I'd like to add that it seems both sides of the political spectrum of America do this. You people are being divided and distracted from something great and destructive.
There are people who make comparisons between Nazi Germany and forcing people to get vaccinated. Canadian news outlets declared these comparisons an example of HATRED AND DISCRIMINATION TOWARDS JEWISH PEOPLE.
Meanwhile Austria compared the unvaccinated to a Nazi known as the angel of death.
Australia declared an unvaccinated man as public enemy number 1.
Iirc New Zealand's government/media did some extremely shady bordering on fascist shit back when there was a shooting in that country
Scotland literally wants children to report their parents for dissenting opinions. Granted, that's government, not media, but I'm fairly certain their media is corrupt or censored as well
It's happening everywhere. America is just the most terrifying because of how much there is to lose
Yeah, the forms of propaganda is crazy there. I only just sifted through the surface of the news and this is what I ended up seeing. If American liberty is lost, the others will; just like British Colonialism when India became independent, the others followed.
They're trying very hard.
Hell, the government of the United States came out on more than one occasion to declare Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist. And you can say what you want about what you think the verdict of that trial should have been, there was never any evidence Rittenhouse was a white supremacist.
It's insane. The media has no call to the truth anymore. No one keeps them in check. They're just propaganda machines.
Meanwhile Project Veritas, one of he few groups that seems to offer untampered footage (as far as I can tell) was raided by the FBI.
The people this afraid of the truth should never be the ones in positions of any kind of power
Meanwhile Austria compared the unvaccinated to a Nazi known as the angel of death.
Australia declared an unvaccinated man as public enemy number 1.
Iirc New Zealand's government/media did some extremely shady bordering on fascist shit back when there was a shooting in that country
Scotland literally wants children to report their parents for dissenting opinions. Granted, that's government, not media, but I'm fairly certain their media is corrupt or censored as well
It's happening everywhere. America is just the most terrifying because of how much there is to lose
Hell, the government of the United States came out on more than one occasion to declare Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist. And you can say what you want about what you think the verdict of that trial should have been, there was never any evidence Rittenhouse was a white supremacist.
It's insane. The media has no call to the truth anymore. No one keeps them in check. They're just propaganda machines.
Meanwhile Project Veritas, one of he few groups that seems to offer untampered footage (as far as I can tell) was raided by the FBI.
The people this afraid of the truth should never be the ones in positions of any kind of power