or holding the people accountable. Your rights then would only exist on paper.
Punch card muggings 18 comments
· 3 years ago
Yes, that is the norm in every place in the world. But I do agree that leaving valuables in your car is leaving you open to the possibility that you're going to get robbed. Better safe than sorry. Also if your laws work as they are intended, with police enforcing those laws as they are meant, then robbery shouldn't be a problem and we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Punch card muggings 18 comments
· 3 years ago
I live in a literal "Third World Country", but when I leave valuables in my car, they don't get stolen.
The floor is delicious 16 comments
· 3 years ago
The Media tells us the news, we listen, but we should not just listen. We need to be critical in the News they provide for there is a chance that what they are saying is not always right. Now I'm not advocating people to not listen to other people and drink lava because it's honestly silly and an insult to human intelligence to even consider drinking it when animals of lower intelligence don't.
I don't understand how this site has become a sort of battle ground for Ideological and Political belief in the months that I was gone; from an outsiders point of view it is clear that both parties have tangible problems, and are hypocritical at times, yet people still support them and do not hold them accountable. Why?
I don't understand how this site has become a sort of battle ground for Ideological and Political belief in the months that I was gone; from an outsiders point of view it is clear that both parties have tangible problems, and are hypocritical at times, yet people still support them and do not hold them accountable. Why?
Two weeks to slow the spread 13 comments
· 3 years ago
An Australian friend of mine said that the current problem with Australia is not that most of the people are descendants of prisoners, but that so many are descendants of prison guards.
Futureproof 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah, I've painfully learned that five months back. Luckily though, we live in a pretty remote area and all we really need is someone to install a windmill strong enough to survive a hurricane every year.
Edited 3 years ago
China: Build a wall! 9 comments
· 3 years ago
Yo go watch wow_mao's video "I CAN BE WAY MORE RACIST THAN YOU" funniest shit I've ever watched this year lmao.
Context: A Lebanese man debated a random western man and the random guy went blatantly racist. The Lebanese man was having none of that and went off on him.
Context: A Lebanese man debated a random western man and the random guy went blatantly racist. The Lebanese man was having none of that and went off on him.
Futureproof 3 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm all for going green, I even have solar panels installed in our house to save energy, but it was stupid of them to shut the nuclear power plants before having sustainable green energy.
I'm to smart for .. Oooooh books!! 2 comments
· 3 years ago
What kind of books though? Cause if half the books are those raunchy fantasy smut books, with the muscular half naked men for covers, that looks like it was written by 40 year old singles then I'm not going in.
Edited 3 years ago
I pledge allegiance to big pharma 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Big pharma is crazy rich, there's a 1 minute compilation of every news network sponsored by them on youtube, like wow.
I think I've just had an inkling as to why Americans don't like the media 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah, the forms of propaganda is crazy there. I only just sifted through the surface of the news and this is what I ended up seeing. If American liberty is lost, the others will; just like British Colonialism when India became independent, the others followed.
I think I've just had an inkling as to why Americans don't like the media 5 comments
· 3 years ago
I'd like to add that it seems both sides of the political spectrum of America do this. You people are being divided and distracted from something great and destructive.
Komorebi - Sunlight filtering through trees 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Even better when it's near a river or lake. You could sit down and watch the water shimmer for hours and just let all the stress of life flow out of you.
I guess it ends with me huh 4 comments
· 3 years ago
I just feel that I'm not mentally and emotionally fit being a parent.
So there's actually people out there who aren't able to visualize imagery 10 comments
· 3 years ago
This condition could partially explain introverts and extroverts. As from what I've read, people with Aphantasia can't enjoy reading the way people who don't have it and are more out going. In extreme cases people just don't think or the thoughts just pass through their mind in a flash. People with Aphantasia are the kind of people who go to job interviews but can't visualize and think of the likely scenarios by which the interview will progress too and have to practice in front of a mirror.
So there's actually people out there who aren't able to visualize imagery 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Aphantasia - Condition where one does not possess a functioning mind's eye and cannot voluntarily visualize imagery. The lack of an inner monologue has been linked to a condition called aphantasia — sometimes called "blindness of the mind's eye." People who experience aphantasia don't experience visualizations in their mind; they can't mentally picture their bedroom or their mother's face.
This is shocking to me, I cannot fathom how I could survive without my inner voice, it's what keeps me sane.
This is shocking to me, I cannot fathom how I could survive without my inner voice, it's what keeps me sane.
That's a nice duck 5 comments
Fair trade 4 comments
· 3 years ago
I just recently watched a Youtuber do a Video about this. Search up "Tayo Aina" and his video "The Shocking Truth About Nigeria’s Slave Trade History!".
Also, I would like to say that when reading a topic such as slavery, we need to be transparent in our thinking and have a neutral state of mind. Because at one point in history our ancestors might have been slaves but their distant cousins or relatives might have been slave owners.
Also, I would like to say that when reading a topic such as slavery, we need to be transparent in our thinking and have a neutral state of mind. Because at one point in history our ancestors might have been slaves but their distant cousins or relatives might have been slave owners.
Ah, paradoxes. Aren’t they fun? 10 comments
· 3 years ago
My take from this is that it is no longer The Ship of Theseus, but The Ships of Theseus #1 and #2.
Edited 3 years ago
Kapre [MythologicalSubstance] 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Ayy, a monster from my Country. I actually have a theory how this monster came about; I think the locals of that time saw Spanish soldiers smoking in the woods and mistook them for Monsters. They were pretty tall compared to the indigenous people and coupled with the beard, that they likely grew from the days of travel from Spain to the Philippines, and body hair that European have, made them look very hairy.